I love to play video games, I just don’t have very much free time to play them. Here are the only ones I play anymore:
Black Ops II is my favorite! My fiancé and I love to satisfy our bloodlust at least once a week. I also really love Skyrim. Lately I’ve been getting re-addicted to it hardcore! The only other games I’ve played obsessively are Yoshi’s Story, Pikmin, and Midnight Club (back in the day). I also enjoyed Monkey Ball. There’s a billion games I’d love to try but just don’t have the time!
*Edit 1/4: OMG Spyro! I totally forgot about Spyro! I used to be obsessed with that game. Spyro: A Hero’s Tail is the only game I’ve ever beaten! I really loved that one, but then the Spryo games released after that one kind of fizzled out for me.
Watching movies
I don’t watch TV, but I enjoy watching movies! My fiancé and I love to watch them together on our days off. I talked about my favorites on last week’s Life of a Blogger!
Cross stitching
I don’t do this hardly at all anymore, but I do enjoy it. Unfortunately, I tend to start one and never finish!
I’ve been working on this one for years. The sad part is, all I have left is some foliage and the fine hairs on the kitty’s legs!
Hemp/paracord jewelry
I loooove making hemp and paracord bracelets, especially hemp. I used to make all kinds of stuff with beads and hemp, including this choker that I absolutely loved, but the awesome spiral bead is broken now. This is another thing I don’t do much anymore because I don’t have the time.
Obviously, I love seashells. ;)
This is another thing I don’t have the time for anymore. There’s just something satisfying about another puzzle piece fitting into place! I’m extremely picky about what puzzles I do, though. I won’t do any that are the same pattern over the whole thing because I don’t have the patience for them! I like really big puzzles, preferably a fantasy scene. Here’s my favorite puzzle I own:
I’ve probably worked this puzzle at least 4 times!
Honestly, this one is something I haven’t really done since high school (um, that was quite a while ago!). But it used to take up a LOT of my free time, and I miss drawing! I’m not even sure I could draw like this anymore, but here are some of my old drawings:
I did a lot of anime-style drawing in my free time. I also had this weird obsession with wings and elfin ears, haha!
Your turn! Make your own post telling everyone about your non-bookish hobbies and link up! I encourage you all to participate ;)
Ideally, I want this to become meme style with many other bloggers participating so we can learn more about as many bloggers as possible! I’m sure it will take some time, but I hope you guys will be interested in joining.
I haven’t played Skyrim in ages omg, I really need to start again! I think I got up to a hard part and then I kind of gave up haha. Since it’s a new year and all, I think I’m going to do this! I just made this decision now but you only live once right? Impulse decisions. <3 :D
That’s what happened to me! I quit for months because there was a part I was stuck at, then started again in a different place and went back to it, and beat it like it was nothing! I don’t know why I was having so much trouble with it >.< Haha great decision!! I'm freshly addicted to it, so it's been sucking up all my free time lately...
I heard that Skyrim is crazy addicting! I’m not much of a gamer (mainly because I’m not very good at it), but I really liked Heavy Rain on the PS3 (it’s probably the only game that I’ve ever actually finished!) My hubby bought me the Lego Harry Potter games for Christmas a couple of years ago … they’re totally for little kids, but at my skill level, and tons of fun!
And OMG — I totally do (or did!) puzzles too! And my favourites are the fantasy-type scenes too!!!! I bought another one (I think it has fairies on it) right before we got our current cat, but he’s still too much of a kitten… I know that he’d bat away a piece or two midway through, and I’d be sooooo frustrated by the end!
It IS crazy addicting, to the point of being consuming! I haven’t even heard of Heavy Rain, I’ll have to check it out!
OMG bahaha I totally know the feeling! We have to put our unfinished puzzles under our table cloth, or it will be ALL over the house the next day. The joys of living with cats ;)
My only real non-bookish hobby is video games (I haven’t played Skyrim yet, but really want to). I’ve tried cross stitching but never end up finishing.
I wish I had your kind of talent – if I did I would totally draw. Really incredible! You should try and see if you can still do it!
Puzzles are something I would like to do, but don’t own any and just never think to buy them when I’m at the store. I probably should have said I like to do sudoku puzzles on my post though, now that I think about it. I play that all the time on my phone or whenever I happen to pick up a newspaper or magazine or something else that has one on it.
I’ve thought about it, but I don’t have the time it takes to do the grid drawings (the angel took me probably 3-4 weeks of art classes, which were 45 minutes 5 days a week!) and probably don’t have the patience either. I have tried to draw my anime style ones in the last couple of years, but it didn’t really come as natural anymore =/
Ohh I forgot about Sudoku! I love those, they’re addicting too! And the fill in puzzles, I used to looove those :)
GASP those drawings are gorgeous! You are extremely talented <3 And while I don't play video games anymore (I used to on the PSP and PC, but then I sucked at a lot of games, so I decided to focus on something I was better at, haha!) So now, apart from reading, I'm really into watching TV shows and movies, usually by myself with a bowl of popcorn. Haha! Other times, I just go dress shopping, or go on food excursions, but I did use to cross stitch too! I just couldn't finish the really complicated ones though. EVER O.o
Aw, thanks! :)
Haha yay shopping! I love buying new clothes!
