Heartbeat Weekly (27): YA Beach Bash & Giveaway!

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on August 17, 2014 | 18 Comments


Books I got this week


From the YA Beach Bash (all signed):

I also bought generic business cards for my Etsy shop as well as a tote bag with the Novel Heartbeat logo! (Julie was the first to sign it! :D) I got them both through Vistaprint – the tote was $11 + shipping and I got 500 business cards for $3 because they were running a promotion to get the first 250 for free. Woot! (If anyone is willing to pass some out I would totally send you some! I have PLENTY!)

Weekly Recap

Posts on the blog:

My Art of Lainey review was also featured on Chasm of Books this week!

What I’ve been up to this week:

At work on Tuesday someone brought in a 4 week old kitten that was thrown out of a fucking moving vehicle. He has two ruptured corneas and needs surgery asap. I was very upset over this little kitten (I want him SO badly!) and my heart seriously hurts for him that someone would do something so terrible =/


I want to thank everyone who donated to help him – we raised over $500 overnight! You guys seriously rock!! <3


YA Beach Bash

Yesterday I drove down to Cinci to go to this event and it was awesome! Stephanie Huff was there too (this is the second time I’ve met her)!

photo-2 From left to right: Kristen Simmons, Mindy McGinnis, Mindee Arnett, Melissa Landers, Saundra Mitchell (aka Jessa Holbrook aka Alex Mallory…idk don’t ask me), and last but certainly not least, JULIE KAGAWA!!

This is the THIRD time I’ve seen Julie! I saw her post a picture of the Talon bookplates on Facebook, and was totally salivating over them because I wanted one, then realized that she was saying she was going to be in Cinci! I was stoked to see her again!!!

photo 2-3

The discussion panel lasted more than an hour (I was starting to get really fidgety by the end of it), but it was cool. I really liked Mindy McGinnis, she’s hilarious! She’s kind of sarcastic, so I guess I saw a kindred spirit hehee ;)

Interesting things I learned in the panel:

  1. Mindy McGinnis wrote her latest book (a gothic novel set in an asylum about lobotomies…um, winning?!) in the span of two weeks! They gave her a deadline and she thought it was the copy/edit deadline, but as it turns out it was the finished product deadline, so she had to time crunch!
  2. In the talk of finding balance between writing and life, Mindee Arnett admitted to getting so involved in her work that her family and home life suffered, resulting in her slipping into a very dark place. She said that this happened while she was writing Polaris, so the novel is especially dark because of it.
  3. While discussing covers and whether or not they have a say in them (they don’t), Julie explained that the cover change her Blood of Eden series underwent was due to controversy over the girl on the Immortal Rules cover being white, when her MC, Allie, was Japanese.
  4. Julie had to put off The Forever Song and rush writing Talon because it got optioned for film!
  5. When asked why they chose the genre(s) they wrote: Kristen said because it’s what she likes to read, Mindy said because she’s a YA librarian, sadly I can’t remember what Mindee said, Melissa said she wrote the book first and then chose the placement, Saundra said she pretty much did the same thing as Melissa, and Julie (with the best answer, of course) simply said because she likes hot boys with swords. *giggles*
  6. Almost all of them have a quota of 1,000 words per day. Julie’s is 1,500.
  7. Not a Drop to Drink is now optioned for film!!
  8. Mindy researched for a year and a half for the gothic novel I mentioned above.

After the signing I went to lunch with Stephanie at Potbelly’s. Yum!


There will be FOUR winners!

Prize pack #1:

photo 4-2Signed copy of While You’re Away by Jessa Holbrook (Saundra Mitchell) and assorted swag (not signed)

Prize pack #2:

photo 5-2Signed swag from the authors, including a signed Talon bookplate! The Glass Arrow bookmark folds in half for a 3D arrow.

3rd & 4th place:

photo 1-4I also have 2 extra Talon bookplates!


  1. As this is out of my own pocket, you must be following this blog via Bloglovin’ or email to enter.
  2. Unfortunately, contest is open to US participants only. I just can’t afford INT shipping, I’m sorry :(
  3. Please read the Rafflecopter directions carefully. Faked entries will be deleted.
  4. After the giveaway is over, I will notify the winner by email and they will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What’s in your mailbox, loverlies? Link me up!

Jessi (Geo)

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18 responses to “Heartbeat Weekly (27): YA Beach Bash & Giveaway!

  1. OOoh nice haul! I wanted to go to that signing myself, but I heard about it too late and had no way of planning around it! Plus I had other obligations yesterday. Hoping maybe Julie tours closer to me for Talon’s release! Looks like you had fun! Great haul!

    Here’s my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I saw the news from that poor little kitten. I seriously can’t understand why people would do such a thing. I love all the signed copies <3 I haven't read Not a drop to drink (YET), but from the sound of it, I think the concept would work great on screen. Happy reading :D

    • I know, it’s horrible :( But his eyes are looking MUCH better! The swelling has gone down, so they are normal sized now, but still discolored. It’s really good, you should pick it up :)

  3. OH MY GOD!!! who would do that to a little Kitten!!!! That is awful. I honestly hate people that think animals are just things. That poor baby :( I would take it too. I do hope it finds a forever home of people that will love it.

    You have a great haul this week so many books I may or may not be jealous you have ;)
    Enjoy them all!!! Have a great week!

  4. Stephanie H.

    Those chairs definitely didn’t help with my natural tendency to fidget! I thought Mindy McGinnis was great too. The Mindys were definitely a dangerous combination.

    It was great seeing you again!

    I cannot believe I forgot to ask how the kitten is doing

    • Baha, right?! My butt went to sleep! And yesss, I would LOVE to see them both again!
      It was great to see you too!
      He’s doing awesome, the swelling has gone down and his eyes are back to normal size. The discoloration is still there, though. But he is playing and acting like a typical kitten :)

  5. OMG! WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!? Throwing a kitten out of a car!? SERIOUSLY? People just make me so sick sometimes. I hope that the kitten is doing a lot better now. I’m glad he is in a good place where he’ll be taken care of.

    I haven’t read Not A Drop To Drink yet, but it’s on my TBR! I’m excited to hear it’s been optioned for a film. I love when YA books get turned into shows or movies. Although, I worry that they won’t stick to the book, but I still love books-to-movies! :) I hope you enjoy all of the books you got this week! Happy reading :)

    • I know, it’s really awful :( I was very upset over that little kitty. He is! The swelling has gone down and his eyes are back to normal size. He’s eating well and playing like a typical kitten :)

      It’s pretty good! The idea was awesome for sure, I can’t wait to see the adaptation on the big screen. And yeah, there’s been so many lately, it rocks!

  6. The kitten thing, omg that is just awful. But amazing that you’re helping! Woot at the fun sounding author event you got to attend. I like multi author bashes like that!

  7. Signed books are always a delight! Plus, that signed tote bag! <3 Enjoy all your signed goodies and thanks for sharing them!

    … AND TO WHOEVER THREW THAT KITTEN, EFFF YOU! Grrr! Animal cruelty is just heartbreaking. :((

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