Life of a Blogger: TV Shows

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on December 12, 2013 | 32 Comments



To be honest, I rarely ever watch TV. In fact, the only time I ever watch it anymore is when my parents are watching and I’m sitting on the couch working on the computer. I have a major commitment issue when it comes to shows! I’ll start watching something, then after a couple of episodes, I just….stop watching. Not because I don’t like the shows, because I do…I just forget to watch them. And then I stop thinking about them. I’m definitely more of a movie person (favorite movies is the topic in a couple of weeks)!

In the past year I’ve started Lost Girl, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Revolution, and Sleepy Hollow. Other shows I’ve started and not finished: Justified, Dexter (watched the first season and LOVED it, but never continued), House. I have finished NONE of those. The only show I’ve been able to tune into for a full season in years is Once Upon a Time. And I’ve even slacked on that one this season! I watched the first two seasons religiously, then this season I missed one episode, got behind, and never…caught..…up. It’s terrible, really. But there HAVE been shows I’ve enjoyed in the past, and watched all the time when I actually had time to watch them (like, back in high school when I didn’t have a job or a blog). Here are a few of my old faves:

  • Invasion (they ran one season with an awful cliffhanger and never continued)
  • Viva La Bam
  • Scrubs
  • Cartoons like Invader Zim (FAVE!), Tom & Jerry, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed Edd & Eddy, Teen Titans, X-Men Evolution, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
  • Anime like Inuyasha, Escaflowne, Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin, Tenchi Muyo, and Outlaw Star
  • Wrestling – Raw, Smackdown, & TNA. I used to be really into it and watched it with my dad every week!
  • The Golden Girls. That may sound weird, but I love that show! It’s hilarious!

Now, like I said, I only watch TV when my parents have it on. Shows I tend to listen to just because they’re watching:

  • Pawn Stars & American Pickers
  • Western shows like Bonanza, The Rifleman, and Gunsmoke
  • Wrestling still, when my dad watches it
  • Those shows where people survive out in the freezing Alaskan wilderness, I don’t even know what they’re called lol!

Do I like these shows? Mostly I don’t really care too much. I do enjoy Bonanza just a teensy bit, and same with Pawn Stars because the guys in it crack me up! I do like wrestling still, but I haven’t followed the wrestlers in a long time so I have no clue who’s doing what anymore O_O

Your turn! Make your own post telling everyone about TV shows you watch and link up! I encourage you all to participate ;)

Ideally, I want this to become meme style with many other bloggers participating so we can learn more about as many bloggers as possible! I’m sure it will take some time, but I hope you guys will be interested in joining. 

Jessi (Geo)

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32 responses to “Life of a Blogger: TV Shows

  1. Melissa @ Writer Grrl Reads

    Whoops — I totally had movies scheduled! Switched the posts just in time. I love that your parents watch westerns … That’s just so cute, and parent like? My parents love Midsomer Murders and keep trying to get me to watch it, but it’s soooooooo boring…

    I was totally into Once Upon a Time too, but lost interest once I missed a couple of episodes. I find that I get tired of shows if they drag on too long…especially if it’s long past the point of the story being interesting.

    • Oh, that was totally my fault! I screwed up in my scheduling and had to switch them. I won’t be doing it again, I promise :)

      I haven’t even heard of that one!

      Yeah, if I fall behind I’m probably not going to catch up. It’s hard enough for me to sit still for that one hour a week and not do anything!

  2. We are practically the same lol! Nowadays I don’t watch TV a lot but I used to watch Animax religiously back when I was in 6th grade (yes and Inuyasha: The Final Act was one of my favorite shows!) But ever since I got into reading more and then I made my book blog I haven’t been able to catch up with TV shows/anime.

    I did marathon the first season of OUAT a few months ago and I enjoyed the series but I have always forgotten to start the second season and well, now I’m simply too lazy to do so >< I'm just horrible at finishing series. Like, I also started 3 anime shows last month but I haven't bothered to finish any of them. x_x

    • Same here! I had WAY more time before I started blogging. It seems like anymore I’m so busy trying to keep up with post scheduling and reading and reviewing that I don’t have time for any other hobbies in my life =/

      I do the same thing! It’s a shame, really….

  3. I don’t watch a lot of TV, but when I find a TV show I like, I marathon that bitch. I watch every single episode back-to-back until I run out. Then I won’t watch another TV show for like 6 months until I find another one I like, then I do it all over again lol!

    Of the ones you mentioned, I love House and Dexter(I haven’t been keeping up with the latest season of Dexter though..).

    • Oh my goodness! I don’t have the attention span to sit for that long, haha. Or the time!

      Man, Dexter…I keep seeing the final season in stores and I feel sad because I don’t have time to catch up :( I even own the first 5 seasons!