I’m a gaming addict – once I start I can’t stop until I’m finished – even if it takes weeks. My addiction tends to be games like Sims3 – I love to control things, obviously ;)
And I used to do cross stitch all the time – especially whilst listening to audiobooks. When I get back home I’m definitely going to try and start again.
Haha I haven’t tried any of the new Sims…I did play a bit on one of the really old PC versions, and it was fun!
Ooohh, that’s a great idea! I never do anything crafty anymore because I don’t have much free time and I’d rather be reading. That’s a fantastic solution :D :D
Wow, Jessi! You can draw! They all look really good! I enjoy puzzles too. I’m sitting next a 1000 piece one as I type. I’ve tried cross stitching before but I’m just not patient enough to do it. As for games, I loved KOTOR, The Third Age (PS2), and Phoenix Wright. But I played all of the American versions of the latter and I just don’t have much time for them either. Although, I DO get obsessive with The Third Age when I start playing it. I completed like half the game last week.
Great post!
Thank you :) And that’s awesome! I have the sudden urge to work a puzzle haha. And yes, cross stitching takes a LOT of patience and concentration…one mis-stitch can take forever to fix!
Sadly I haven’t played any of those games. I’ll have to check them out!
I want to play video games!!! I just really suck at them, so I rarely bother. Haha. I used to do cross stitching, too! I have quite a few “masterpieces” on the wall. And your drawings are so CUTE! Sailor Moon <3 I love drawing. (wish I have more time for it…)
Wow your art is great! Your first angel is AMAZING!
I love COD, but my favorites are Doom and Halo. I could play them over and over! I’ve also put together that same unicorn puzzle. Lol. It hangs in my mom’s house ;)
I haven’t played Doom, and I couldn’t get into Halo for some reason. I actually kind of hate first person shooters, so I’m not exactly sure why COD is such a hit for me!
That’s awesome! I thought about buying some puzzle glue so I could frame it, but I enjoy putting it together too much :)
Awesome hobbies! :D I love all the variety. Gaming and cross stitching… who’da thunk? You should totally start drawing again, that is kick ass!
I love puzzles! I totally forgot about that. Oops lol. It’s been harder for me to do any puzzles thanks to my two cats who like to eat the pieces and play with them… Once we finish setting up the study I’ll have a desk I can do them on again! I love the mosaic ones.
Baha I totally know that feeling…We have to cover our puzzles or the cats scatter them ALL over the house and chew them up! I don’t know why puzzle pieces are so damn appealing >.<
JESSI. Your drawings are all so beautiful! LOVE them. I hope you find time to get back to some of your hobbies. I’ve always wanted to cross stitch but I do NOT have the patience for it. :)
Thanks Molli! And true that, it DOES take quite a bit of patience!
Your drawings are really good!
I use to do puzzles all the time, too! I actually love the ones that have a repeated pattern on them, since they’re hard. Although this one time, my ex and I picked up a holographic puzzle of tree frogs…never again! Since the pieces changed when you moved them it was really hard!
Oh gosh, I can’t imagine trying to put together a holographic puzzle O_O
I really love Skyrim! And Oblivion. Your drawings are beautiful.(=
Omg Jessi why didn’t you tell me you were so talented??? I love your drawings and your stitches they’re so detailed and beautiful. There’s so much that you do I’m so jealous of your jewelry and your drawings. I bet you’re still just as talented as you were in high school, and drawing is always a fantastic hobby to have! :) Also, I love movies, too. I love watching TV and movies while I’m doing other things as background noise to whatever I’m doing (it makes me feel productive in a weird way lol) But fantastic post, Jessi! I really want to start participating in these when I start having time, but maybe I’ll put one up this weekend :D
Gosh thanks! *blushes* Ha I’m so out of practice now >.>
That would be awesome! I’d love to see more of YOU!
ERMAHGERD. I had no idea you did so much. O_________O AND you’re a blogger? That’s so cool. I am so jealous of your drawing skills because the best thing I can do are stick figures with cheesy happy faces :D I don’t play “shooting games” for my own snobby reasons, but I really do need to give it a try sometime. I think I’m more afriad of actually liking it.
Lovely post, Jessi.
– Nova
Haha weeelll I don’t do that much anymore. Read and blog and play Skyrim, that’s about it! Hmm, I’m sad to admit that I get sick pleasure out of killing the computer dummies ;p
It sometimes makes me sad to realize that I just don’t make any time for the things I used to love.. I drew a lot and I used to write poetry/stories – haven’t done both of them in 3 years. I really need to find the time again, especially writing. I was pretty good at it, but I’m not sure how it would go now.
At the moment, I love gaming and watching TV shows/movies. I also play shooters together with my boyfriend :D and the Lego games are awesome!
Same here! I actually used to play Clarinet a lot, and was pretty good at it, but I’ve barely touched it in years =/
With blogging and reading in my life, I never have time to do much else. It’s kind of sad, really….
You should write and post little snippets on your blog!
Holy crap girl! You can draw! :D I wish I was that talented.
