- Babe in Boyland by Jodi Gehrman - ★★★½
- Balanced on the Blade's Edge (Dragon Blood #1) by Lindsay Buroker - ★★½
- Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (The Hunger Games #0) by Suzanne Collins - ★
- Be Not Far From Me by Mindy McGinnis - ★★★★½
- Beastly (Kendra Chronicles #1) by Alex Flinn - ★★★★
- Beasts of the Frozen Sun (Frozen Sun Saga #1) by Jill Criswell - ★★½
- Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful #1) by Jamie McGuire - ★★★★
- Beautiful Friendship, A (Stephanie Harrington #1) by David Weber - ★★★★½
- Beauty in the Beast by Christine Danse - ★★★★
- Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver - ★★★★★
- Before She Ignites (The Fallen Isles #1) by Jodi Meadows - ★
- Bell Jar, The by Sylvia Plath - ★★
- Belladonna (Belladonna #1) by Adalyn Grace - ★★★★½
- Between Seasons by Aida Brassington - ★★★★
- Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (Between #1) by April Genevieve Tucholke - ★½
- Between the Lines (Between the Lines #1) by Jodi Picoult - ★★★★
- Between the Sea and Sky by Jaclyn Dolamore - DNF
- Beyond a Darkened Shore by Jessica Leake - ★★★
- Beyond the Red (Beyond the Red #1) by Ava Jae - ★★★
- Bird Box by Josh Malerman - ★★★½
- Bird and the Sword, The (The Bird and the Sword Chronicles #1) by Amy Harmon - ★★½
- Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick - ★★
- Black Tide by K.C. Jones - ★★★★
- Blackbird (Blackbird Duology #1) by Anna Carey - ★★★½
- Blood & Honey (Serpent & Dove #2) by Shelby Mahurin - ★★★½
- Blood Circus by Camila Victoire - ★★★★
- Blood Red Road (Dust Lands #1) by Moira Young - ★★★★★
- Blood Scion (Blood Scion #1) by Deborah Falaye - ★★
- Blood Trials, The (The Blood Gift Duology #1) by N.E. Davenport - ★★★★
- Blood, Ink & Fire by Ashley Mansour - ★★
- Bloodlust (Nightshade #2) by Michelle Rowen - ★★★★★
- Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle #3) by Maggie Stiefvater - ★★★★½
- Body Electric, The by Beth Revis - ★★★★½
- Bone Houses, The by Emily Lloyd-Jones - ★★★★
- Bone Season, The (The Bone Season #1) by Samantha Shannon - ★★★★
- Bone Witch, The (The Bone Witch #1) by Rin Chupeco - ★★★
- Book That Wouldn't Burn, The (The Library Trilogy #1) by Mark Lawrence - ★★★
- Book Thief, The by Markus Zusak - ★★
- Book of Blood and Shadow, The by Robin Wasserman - ★★★
- Book of Ivy, The (The Book of Ivy #1) by Amy Engel - DNF
- Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls #1) by C.C. Hunter - ★★½
- Borne (Borne #1) by Jeff VanderMeer - ★★★½
- Bound by Blood and Sand by Becky Allen - ★★
- Bravely by Maggie Stiefvater - ★★½
- Breathe (Breathe #1) by Sarah Crossan - ★★★
- Briardark (Briardark #1) by S.A. Harian - ★★★½
- Broken (in the best possible way) by Jenny Lawson - ★★★★½
- DEV1AT3 (Lifelike #1) by Jay Kristoff - ★★★★★
- DUFF, The by Kody Keplinger - ★★★★½
- Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid - ★★½
- Damsel by Elana K. Arnold - ★★★½
- Dance With the Devil (Dark-Hunter #4) by Sherrilyn Kenyon - ★★★★
- Dangerous Path, A (Warriors #5) by Erin Hunter - ★★★★½
- Dark Age (Red Rising #5) by Pierce Brown - ★★★★★
- Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein, The by Kiersten White - ★
- Dark Kiss (Nightwatchers #1) by Michelle Rowen - ★★½
- Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood #1) by J.R. Ward - DNF
- Dark Theory (Dark Law #1) by Wick Welker - DNF
- Dark and Shallow Lies by Ginny Myers Sain - ★★★½
- Darkdawn (The Nevernight Chronicles #3) by Jay Kristoff - ★★★★★
- Darker Shade of Magic, A (A Darker Shade of Magic #1) by Victoria Schwab - ★★★★
- Darkest Hour, The (Warriors #6) by Erin Hunter - ★★★★★
- Darkest Legacy, The (The Darkest Minds #4) by Alexandra Bracken - ★★★★
- Darkest Minds, The (The Darkest Minds #1) by Alexandra Bracken - ★★★★★
- Darkest Part of the Forest, The by Holly Black - ★½
- Darkfever (Fever #1) by Karen Marie Moning - ★★★★★
- Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #1) by Laini Taylor - ★★★★★
- Daughter of the Pirate King (Daughter of the Pirate King #1) by Tricia Levenseller - ★★★
