Heartbeat Weekly (11)

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on January 12, 2014 | 13 Comments

Hweekly*This is a two week recap


Afterglow by Karsten Knight
Big thanks to the lovely Reanna for the gift card that paid for this book! <333
The Ward by Jordana Frankel
For Review:
Cured by Bethany Wiggins (Netgalley)
Rebel by Amy Tintera (Edelweiss)
Ruins by Dan Wells (from Harper)
Death Sworn by Leah Cypess (Harper)
Steadfast by Claudia Gray 
Tremor by Patrick Carman
Pretty Sly by Elisa Ludwig
Big thanks to Harper for the awesome ARC package! It was a lovely surprise :)


So, if you’ve noticed, Novel Heartbeat has been a bit scarce on the usual blog posts lately. For one, I forgot to post this Heartbeat Weekly last week. Two, I’ve only been doing one review a week. I haven’t had anything to post! I’ve got a few reviews saved up now, but I think I’m going to stick to one review a week until I can catch up. If I have an ARC review I need to squeeze in before its release date, I’ll do that on Fridays. But I’d really like to get to my spring 2014 review copies, and I need to have enough reviews scheduled to make up for that time, since I can’t post reviews for those any time soon.
-I’ve also not been doing my Welcome to the Family posts lately. I’ve got plenty of people on my sign up list, but I’m tired of posting the same content in those and want to come up with some new and exciting questions. I just haven’t had the time or the motivation to do so. They will be back eventually, I promise!
-I’ve been scarce on discussions the last couple of weeks as well because I haven’t had any inspiration. Or time. I will try my best to work on that in the coming weeks! I have an important one scheduled for Wednesday, though!
-I will definitely continue posting my Life of a Blogger posts. I feel like they’ve been a success so far, and I love seeing all your responses and your own posts! I’ve had a lot of fun doing them, and even if I get too busy for anything else, Life of a Blogger will be a priority.
Trying desperately to stay warm! It’s been in the single digits, even negatives here, and I have to walk dogs in it. :( It’s been miserable, but I’m surviving. I’m just sick of the snow. I wish I could get out of Ohio!  Thankfully it’s been warming up: Into the high 30’s. It’s sad that that feels warm…

What’s in your mailbox, loverlies? Link me up!

Jessi (Geo)

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13 responses to “Heartbeat Weekly (11)

  1. Ooh, I love it when epic ARC packages arrive. There is always squeeing and flailing around my house when that happens.

    By the way, I’m planning to start participating if your Life of a Blogger series. I’m excited to get to know other bloggers a little better!

  2. Ohh sweet package from HarperTeen! RUIIINS! I totally still need to read Fragments, but maybe I’ll wait until Ruins gets released so I can read #2 and #3 back to back.

    And I think it’s great that you’re going to try to come up with different questions for Welcome to the Family! I love those interviews but sometimes seeing the same questions can get a little old. So I’m all for you spicing things up!

  3. I really need to read Partials, so that I can catch up with the other books. You got a pretty awesome book haul, The Ward is definitely on my list of TBR at some point this year! lol. That list is massive and is growing bigger by the day, though I’m taking it a little bit at a time.

  4. Ahh I really want to start posting Life of a Blogger posts soon on my blog, I always love reading yours and the topics are always so creative. Also, Pretty Sly is a super cute book and the other titles in your pretty ARC package sound so great. It definitely had been freeeeeezing around here and the other day it was 5 degrees outside and I was 100% not prepared to outside and have to go through that >.< Happy reading, Jessi! <33

  5. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOoh nice haul!! Those are all new to me, but how cool that the publisher sent you a big ol ARC package! Awesome! Hope you enjoy them all!!

    Yeah, it’s been pretty cold in St. Louis too, but not necessarily single digits. Monday we were in the negatives and that was a horrible day. It was mostly 20s for us, but late in the week we finally pulled up to 40s. We’ve had snow and rain and now since today is pretty sunny, it is all melting and wet everywhere!

    Hope you have a good week this week!

    Here’s my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)



    • Wait. WAIT. I TOTALLY GOT YOUR GUYS’ PRESENTS MIXED UP. Thank you for pointing that out! Wow, I feel horrible now. *goes off to fix post*

      Soo…THANK YOU NIKKI!!! (Did I ever tweet you when I got it? I can’t remember… D:) The hardback is so beautiful and shiny!! <3

  7. I know what you mean about the cold. We had negatives the first part of the week but it has warmed up to around the low 40s the latter part of the week.

    I was thinking about your Welcome to the Family and discussion posts. Maybe you could have readers suggest questions and ideas? Just a thought…

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