2024 End of Year Book Survey + Reading Stats

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on January 8, 2025 | 0 Comments

The end of year survey was created by Jamie @ The Perpetual Page-Turner

Past surveys

(It’s crazy that I’ve been doing this survey every year for my whole blogging career!)

2024 Reading stats

Number of books read (total): 53
Number of re-reads: 13
Number of DNFs: 
Number of audiobooks: 43 finished, 11 DNFed
Most read genre: Science Fiction (holy shit?!?! It hasn’t NOT been High Fantasy for a decade! Technically, fantasy is still my top genre, if you add all my UF, HF, and Romantasy together. But usually just HF alone beats out everything else!)
Average rating: 3.9

Best in Books

As always, I’m excluding re-reads!

1. Best book you read all year?
I think it’s a tie between The Invocations and Where the Dark Stands Still

2. Book you were excited about & thought you were going to love more but didn’t?
What Moves the Dead. Such a huge letdown.

3. Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read?
Good: The Dagger & The Flame, took me totally by surprise!
Bad: Slewfoot. It sounded like it was going to be right up my alley, and I didn’t like it at all.

4. Book you “pushed” the most people to read?
Always the Lotus War trilogy by Jay Kristoff! This answer will never change!
Red Rising is a close second!

5. Best series you started? Best sequel of the year? Best series ender?
Series: Heartless Hunter
Sequel: Ruthless Vows
Series ender: I don’t have one for this, sadly.

6. Favorite new author you discovered?
A.B. Poranek

7. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone?
A Soul to Keep. It was my first monster romance, lmao!

8. Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year?
Ruthless Vows

9. Book you read that you are most likely to re-read in the next year?
Probably Cat Magic. It was soo cute!

*side note: I said Empire of the Damned last year, and I DID re-read it this year!

10. Favorite cover of a book you read this year?
Heartless Hunter

11. Most memorable character of the year?
Bael from The Invocations & Princess Donut from Dungeon Crawler Carl
Honorable mention: Jaga from Where the Dark Stands Still

12. Most beautifully written book you read?
Ruthless Vows

13. Most thought-provoking / life-changing book you read?
This question is always hard for me, as I don’t usually read those kinds of books.

14. Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL this year to finally read?
Jackaby, Pet Sematary

15. Favorite passage/quote from a book you read?
I was terrible this year and didn’t save any quotes >.<

16. Shortest & longest book you read?
Shortest: Cat Magic (112 pages)
Longest: Dark Age (758 pages) [this is actually a re-read]

17. Book that shocked you the most?
Maybe Quicksilver? Shocking because it was SO BAD, lmaooo. I’m never listening to TikTok again!

18. OTP OF THE YEAR (you will go down with this ship!)
I’m gonna cheat on this one with a re-read and say Victra & Sevro

19. Favorite non-romantic relationship of the year?
Bael and Emer from The Invocations

20. Favorite book you read from an author you’ve read previously?
The Invocations

21. Best book you read that you read based SOLELY on a recommendation from somebody else/peer pressure/bookstagram:
The Dagger & the Flame! It was on my TBR, but it seemed like the kind of book that would be generic and disappoint me. I saw yelli3_reads raving about it and picked it up imediately. Was not disappointed at all!

22. Newest fictional crush from a book you read?
Don’t judge me, buuut….Morpheus from A Soul to Keep haha

23. Best 2024 debut you read?
Where the Dark Stands Still

24. Best worldbuilding/most vivid setting you read?
Ruthless Vows

25. Book that put a smile on your face/was the most fun to read?
Dungeon Crawler Carl was hilarious!

26. Book(s) that made you cry (or nearly cry)?
Ruthless Vows

27. Hidden gem of the year?
The Dagger & The Flame

28. Book that crushed your soul?
Gonna cheat again and pick my re-read of Light Bringer

29. Most unique book you read?

30. Book that made you the most angry (doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t like it)?
Quicksilver, and yes it did mean I didn’t like it, lmao!

Blogging & bookish life

1. New favorite book blog you discovered?
I didn’t look at any blogs this year :(

2. Favorite review that you wrote?
Probably my review of The Invocations

3. Best discussion/non-review post you had on your blog?
Top Ten Tuesday: Books With Little to No Romance

4. Best event that you participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events, memes, etc.)?
YALLfest, as always!

5. Best moment of bookish/blogging life?
Being chosen as an influencer to go to Romantasy BookCon!

7. Most popular post on your blog (whether it be by comments or views)?
I’m pretty sure I didn’t get comments on anything this year. I don’t ever have engagement anymore because I haven’t been putting the effort into it.

8. Post you wished got a little more love?
Any of them XD lmao

9. Best bookish discovery (book related sites, book stores, etc.)?
Airplane mode on Kindle to keep library books for longer!

10. Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of the year?
I mean, kinda lol. I really wanted to get to 100 books this year, but halfway through I lowered my Goodreads goal to 50. I did end up hitting 50, so at least there’s that.

Looking ahead

1. One book you didn’t get to last year but will be your #1 priority this year?
Heavenly Tyrant

2. Book release you are most anticipating (non-debut)?
Fateless by Julie Kagawa

3. 2025 debut you are most anticipating?
Beasts We Bury

4. Series ending/sequel you are most anticipating?
RED GOD (although I’m sure it will end up not coming out until 2026)

5. One thing you hope to accomplish or do in your reading/blogging life?
I really want to have zero books on my review shelves on Netgalley and Edelweiss! I only have a few left!

6. A 2025 release you’ve already read & recommend to everyone:
I don’t have one for this because I haven’t had a chance to get to any of my 2025 ARCs, oops.

A closer look at my 2024 stats

Pie charts made with Canva!

Rating stats

I am super proud that my less than 3 star reads only account for about a quarter of my books this year! Having such a large percentage of DNFs really helped raise my overall rating. I’ve also got a larger percentage of 5 stars compared to last year (3/4 of those were re-reads, but still), which was only 14.8%.

(The smaller pink slice is 1.5 stars.)

Genre stats

Welp, back to fantasy & sci-fi dominating my pie chart, lmao. I didn’t do so hot at branching out this year.

Format stats

That audiobook slice gets bigger every year, lol! Audio is the bulk of my reading now, because I listen daily at work and can get through 2 or 3 books a week (I listen at 1.7x-2x speed). I don’t have much time or focus to spare for physical reading anymore, sadly. I’m still doing really well at not accepting many review obligations so my ARCs/eARCs were fairly low. All of the paper ARCs were from YALLfest. It’s freeing not to have as many obligations and to just be able to read what I want to!

The little orange slice is hardback, not sure why Canva didn’t label it.

Series stats

Just like last year, I didn’t read any anthologies this year; and I only read one novellas. Sequels are still fairly low, too, because I suck at series >.<

Year published stats

Like last year, the chunk for books released this year was high, but I had a better mix of new and old than I had last year. I tend to hype myself up for new releases and then put off reading them for years XD

Pages stats

I’m actually quite shocked by how many books I read that were more than 400 pages! More than half, that’s crazy!! Last year, the 0-400 sections accounted for almost 75% of all the books I read. Usually 301-400 is my largest chunk. Look how big that 401-500 chunk is!! I’m proud of myself, haha.


What do your reading stats look like for the year? Are there any books on my list that you agree or disagree with?

Jessi (Geo)

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