- Days of Blood and Starlight (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #2) by Laini Taylor - ★★★★★
- Dead Beautiful (Dead Beautiful #1) by Yvonne Woon - ★★★½
- Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes - ★★★★
- Dead Take the A Train, The (Carrion City #1) by Cassandra Khaw, Richard Kadrey - ★★★½
- Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse #1) by Charlaine Harris - ★
- Deadly Cool (Deadly Cool #1) by Gemma Halliday - ★★★★
- Dearly, Departed (Gone With the Respiration #1) by Lia Habel - ★★★½
- Death Sworn (Death Sworn #1) by Leah Cypess - ★½
- Deceivers, The (Vale Hall #1) by Kristen Simmons - ★★★★
- Deception (Defiance #2) by C.J. Redwine - ★★★★★
- Defiance (Defiance #1) by C.J. Redwine - ★★★★½
- Defy the Night (Defy the Night #1) by Brigid Kemmerer - ★★½
- Delirium (Delirium #1) by Lauren Oliver - ★★★★
- Deliverance (Defiance #3) by C.J. Redwine - ★★★★
- Demonglass (Hex Hall #2) by Rachel Hawkins - ★★★★½
- Depths, The by Nicole Lesperance - ★★★★
- Destroy Me (Shatter Me #1.5) by Tahereh Mafi - ★★★★★
- Devils Unto Dust by Emma Berquist - ★★★
- Diabolic, The (The Diabolic #1) by S.J. Kincaid - ★★★★½
- Die for Me (Revenants #1) by Amy Plum - ★
- Disasters, The by M.K. England - ★★★
- Disenchantments, The by Nina LaCour - ★★½
- Disruption (Disruption #1) by Jessica Shirvington - ★★★★½
- Divergent (Divergent #1) by Veronica Roth - ★★★★
- Divine Rivals (Iris at the Front #1) by Rebecca Ross - ★★★★
- Diviners, The (The Diviners #1) by Libba Bray - DNF
- Don't You Wish by Roxanne St. Claire - ★★★★★
- Doomed by Tracy Deebs - ★★★½
- Door in the Dark, A (Waxways #1) by Scott Reintgen - ★★½
- Dorothy Must Die (Dorothy Must Die #1) by Danielle Paige - ★★★½
- Dragon Republic, The (The Poppy War #2) by R.F. Kuang - ★★
- Dragon's Price, The (Transference #1) by Bethany Wiggins - ★★
- Dream Thieves, The (The Raven Cycle #2) by Maggie Stiefvater - ★★★★★
- Dreamland by Robert L. Anderson - ★★★½
- Dreams of Gods and Monsters (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #3) by Laini Taylor - ★★★★★
- Drowned Woods, The by Emily Lloyd-Jones - ★
- Dune (Dune #1) by Frank Herbert - ★
- Dustborn by Erin Bowman - ★★★★½
- Gallant by Victoria Schwab - ★★★
- Gambit (The Prodigy Chronicles) by C.L. Denault - ★★★
- Gathering of Shadows, A (A Darker Shade of Magic #2) by Victoria Schwab - ★★★½
- Gathering, The (Darkness Rising #1) by Kelley Armstrong - ★★★½
- Gearbreakers (Gearbreakers #1) by Zoe Hana Mikuta - ★★★
- Gemina (The Illuminae Files #2) by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman - ★★★★★
- Genesis Wars (The Infinity Courts #2) by Akemi Dawn Bowman - ★★★½
- Ghost Wood Song by Erica Waters - ★★★
- Gilded Ones, The (Deathless #1) by Namina Forna - ★★★★
- Girl King, The (The Girl King #1) by Mimi Yu - ★★
- Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea, The by Axie Oh - ★★★★★
- Girl at Midnight, The (The Girl at Midnight #1) by Melissa Grey - ★★★★★
- Girl of Fire and Thorns, The (Fire and Thorns #1) by Rae Carson - ★★½
- Girl of Nightmares (Anna #2) by Kendare Blake - ★★★
- Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust - ★★★★
- Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan - ★★★★½
- Give the Dark My Love (Give the Dark My Love #1) by Beth Revis - ★★★★½
- Giver, The (The Giver Quartet #1) by Lois Lowry - ★★★
- Glass Arrow, The by Kristen Simmons - ★★★★★
- Glimmer by Phoebe Kitanidis - ★★★★
- Glimmerglass (Faeriewalker #1) by Jenna Black - ★★★
- Glitch (Glitch #1) by Heather Anastasiu - ★★★½
- Goddess Test, The (Goddess Test #1) by Aimee Carter - ★★½
- Goddess in the Machine (Goddess in the Machine #1) by Lora Beth Johnson - ★★
- Godkiller (Godkiller #1) by Hannah Kaner - ★★★★
- Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia - DNF
- Godsgrave (The Nevernight Chronicle #2) by Jay Kristoff - ★★★★★
- Golden Compass, The (His Dark Materials #1) by Philip Pullman - ★★★
- Golden Son (Red Rising #2) by Pierce Brown - ★★★★
- Good Girl's Guide to Murder, A (A Good Girl's Guide to Murder #1) by Holly Jackson - ★★★★
