If you would like me to review your book, you can contact me at:
I am open to requests from the following genres:
- Mostly YA fiction: Anything fantasy (preferred) – high/dark/urban; sci-fi (especially space sci-fi), dystopian, horror, paranormal. Very little contemporary
- Adult sci-fi and high fantasy
- No New Adult unless it’s fantasy or sci-fi
- Absolutely NO erotica, historical fiction, westerns, biographies, religion, self-help, or non-fiction of any kind. No children’s books.
I accept hard copies and ebooks in the format for Kindle only. No PDF files.
**Not currently accepting requests from self-published authors.
Please note: I am a very moody reader. I do not force myself to read anything, so if I am unable to get interested in your book, I won’t finish it. A review is not guaranteed, but if for some reason I can’t finish it, I will inform you. Please be warned that it make take weeks, even months for me to read your book as I am very busy outside of this blog with my personal life. If this is not acceptable for you, please do not send me a review request.
In the case of review request emails: If I choose not to review your book for any reason, I will most likely not respond as I am very busy and I usually only reply to requests I wish to accept. Sending your request multiple times will not increase your chances, but rather come off as spam and be treated as such.
All reviews include:
- Cover picture
- Goodreads synopsis
- Format, publisher, and publication date
- Book series (if applicable)
- Link to Goodreads
- A rating on a 5 ‘heartbeat’ scale (see my rating system here)
- An honest and in depth review, usually more than 3 paragraphs, backed by examples
- A breakdown of my assessment
I post all my reviews on Goodreads and Facebook in addition to here on the blog. Other sites I may post reviews on include Twitter, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.
I will always speak my mind when reviewing – the good and the bad. All the things I say in these reviews are my own personal opinions. If you disagree with anything I write, feel free to say so but in a pleasant manner. I am not out to offend anyone or start an argument (although I do welcome friendly debates). I am just giving you my genuine, up-front thoughts about my reading experience. It may not be what you want to hear, but I will always be honest. If you’ve read the books, please give your opinions too!
In the case that I can’t finish a book: Please keep in mind that I do write DNF reviews on Novel Heartbeat. If I have enough material to support my opinion of the book and why I couldn’t finish it, I will post a full review and specify that I didn’t read the whole book. If I don’t have enough material, I include my reasons for not finishing on my monthly Books I Didn’t Finish post.
Promotional Posts:
I no longer do any kind of cover reveals on the blog, but occasionally on the Novel Heartbeat Facebook page (usually only covers of my own choosing). I no longer do book blasts or blitzes of any kind. I will do the occasional blog tour if it’s either a) A book I’m really looking forward to; in this case, only guest posts and author interviews -or- b) A book I’ve already read and enjoyed. I do not accept blog tour reviews for books I have not read anymore, as there is no guarantee I will like the book and it has been a problem in the past.
FTC disclaimer:
All books reviewed on Novel Heartbeat are purchased by me, borrowed, or received from authors/publishers in exchange for an honest review. I do not receive any compensation, monetary or otherwise, for any of my reviews.