Looking back at last year’s resolutions
Here’s my post from last year!
Reading/blogging resolutions
- Hit at least 100 books again. Welp, I didn’t do that. I ended up having to lower my Goodreads challenge goal to 50, and I ended the year at 53 books.
- Continue to read different genres. I didn’t completely bomb this one, but I didn’t do super hot, either.
- Hit 100% ratio on both Netgalley and Edelweiss. I actually went higher, oops. I started the year with 1 on NG and 4 on EW. Now I have 7 on NG and 5 on EW. Only about half of those are new requests that I’m still interested in reading.
- Only accept review books if I’m ready to read them immediately. I did pretty good with this because I rarely get requests from publishers these days.
- Keep up with reviews. I didn’t do this at ALL. In fact, I reviewed almost nothing this year, so I’m probably 100 reviews behind now.
- Blog more consistently. I say this every year, lmao. I always have good intentions to follow through, but life gets in the way!
1.5/6. Yikes.
Lifestyle resolutions
- Get my life back together. Focus on myself for a while. I didn’t do very well at this. While I *did* find contentment and peace being on my own, I still didn’t get back to who I was before I lost myself. I’m struggling to get up in the mornings and don’t have much motivation for anything anymore.
- Get back in shape. Get back to where I was in health and fitness and get my foundation back. It makes me fucking sick that this did not happen, yet again. I’m so sick and tired of being sick and tired. None of my clothes fit anymore. I’m physically miserable, and ashamed. I desperately want the old me back.
- Continue to grow my savings account. Wow, didn’t do this either. In fact, I had to use a good chunk of it.
- Pay off the Sleep Number bed. Hey, one thing I didn’t fail at!! I did get it paid off and was debt free other than my house. Then I went and put a new big screen tv on my card. Oops.
- Replace the sliding door and windows. Welp.
- GET BRACES! …welp. Man, I was a failure last year.
- Declutter & organize. My main project was to organize my big storage closet and all my crafting stuff, so I can actually find things when I need them. The other ones I wanted to do were the tool/coat closet and my seasonal closet. I DID ALL OF THESE! Yay!! I’ve still got a little work left on the craft closet, but it’s almost completely finished. I CAN ACTUALLY FIND THINGS NOW.
- Clean out the big shed. Yeah, this didn’t happen.
Wow, 2/8. I suck.
Last year I said: “Mostly this year I just want to get my shit together. The last few years have been pretty miserable between losing my parents, COVID, horrible depression, and then the separation and loss of expectation for what I thought my life would be. 2024 is the year of the dragon – I was born in the year of the dragon (88) so I am confident this will be my year!”
….oh guess what, it wasn’t. It wasn’t my year at ALL. Damn, dude. This was a really depressing post to write. I feel like a giant failure, tbh.
2025 Goals & Resolutions
Reading/blogging resolutions
- Hit 100 books again.
- Branch out and read different genres.
- Hit 100% ratio on both Netgalley and Edelweiss.
- Only accept review books if I’m ready to read them immediately.
- Catch up on reviews. I’d really like to get in the habit of reviewing books as soon as I finish, so I don’t get so behind.
- Blog more consistently.
Lifestyle resolutions
- Actually get my shit back together. Focus on myself for a while. GET DIVORCED! I still haven’t quite recovered from when I lost myself in the unhappy marriage. I gave too much of myself and didn’t keep any for myself. I want to learn to love myself again and rebuild my confidence, because right now it’s gone. We *finally* have a court date for the dissolution (after an entire year of fighting with the paperwork!!) – by the time this post goes live, it will have happened! YAY!!!
- Get back in shape. Get back to where I was in health and fitness and get my foundation back. I have barely been working out this past year. I want to get back to my 2 miles every morning and lifting 4-5 days a week. I desperately want the confidence I had in 2021, not only with my body, but how sound I was in my health and fitness foundation. It was so effortless then to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise and I desperately want that again. I want to lose the 35 lbs and several inches I gained the past couple of years, too, and get back to fitting in my small clothes again. I want to feel strong and have more energy. I’m so sick of feeling weak and exhausted on a daily basis. I’m sick of feeling like crap and not fitting into ANY of my clothes. I have hardly anything to wear because I gained too much weight for 99% of my closet. I just want to feel good again.
- Get back to healthy habits. Not only have I not been working out, I’ve also been eating like trash, spending too much time on social media, and I’ve been lazy as fuck. I sit around too much, I have trouble getting out of bed in the mornings, and I got to bed too late. I fucking hate it. Why is it so hard to kick these habits? It’s ridiculous how much I’m struggling this badly. These things didn’t used to be so difficult.
- Get my savings account back to what it was. I hate how low it’s dipped this past year and I want to rebuild it this year.
- Stay debt free (credit card wise). When I get the TV paid off, I want to keep my cards paid off every single month.
- Replace the sliding door and windows. This really should have been done already. I have GOT to make this my #1 priority as far as home improvement goes this year. My house is so drafty and cold, and I’m sure it makes my heating bill higher than necessary.
- GET BRACES! I really wanted to do this last year. I’ve wanted braces my whole adult life and could never afford them. With the bed paid off, I’m hoping I can finance braces by the end of 2025.
- Clean out the big shed. It’s a HOT MESS out in my big shed. I want to pull it all out and reorganize it; add some shelves and storage bins and label everything.
I’m gonna repeat what I said last year: mostly I just want to get my shit together. Maybe 2025 will finally be my year. *sighs heavily*

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