- Good Girl, Bad Blood (A Good Girl's Guide to Murder #2) by Holly Jackson - ★★★★
- Grace Year, The by Kim Liggett - ★★★★
- Graceling (Graceling Realm #1) by Kristin Cashore - ★★★
- Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1) by Robin LaFevers - DNF
- Graystripe's Vow (Warriors Super Editions #13) by Erin Hunter - ★★★
- Greta and the Goblin King (Mylena Chronicles #1) by Chloe Jacobs - ★★★½
- Grim Lovelies by Megan Shepherd - ★★★
- Half Bad (Half Life Trilogy #1) by Sally Green - DNF
- Half Blood (Covenant #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout - ★★★★
- Hallowed Ones, The (The Hallowed Ones #1) by Laura Bickle - ★★★★½
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter #2) by J.K. Rowling - ★★★★½
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter #7) by J.K. Rowling - ★★★★★
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter #4) by J.K. Rowling - ★★★★
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter #6) by J.K. Rowling - ★★★★½
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter #5) by J.K. Rowling - ★★★★
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter #3) by J.K. Rowling - ★★★★½
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter #1) by J.K. Rowling - ★★★★½
- Hate U Give, The by Angie Thomas - ★★★★
- Hazel Wood, The (The Hazel Wood #1) by Melissa Albert - ★★★★
- Heart So Fierce and Broken, A (Cursebreakers #2) by Brigid Kemmerer - ★★★
- Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston - ★★★
- Heart of Shadow (Seven Swords #1) by Sarah K.L. Wilson - ★★★
- Heartless Hunter (Crimson Moth #1) by Kristen Ciccarelli - ★★★★½
- Hearts We Sold, The by Emily Lloyd-Jones - ★★★
- Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass #3) by Sarah J. Maas - ★★★½
- Hemlock (Hemlock #1) by Kathleen Peacock - ★★★★★
- Heretics Anonymous by Katie Henry - ★★★★
- Heroine by Mindy McGinnis - ★★★★
- Hex Hall (Hex Hall #1) by Rachel Hawkins - ★★★★½
- Hold Back the Tide by Melinda Salisbury - ★★★★½
- Hollow Places, The by T. Kingfisher - ★★★★★
- Honeys, The by Ryan La Sala - ★★★★
- Honor Among Thieves (The Honors #1) by Rachel Caine - ★★★★½
- Honor Bound (The Honors #2) by Rachel Caine - ★★★★½
- Honor Lost (The Honors #3) by Rachel Caine - ★★★★
- Hourglass (Hourglass #1) by Myra McEntire - ★★★★★
- House With Good Bones, A by T. Kingfisher - ★★★
- House in the Cerulean Sea, The by T.J. Klune - ★★★★½
- House of Dragons (House of Dragons #1) by Jessica Cluess - ★★★½
- House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland - ★★★★
- House of Ivy and Sorrow by Natalie Whipple - ★★★★½
- House of the Scorpion (Matteo Alacran #1) by Nancy Farmer - ★★
- How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu - ★★½
- How to Survive Your Murder by Danielle Valentine - ★★★½
- Hunger Games, The (The Hunger Games #1) by Suzanne Collins - ★★★★★
- Hunt, The (The Hunt #1) by Andrew Fukuda - ★★★½
- Hunt, The (Project Paper Doll #2) by Stacey Kade - ★★★½
- Hunt, The (The Cage #2) by Megan Shepherd - ★★★★
- Hunted by Meagan Spooner - ★★★★
- Hunter (Hunter #1) by Mercedes Lackey - ★★★★
- Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush #1) by Becca Fitzpatrick - ★★★★½
- I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1) by Barry Lyga - ★★★½
- Iced (Fever #6, Dani O'Malley #1) by Karen Marie Moning - ★★★★★
- If I Stay (If I Stay #1) by Gayle Forman - ★★★★½
- If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch - ★★★
- Ignite Me (Shatter Me #3) by Tahereh Mafi - ★★★★★
- Illuminae (The Illuminae Files #1) by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman - ★★★★★
- Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White - ★★★
- Immortal City (Immortal City #1) by Scott Speer - ★★★★½
- Immortal Rules, The (Blood of Eden #1) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- In Time (The Darkest Minds #1.5) by Alexandra Bracken - ★★★★½
- In a Handful of Dust (Not a Drop to Drink #2) by Mindy McGinnis - ★★★½
- In the After (In the After #1) by Demitria Lunetta - ★★★★½