  4. OMG Rurouni Kenshin!! I’ve only watched a few episodes of it but I really enjoyed it! I really haven’t watched any of these tv shows except for Once Upon a Time and I really love it, but I’m like you. I skipped an episode and just never caught back up :-/

    • I really miss it! Just seeing the name is like nostalgia for me. And yeah, I just don’t have the time to catch up. I missed one, got busy, then before I knew it I’d missed 4 or 5 and now I’m just too far behind! *sigh*

  5. I don’t watch much tv either. It’s not that I don’t like it, but I have a limited amount of time, so if I have to pick between reading, blogging or watching tv, the first two will always win. I watch 1 hour of tv every day though – when me and my BF eat dinner. It’s something we started doing together and it kind of stuck – dinner and a show. During that hour we either watch a series on Netflix/Hulu we hadn’t watched yet or when they have new episodes we watch Masterchef, Hell’s Kitchen, Walking Dead, and Parenthood. Right now none of those shows have anything so we started watching Heartland on Netflix and we’re enjoying it. In year’s past I’ve gotten into several other shows, but like you haven’t managed to finish them. Maybe someday!

    • Same here! It makes me sad, actually, because there’s a lot of shows I’d love to get back into. That’s probably the only time I’d get to as well is with my BF. I don’t read around him because we don’t see each other much and I feel like I’m ignoring him when I’m engrossed in a book. We usually only watch movies though, maybe we should start doing TV shows! And yes, maybe someday…. *sighs*

  6. I can’t watch a tv show religiously. I have to watch it like a binge on Netflix. I’ve never had the attention span to watch an episode a week. I tried with X Factor and even then, I missed like every other episode and has to watch it on YouTube.

    I’d rather read; with books, I can read whenever I want.


    • I suck at binge watching because I don’t have the attention span to sit still for very long! If I’m on the computer it’s okay because I’m doing something with my hands, but I feel like when I’m watching TV I’m just sitting there doing nothing >.< Exactly!

  7. Jaime Lester

    Ah, Scrubs. It still breaks my heart that it isn’t on anymore. It will always be one of my favorites. I have the dvd’s. I can quote most of the episodes. Sad, but true

  8. Oh my gosh Sleepy Hollow – LOVE IT. It’s the only new show I’ve really watched this season, but there’s just something about it.

    I’m so addicted to Netflix. I started a Doctor Who rewatch last year, and I’m planning another one for 2014 because well, it’s my favorite show. I also love Supernatural and Once Upon a Time. I used to really love The Vampire Diaries but it’s gotten even more high school/melodramatic than usual, and I’m losing interest in it.

    My dad watches a lot of those Life Below Zero shows about people living in Alaska, so if he has that on, I’ll watch.

    • I haven’t seen Doctor Who O_O It doesn’t really interest me, despite the hype. Maybe someday I’ll try it!
      I think I watched one episode of Supernatural and couldn’t get into it =/
      I’ve never watched Vampire Diaries either (or True Blood), but if it’s full of drama, I probably wouldn’t like it anyway.

      Life Below Zero, that’s what it is lol. They’re pretty interesting, but I just can’t understand why anyone would WANT to live like that! I get cold when it’s 30 degrees outside…I can’t even imagine the temperatures they deal with!

  9. I do watch a lot of TV :) I’m going to start participating in this, cause it is a cool idea. I’ll do it on my personal blog though, not the book blog.

  10. Yeah I don’t even watch shows when they air anymore! I wait until I have time to kill/want some background noise for whatever I’m doing and just watch it from on demand. I seriously wish I had more time to commit to things like watching a TV show all the time when they actually are supposed to air. I always watch those survival shows with my parents too because they’re actually really interesting when you get into the right mindframe.

  11. I don’t watch TV, but I do watch many TV shows on the internet. I always like to do binge watching, haha. Recently I watched all 5 seasons of Breaking Bad in one month with my boyfriend. We also watched all 6 seasons of Bing Bang Theory. I also follow many new shows and I keep track of them. One of them is also Once upon a time, I love it!

    • Oh my! I don’t binge watch because I don’t have the time to spare, but I think I’m going to start doing it with my boyfriend, it’d be a great activity for us to do together :)

  12. I know what you mean about forgetting to watch shows, that ALWAYS happens to me! It gets so hard to catch up and then I just kinda give up in the end. I tried to watch Once Upon a Time when it came out (my mom was obsessed with it) and I enjoyed it for a while but then I just kinda stopped.

    O_O I swear I thought I was the only person under fifty who watched the Golden Girls. I friggin love that show and everyone looks at me weird when I mention it.

  13. Escaflowne!!! <333 How I LOVED that anime!! #nostalgicsigh
    I don't watch a lot of tv, these days I only follow Person of Interest (I really, really love that show), Arrow and Vampire Diaries. And the one I'm most excited for is the next season of (BBC) Sherlock :)

  14. This is so weird… I also haven’t finished Justified, House or Dexter (also LOVED the first season.) Also started (and still watching) Lost Girl, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Revolution, and Sleepy Hollow. Was sad when Revolution got cancelled. Also stopped watching Once Upon A Time because I missed one episode, in the Peter Pan series. Also loved Golden Girls…

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