I’ve tried cross stitching before, but I get too distracted and never finish them. That kitty one is totally cute! You must finish it because you are sooo close!
I also enjoy a good shooting game every now and then. I was really into Gears of War there for awhile. But I’m like you and can’t seem to find enough spare time to play. Funny thing about Skyrim is I love to watch my boyfriend play, but I can’t play it myself. Way too complex for me and the map is overwhelmingly huge!
Aw, thanks! I know I know, *sigh* I need to just make time for it so I can finish it and frame it…
Sadly I haven’t tried Gears of War, but I want to! I need to start a list or something. Ahahaa yes it can get a little overwhelming, especially when you have too many quests open at once!
I love gaming too! But I mostly play RPG or flash games :D
Your drawings are very cool, and wooowww you love DN Angel too! I hate that the series isn’t continued, I used to be at the same age like Niwa and now I’m 9 years older than him! X_X
I loooove RPGs :)
Yes! And same here. It sucks :(
Great hobbies! I used to cross stitch when I was younger but I’ve gotten away from it myself. I wouldn’t mind getting back into it though.
Holy shnits girl you have some serious talent! Those drawings so gorgeous and I love the cat cross stitching!
Thanks for sharing, luv! <33
Aw, thanks Mel! <3
[…] hobbies! It’s always nice to get to know one another. Or you can share with all of us and write your very own post! […]
WOW! Those games are so hardcore :P I know my 19-year-old boy cousin (also one of my best friends) likes to play a lot of those games, but I like to stick to my Lego Characters xD I love watching movies too, but unfortunately I missed the last few week’s Life Of A Blogger D: I’ll probably find time to do those soon! I want to ramble on and on about them heehee :) Your drawings are so gorgeous!! ^^ You have so much talent just in your little pinkie! Not to mention that cross-stitch project too! I used to do so much cross stitch when I was 9, but I moved on to sewing and embroidery when I was 11 :)
Thanks for sharing, Jessi! I love this feature <33
Ahahaa I haven’t tried that XD
And you can play catch up if you like! Just remember to go back and add your link!
Wow, sewing and embroidery is far above my skill level! My mom quilts and sews all the time (and rocks at it), but it’s not a gene I picked up haha. I don’t have the patience >.>
Wow, you’re very talented! Seriously! Your cross stitching looks awesome, you make hemp jewelry, and you (used to) draw like that?! You are awesome. :)
Well gosh, thanks Sam! *blushes*
Really enjoyed the question and seeing your answer. Skyrim, that is one I would love to play one day. I lost many, many hours to Morrowind Game of the Year.
You are really, really good at drawing. I’m kind of jealous since I can barely draw a stick figure.
Call Of Duty? Teach me how to play please! :D
And oh my goodness, I LOVE your anime drawings! You will totally be best friends with one of my real life best friends – she draws with a very similar style to yours and loves drawing wings and elfin ears too!
As for puzzles…-shudders-. It took me 3 hours to finish an Angry Birds puzzle and a 1st grader helped me (I was doing a puzzle at my job) and he was 3x better than me at figuring things out.
Haha it’s not too hard! But practice definitely helps :)
Aw thanks! That’s awesome!
Bahahaaa that’s really funny ;p
Your drawing is really good!
Never played video games *cringes but those look super cool! I used to do cross-stitching and embroidery too but for some reason I stopped. :(
And you art is EPIC especially, the grid drawings and the fan art-You should totally start doing them again!
<3 this post so much! :D
This topic was totally fun this week. I am a huge gamer myself. I am more of a Halo girl then a COD girl though! :)
That’s awesome! I never really got into Halo. In fact, I don’t even like first person shooter games, but COD is just different for some reason XD
Hallo Angie! :)
I stumbled across this wicked sweet feature via Angela’s Anxious Life! :) I wanted to ask you a few things before I get started!? Can we save your banner for this meme & use it in the posts we write for it? I always link back to the originating source and give the attribution! I was going to email you this Q, but my server is down! :( Sighs. I like the off-book topics and the ability to share more about ‘who’ the bookish blogger is without having to stray too far outside our posting schedules! Thanks for creating this and I might make a suggestion or two for topics next week! :)
Your blog is quite lovely!
Love the unique style!
Sure thing! Some have made their own banners for the feature as well. It’s totally up to you!
Okay, I’m totally open to suggestions! :D
Holy cow, I love your comics and fan art<3
I so wish I could draw like that, but even my stick figures are unidentifiable *shudders*
Anyways, thanks for making me realize how boring I am! Writing my own post was kind of depressing because wow, I don't do anything cool o.o
Like video games – there are so many I haven't played and I want to but I have no access to the games or the people who play. So I don't know how to play Black Ops (I tried once and it was awful). And I've only ever heard of Skyrim but I don't know what it's about? Eep.
And I mentioned Spyro in my post, too! I used to play at my uncle's house so I never got far haha. But I loved it anyways<3
Thanks! :D
Aw, haha I’m sure that’s not true, I just get bored easily and need an outlet for that boredom!
Lmao, Black Ops takes practice that’s for sure. Skyrim is a fantasy RPG where you get to wander the realm doing quests and slay dragons and shoot people with arrows ;D