- In the Afterlight (The Darkest Minds #3) by Alexandra Bracken - ★★★★★
- In the End (In the After #2) by Demitria Lunetta - ★★★★
- In the Lives of Puppets by T.J. Klune - ★★★★½
- Inbetween (Kissed by Death #1) by Tara Fuller - ★★★
- Incarnate (Newsoul #1) by Jodi Meadows - ★★★½
- Inferno (Talon #5) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- Infinite (Newsoul #3) by Jodi Meadows - ★★★★
- Infinite Sea, The (The Fifth Wave #2) by Rick Yancey - ★★★½
- Infinity Courts, The (The Infinity Courts #1) by Akemi Dawn Bowman - ★★★★½
- Infinity Gate, The (Darkglass Mountain #3) by Sara Douglass - ★★★★★
- Infinityglass (Hourglass #3) by Myra McEntire - ★★★★
- Inheritance Games (The Inheritance Games #1) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - ★★★
- Initial Insult, The (The Initial Insult #1) by Mindy McGinnis - ★★★★
- Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Törz - ★★★★★
- Insomnia (The Night Walkers #1) by J.R. Johansson - ★★½
- Insurgent (Divergent #2) by Veronica Roth - ★★★
- Into the Still Blue (Under the Never Sky #3) by Veronica Rossi - ★★★½
- Into the Wild (Warriors #1) by Erin Hunter - ★★★★
- Invaded (Alienated #2) by Melissa Landers - ★★★★
- Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, The ( ) by V.E. Schwab - ★★★½
- Invocations, The by Krystal Sutherland - ★★★★★
- Iron Gold (Red Rising #4) by Pierce Brown - ★★★★
- Iron King, The (The Iron Fey #1) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- Iron Knight, The (The Iron Fey #4) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- Iron Raven, The (The Iron Fey: Evenfall #1, The Iron Fey #8) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★½
- Iron Traitor, The (Call of the Forgotten #2) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- Iron Warrior, The (Call of the Forgotten #3) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- Iron Widow (Iron Widow #1) by Xiran Jay Zhao - ★★★★★
- Isles of the Gods, The (The Isles of the Gods #1) by Amie Kaufman - ★★★★
- It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover - ★★★★
- LIFEL1K3 (Lifelike #1) by Jay Kristoff - ★★★★★
- Last Laugh, The (The Initial Insult #2) by Mindy McGinnis -
- Last Namsara, The (Iskari #1) by Kristen Ciccarelli - ★★★★½
- Last Stormdancer, The (The Lotus War #0.6) by Jay Kristoff - ★★★★★
- Last Tale of the Flower Bride, The by Roshani Chokshi - ★★★★
- Legend (Legend #1) by Marie Lu - ★★★★½
- Legendary (Caraval #2) by Stephanie Garber - ★½
- Legendborn (Legendborn #1) by Tracy Deonn - ★★★
- Legends & Lattes (Legends & Lattes #1) by Travis Baldree - ★★★★
- Legion (Talon #4) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- Let the Sky Fall (Sky Fall #1) by Shannon Messenger - ★★★★
- Liar's Crown (Dominions #1) by Abigail Owen - ★★
- Liars, Inc. by Paula Stokes - ★★★★
- Lies Beneath (Lies Beneath #1) by Anne Greenwood Brown - ★★★
- Life After Theft by Aprilynn Pike - ★★½
- Light Bringer (Red Rising #6) by Pierce Brown - ★★★★★
- Like a River Glorious (The Gold Seer Trilogy #2) by Rae Carson - ★★★★
- Linger (Wolves of Mercy Falls #2) by Maggie Stiefvater - ★★★★
- Little Thieves (Little Thieves #1) by Margaret Owen - ★★★★★
- Lockdown (Escape From Furnace #1) by Alexander Gordon Smith - ★★★★½
- Long Stretch of Bad Days, A by Mindy McGinnis - ★★★★
- Lore by Alexandra Bracken - ★★★
- Lost Girl, The by Sangu Mandanna - ★★★★½
- Lost Prince, The (Call of the Forgotten #1) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- Love and Leftovers by Sarah Tregay - ★★★★
- Lovely War, The by Julie Berry - ★★★½
- Lovely and the Lost, The by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - ★★★
- Luminaries, The (The Luminaries #1) by Susan Dennard - ★★
- Madness So Discreet, A by Mindy McGinnis - ★★★
- Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley - ★★★½
- Malice (The Faithful and the Fallen #1) by John Gwynne - ★★
- Man Called Ove, A by Fredrik Backman - ★★★★½
- Marked in Flesh (The Others #4) by Anne Bishop - ★★★★
- Masque of the Red Death (Masque of the Red Death #1) by Bethany Griffin - ★
