Erasing Time by C.J. Hill ($0.99 for Kindle)
The Boyfriend App by Katie Sise ($1.99 for Kindle)
Mockingjay Pin (movie version) – funny story, I ordered a pin for someone and accidentally selected 2 at checkout instead of one. So I kept one for myself!
ADORABLE handmade fox from KagawaCrafts. I’ve been dying to own one of Julie’s little clay creations, and I finally snagged one! <333
Stormdancer and Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff
THANK YOU ASHLEY!! She was my Merp Secret Santa :)

- Octavia @ Read.Sleep.Repeat. discusses the pros and cons of twitter!
- Cayce @ Fighting Dreamer admits that she’s a lurker (I am too!)
- Leanne @ Literary Excursion talks teasers & excerpts
- Miranda @ Tempest Books wants to know if you pre-plan your TBRs each month

Are you on Book Blogging yet? It’s an awesome new system just for book bloggers, made by the fabulous Ashley @ Nose Graze!
Also, don’t forget to sign up for the 2014 Prequel & Sequel Challenge!

Freezing my ass off? Ha. It’s been down in the teens and single digits here, and I have to work in the crap =/
On the bright side, I’ve got ALL my Christmas shopping done! Woo hoo! Most of them are wrapped, too. *feels accomplished*
What’s in your mailbox, loverlies? Link me up!

YAYA FOR MERP SQUAD SECRET SANTA! I still need to read those books. Haha…Haha….Ha…
Ooh the US Jay Kristoff books look epic!!!
Happy reading, hun! <33
YES I love them! The UK covers are pretty, but just not the same :)
It’s also very cold here & I got most of my Christmas shopping done as well. I haven’t read Stormdancer yet.. but I need to read my copy soon. I love the covers! Happy reading :D
Nice! And you neeeed to it’s SO amazing!
Ooh! Merp Squad is so cool! Congrats on the epic books. Your week certainly has been eventful, so there’s that. Haha. I’m checking out your challege right now!
– Nova
Yay! Thanks for stopping by bloggy niece :)
Sweet! My presents went out yesterday and I really hope the person I get will be excited when they get my Secret Satna :) But otherwise, this Secret Santa thing is absolutely awesome! I hope you enjoy Stormdancer and Kinslayer, those covers look bootiful next to each other. <3 Super jealous of that Julie Kagawa creature too! <33
I’m sure they will! We probably should have set a budget, though, because I don’t want my person to feel disappointed by the amount I got her :(
Enjoy your goodies! <3 Stormdancer and Kinslayer look pretty awesome in hardcover! Kind of wish I had them now. :P
THAT fox is like the cutest thing ever!! <333
Enjoy your books and thanks for the shout-out! :)