- Matched (Matched #1) by Ally Condie - ★★½
- Memento (The Illuminae Files #0.5) by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman - ★★★★★
- Merciless Ones, The (Deathless #2) by Namina Forna - ★★½
- Metaltown by Kristen Simmons - ★★★★
- Midnight Library, The by Matt Haig - ★★★
- Mila 2.0 (Mila 2.0 #1) by Debra Driza - ★★★
- Million Suns, A (Across the Universe #2) by Beth Revis - ★★★★½
- Mind Games (Mind Games #1) by Kiersten White - ★★★★
- Mirage (Mirage #1) by Somaiya Daud - ★★★
- Mirror Mended, A (Fractured Fables #2) by Alix E. Harrow - ★★★
- Monster Calls, A by Patrick Ness - ★★½
- Monstrous Beauty by Elizabeth Fama - ★★½
- Monstrumologist, The (The Monstrumologist #1) by Rick Yancey - ★★★★
- Monument 14 (Monument 14 #1) by Emmy Laybourne - DNF
- Morning Star (Red Rising #3) by Pierce Brown - ★★★★
- Moth in the Mirror, The (Splintered #1.5) by A.G. Howard - ★★★★★
- Murder Complex, The (The Murder Complex #1) by Lindsay Cummings - ★★★½
- Murder of Crows (The Others #2) by Anne Bishop - ★★★★½
- Muse of Nightmares (Strange the Dreamer #2) by Laini Taylor - ★★★★★
- My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga - ★★★
- My Lady Jane by Jodi Meadows, Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton - ★★★★
- Mysteries of Thorn Manor (Sorcery of Thorns #1.5) by Margaret Rogerson - ★★★★
- Mystic City (Mystic City #1) by Theo Lawrence - ★★★½
- Name of the Wind, The (The Kingkiller Chronicles #1) by Patrick Rothfuss - DNF
- Need (Need #1) by Carrie Jones - ★★½
- Nemesis, The (The Diabolic #3) by S.J. Kincaid - ★★★★
- Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher - ★★★½
- Never Fade (The Darkest Minds #2) by Alexandra Bracken - ★★★★★
- Never King, The (Vicious Lost Boys #1) by Nikki St. Crowe - ★★★★
- Never Say Never (Never Knights) by Kailin Gow - ★★★
- Nevermore (Nevermore #1) by Kelly Creagh - ★★★½
- Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicles #1) by Jay Kristoff - ★★★★★
- Night Country, The (The Hazel Wood #2) by Melissa Albert - ★★★½
- Night Embrace (Dark-Hunter #3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon - ★★★½
- Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter #2) by Sherrilyn Kenyon - ★★★★
- Night Shift by Alex Finlay - ★★★
- Night Swim, The (Rachel Krall #1) by Megan Goldin - ★★★★
- Night of Cake and Puppets (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #2.5) by Laini Taylor - ★★★★★
- Night of the Dragon (Shadow of the Fox #3) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- Nightmare Affair, The (The Arkwell Academy #1) by Mindee Arnett - ★★★★
- Nightmare Charade, The (The Arkwell Academy #3) by Mindee Arnett - ★★★★
- Nightmare Dilemma, The (The Arkwell Academy #2) by Mindee Arnett - ★★★★
- Nightshade (Nightshade #1) by Andrea Cremer - ★★★
- Nightshade (Nightshade #1) by Michelle Rowen - ★★★★
- Ninth House (Alex Stern #1) by Leigh Bardugo - ★★★½
- Ninth Rain, The (The Winnowing Flame Trilogy #1) by Jen Williams - ★★★★½
- No Beauties or Monsters by Tara Goedjen - ★★★½
- None of This is True by Lisa Jewell - ★★★★½
- Not Even Bones (Market of Monsters #1) by Rebecca Schaeffer - DNF
- Not a Drop to Drink (Not a Drop to Drink #1) by Mindy McGinnis - ★★★★½
- Novice, The (Summoner #1) by Taran Matharu - ★★
- Nyxia (The Nyxia Triad #1) by Scott Reintgen - ★★★★
- Nyxia Unleashed (The Nyxia Triad #2) by Scott Reintgen - ★★★★
- Sadie by Courtney Summers - ★★★★
- Salt & Stone (Fire & Flood #2) by Victoria Scott - ★★★★
- Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys - ★★½
- Sanctuary (Sanctuary #1) by Caryn Lix - ★★★★½
- Sanctum (Guards of the Shadowlands #1) by Sarah Fine - ★★★★½
- Scammed (Vale Hall #2) by Kristen Simmons - ★★★★
- Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer - ★★★★
- School Spirits by Rachel Hawkins - ★★★★
- School for Unusual Girls, A (Stranje House #1) by Kathleen Baldwin - ★★½
- Scorched (Scorched #1) by Mari Mancusi - ★★★★
- Scorpio Races, The by Maggie Stiefvater - ★★★★½
- Scourge Between Stars, The by Ness Brown - ★★★★½
- Scythe (Arc of a Scythe) by Neal Shusterman - ★★½
- Sea of Shadows (Age of Legends #1) by Kelley Armstrong - ★★★★
- Sea of Tranquility, The by Katja Millay - ★★★★★
- Sea of Tranquility, The by Emily St. John Mandel - ★★★★
- Secrets So Deep by Ginny Myers Sain - ★★½
- Seeker (Riders #2) by Veronica Rossi - ★★★★½
- Seizure (Virals #2) by Kathy Reichs - ★★★★½
- Selection, The (The Selection #1) by Kiera Cass - ★★½
- September Girls by Bennett Madison - DNF
- Seriously Wicked by Tina Connolly - ★★★★
- Serpent & Dove (Serpent & Dove #1) by Shelby Mahurin - ★★★★
- Serpent Bride, The (Darkglass Mountain #1) by Sara Douglass - ★★★★★
- Serpent and the Wings of Night, The (Crowns of Nyaxia #1) by Carissa Broadbent - ★★★
- Set Fire to the Gods (Set Fire to the Gods #1) by Kristen Simmons, Sara Raasch - ★★★
- Seven Deadly Shadows by Courtney Alameda, Valynne E. Maetani - ★★★½
- Seven Faceless Saints (Seven Faceless Saints #1) by M.K. Lobb - ★
- Shades of Earth (Across the Universe #3) by Beth Revis - ★★★★★
- Shades of Rust and Ruin (Shades of Rust and Ruin #1) by A.G. Howard - ★★★
- Shadow Girl, The by Jennifer Archer - ★★★½
- Shadow Hour, The (The Girl at Midnight #2) by Melissa Grey - ★★★★
- Shadow Queen, The (Ravenspire #1) by C.J. Redwine - ★★★½
- Shadow Reader, The (McKenzie Lewis #1) by Sandy Williams - ★★½
- Shadow Run (Kaitan Chronicles #1) by Adrianne Strickland, Michael Miller - ★★
- Shadow and Bone (The Grisha Trilogy #1) by Leigh Bardugo - ★★★
- Shadow of the Fox (Shadow of the Fox #1) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- Shadows (Lux #0.5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout - ★★★
- Shatter Me (Shatter Me #1) by Tahereh Mafi - ★★★½
- Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey - ★★★½
- Ship of Smoke and Steel (The Wells of Sorcery #1) by Django Wexler - ★★
- Shiver (Wolves of Mercy Falls #1) by Maggie Stiefvater - ★★★★
- Siege and Storm (The Grisha Trilogy #2) by Leigh Bardugo - ★★½
- Silence (Hush, Hush #3) by Becca Fitzpatrick - ★★★½
- Silver in the Bone (Silver in the Bone #1) by Alexandra Bracken - ★★★★½
- Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson - ★★★½
- Sinister Magic (Death Before Dragons #1) by Lindsay Buroker - ★★★★
- Sinner (The Wayfarer Redemption #4) by Sara Douglass - ★★★★★
- Sister, Maiden, Monster by Lucy A. Snyder - ★★★
- Six Crimson Cranes (Six Crimson Cranes #1) by Elizabeth Lim - ★
- Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young - ★★★★
- Skyhunter (Skyhunter #1) by Marie Lu - ★★
- Skyward (Skyward #1) by Brandon Sanderson - ★★★★½
- Slasher Girls and Monster Boys by A.G. Howard, Jay Kristoff, Marie Lu, Kendare Blake, Leigh Bardugo, April Genevieve Tucholke, Megan Shepherd, Stefan Bachmann, Jonathan Maberry, Danielle Page, Carrie Ryan, Nova Ren Suma, McCormick Templeman, Cat Winters - ★★★★
- Sleeping Giants (Themis Files #1) by Sylvain Neuvel - ★★★
- Slewfoot by Brom - ★★
- Slide (Slide #1) by Jill Hathaway - ★★★★
- Smoke & Key by Kelsey Sutton - ★★★
- Smoke in the Sun (Flame in the Mist #2) by Renee Ahdieh - ★★★
- Snow Like Ashes (Snow Like Ashes #1) by Sara Raasch - ★★★
- Soldier (Talon #3) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- Solitary (Escape From Furnace #2) by Alexander Gordon Smith - ★★★½
- Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh - ★★★
- Some Quiet Place (Some Quiet Place #1) by Kelsey Sutton - ★★★★½
- Something Strange and Deadly (Something Strange and Deadly #1) by Susan Dennard - ★★★
- Song of Silver, Flame Like Night (Song of the Last Kingdom #1) by Amelie Wen Zhao - ★★★★½
- Song of Wraiths and Ruin, A (A Song of Wraiths and Ruin) by Roseanne A. Brown - ★★
- Sorcery of Thorns (Sorcery of Thorns #1) by Margaret Rogerson - ★★★★★
- Soul of the Sword (Shadow of the Fox #2) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★
- Soulmate Equation, The by Christina Lauren - ★★
- Sound of Stars, The by Alechia Dow - ★★★
- Space Between Worlds, The (The Space Between Worlds #1) by Micaiah Johnson - ★½
- Space Between, The by Brenna Yovanoff - ★★★★
- Sparks Rise (The Darkest Minds #2.5) by Alexandra Bracken - ★★★★½
- Spell Bound (Hex Hall #3) by Rachel Hawkins - ★★★★★
- Spindle Splintered, A (Fractured Fables #1) by Alix E. Harrow - ★★★★
- Splintered (Splintered #1) by A.G. Howard - ★★★★½
- Split Second (Pivot Point #2) by Kasie West - ★★★★
- Spoiled (Spoiled #1) by Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan - ★★★★½
- Squirrelflight's Hope (Warriors Super Editions #12) by Erin Hunter - ★★★★★
- Stain by A.G. Howard - ★★★★★
- Stalking Jack the Ripper (Stalking Jack the Ripper #1) by Kerri Maniscalco - ★★★
- Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar - ★★
- Star-Touched Queen, The (The Star-Touched Queen #1) by Roshani Chokshi - ★★★★
- Starflight (Starflight #1) by Melissa Landers - ★★★★
- Starles Sea, The by Erin Morgenstern - ★★
- Starling House by Alix E. Harrow - ★★★★½
- Starman (The Wayfarer Redemption #3) by Sara Douglass - ★★★★★
- Stars Above (The Lunar Chronicles #4.5) by Marissa Meyer - ★★★½
- Starsight (Skyward #2) by Brandon Sanderson - ★★★★½
- Starter Villain by John Scalzi - ★★½
- Steel Crow Saga by Paul Krueger - ★★★
- Steelheart (The Reckoners #1) by Brandon Sanderson - ★★★★
- Storm Crow, The (The Storm Crow #1) by Kalyn Josephson - ★★½
- Stormdancer (The Lotus War #1) by Jay Kristoff - ★★★★★
- Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender, The by Leslye Walton - ★
- Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer #1) by Laini Taylor - ★★★★★
- Struck (Struck #1) by Jennifer Bosworth - ★★★★
- Study in Drowning, A by Ava Reid - ★★★½
- Stung (Stung #1) by Bethany Wiggins - ★★★★½
- Summer I Drowned, The by Taylor Hale - ★★
- Supergirl Mixtapes by Meagan Brothers - ★★
- Supernaturally (Paranormalcy #2) by Kiersten White - ★★★★
- Survive by Alex Morel - ★★★
- Sweet Evil (The Sweet Trilogy #1) by Wendy Higgins - ★½
- Sweet Shadows (Medusa Girls #2) by Tera Lynn Childs - ★★★★
- Sweet Venom (Medusa Girls #1) by Tera Lynn Childs - ★★★
- Swift the Storm, Fierce the Flame (Edge Worlds #2) by Meg Long - ★★
- TRUEL1F3 (Lifelike #3) by Jay Kristoff - ★★★★★
- Taken (Taken #1) by Erin Bowman - ★★★★
- Taking, The (The Taking #1) by Kimberly Derting - ★★★½
- Tales From the Hinterland (The Hazel Wood #2.5) by Melissa Albert - ★★★★½
- Talker 25 (Talker 25 #1) by Joshua McCune - DNF
- Talon (Talon #1) by Julie Kagawa - ★★★★★
- Taste by Kate Evangelista - ★★★½
- Tempest (Tempest #1) by Julie Cross - ★★½
- Tempest Rising (Tempest #1) by Tracy Deebs - ★★½
- Ten by Gretchen McNeil - ★★★
- Ten Thousand Doors of January, The by Alix E. Harrow - ★★★★★
- These Broken Stars (Starbound #1) by Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner - ★★★★½
- These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall - ★★★★
- This Cruel Design (This Mortal Coil #2) by Emily Suvada - ★★★★
- This Mortal Coil (This Mortal Coil #1) by Emily Suvada - ★★★★★
- This Savage Song (Monsters of Verity #1) by Victoria Schwab - ★★★★
- This Shattered World (Starbound #2) by Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner - ★★★½
- This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales - ★★★★
- This Splintered Silence by Kayla Olson - ★½
- This Vicious Cure (This Mortal Coil #3) by Emily Suvada - ★★★★½
- This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers - ★★★★
- Thornhill (Hemlock #2) by Kathleen Peacock - ★★★½
- Thousand Beginnings and Endings, A by Julie Kagawa, Ellen Oh, Renee Ahdieh, Roshani Chokshi, Elsie Chapman, Sona Charaipotra, Preeti Chhibber, Aliette De Bodard, Melissa De La Cruz, Rahul Kanakia, Lori M. Lee, E.C. Myers, Cindy Pon, Aisha Saeed, Shveta Thakrar, Alyssa Wong - ★★★★
- Thousand Pieces of You, A (Firebird #1) by Claudia Gray - ★★½
- Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns #1) by Kendare Blake - ★
- Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass #1) by Sarah J. Maas - ★★★★
- Through the Dark (The Darkest Minds #3.5) by Alexandra Bracken - ★★★★½
- Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky #2) by Veronica Rossi - ★★★★
- Through the Zombie Glass (White Rabbit Chronicles #2) by Gena Showalter - ★★★★½
- Tiger's Curse (The Tiger Saga #1) by Colleen Houck - ★½
- Timepiece (Hourglass #2) by Myra McEntire - ★★★★★
- Titans by Victoria Scott - ★★★★½
- To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) by Jenny Han - ★★½
- To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo - ★★★★
- To Sleep in a Sea of Stars (Fractalverse #1) by Christopher Paolini - ★★
- Together We Burn by Isabel Ibañez - ★★★
- Toil & Trouble by Andrea Cremer, Brenna Yovanoff, Nova Ren Suma, Shveta Thakrar, Tehlor Kay Mejia, Tess Sharpe, Lindsay Smith, Brandy Colbert, Robin Talley, Zoraida Cordova, Jessica Spotswood, Kate Hart, Anna-Marie McLemore, Emery Lord, Tristina Wright, Elizabeth May - ★★★½
- Touch of Death (Touch of Death #1) by Kelly Hashway - ★★½
- Transparent (Transparent #1) by Natalie Whipple - ★★★★
- Treachery of Beautiful Things, The by Ruth Frances Long - ★★★★½
- Treatment, The (The Program #2) by Suzanne Young - ★★★½
- Trial by Fire (The Worldwalker Trilogy #1) by Josephine Angelini - ★★½
- Trials, The (Project Paper Doll #3) by Stacey Kade - ★★★½
- Trollslayer (Gotrek & Felix #1) by William King - ★★½
- Truly Devious (Truly Devious #1) by Maureen Johnson - ★★
- Truthwitch (The Witchlands #1) by Susan Dennard - ★★
- Tweet Cute by Emma Lord - ★★★
- Twisted Citadel, The (Darkglass Mountain #2) by Sara Douglass - ★★★★★
- Twisted Ones, The by T. Kingfisher - ★★★★½
- Walk on Earth a Stranger (The Gold Seer Trilogy #1) by Rae Carson - ★★★★
- Walled City, The by Ryan Graudin - ★★★½
- Warcross (Warcross #1) by Marie Lu - ★★★★
- Ward, The by Jordana Frankel - ★★★★
- Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller - ★★½
- Waterfell (The Aquarathi #1) by Amalie Howard - ★★★
- Way of Kings, The (The Stormlight Archive #1) by Brandon Sanderson - ★★★
- Wayfarer Redemption, The (The Wayfarer Redemption #1) by Sara Douglass - ★★★★★
- We Are All So Good at Smiling by Amber McBride - ★★
- We Free the Stars (The Sands of Arawiya #2) by Hafsah Faizal - ★★★★½
- We Hunt the Flame (Sands of Arawiya #1) by Hafsah Faizal - ★★★★½
- We Were Liars by E. Lockhart - ★
- We'll Never Be Apart by Emiko Jean - ★★½
- Weight of Blood, The by Tiffany D. Jackson - ★★½
- Welcome Caller, This is Chloe by Shelley Coriell - ★★★★
- Well Met (Well Met #1) by Jen DeLuca - ★★★
- Weyward by Emilia Hart - ★★★
- What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall - ★★★★
- What's Left of Me (The Hybrid Chronicles #1) by Kat Zhang - ★★★★
- Where Dreams Descend (Kingdom of Cards) by Janella Angeles - DNF
- Where She Went (If I Stay #2) by Gayle Forman - ★★★
- Where Silence Gathers (Some Quiet Place #2) by Kelsey Sutton - ★★★
- Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens - ★★★
- Wicked Deep, The by Shea Ernshaw - ★★★★½
- Wild is the Witch by Rachel Griffin - ★★★
- Wildcard (Warcross #2) by Marie Lu - ★★★★
- Wildefire (Wildefire #1) by Karsten Knight - ★★★★½
- Will of the Many, The (Hierarchy #1) by James Islington - ★★★
- Wings of Arian (The Solus Trilogy #1) by Devri Walls - ★★★½
- Wings of Ebony (Wings of Ebony #1) by J. Elle - ★★½
- Winner's Crime, The (The Winner's Trilogy #2) by Marie Rutkoski - ★★★½
- Winner's Curse, The (The Winner's Trilogy #1) by Marie Rutkoski - ★★★★½
- Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4) by Marissa Meyer - ★★★★
- Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw - ★★★½
- Witch Hunter, The (The Witch Hunter #1) by Virginia Boecker - ★★★★
- Witches of Ash & Ruin by E. Latimer - ★★★★
- Witchling (Otherworld #1) by Yasmine Galenorn - ★★★★
- With Shield and Ink and Bone by Casey L. Bond - ★★★
- Wither (The Chemical Garden #1) by Lauren DeStefano - ★★★½
- Wizard of Earthsea, A (Earthsea Cycle #1) by Ursula K. Le Guin - ★★
- Wondrous Strange (Wondrous Strange #1) by Lesley Livingston - ★★★
- Wrath and the Dawn, The (The Wrath and the Dawn #1) by Renee Ahdieh - ★★★★
- Wrecked by Anna Davies - ★
- Written in Red (The Others #1) by Anne Bishop - ★★★★★