Books I got this week
Nothing. I haven’t gotten anything bookish for a while :(
Weekly Recap
Posts on the blog:
Why I’ve been missing lately
Man, I’ve been in such a slump lately guys =/ Some of you may have noticed I’ve been missing from the blog for a while. I fell into a really horrible reading slump for the first two weeks of March and I’m still struggling with it. I’ve only finished two books – which is really bad for me. I’ve been reading 12-15 books a month!
I’m also in a blogging slump – I was doing great there for a while, that’s what kills me. I had 2 weeks of regular posts and a month of reviews scheduled. I was ahead on everything and the only posts I had to worry about were the weekly wrap ups. Now I’ve fallen way behind – I still have to write about 5 reviews, and I’ve barely been getting my posts up on the day they’re supposed to be up. I missed last week’s wrap up and I didn’t have any reviews this week. It’s really depressing :( I just haven’t had the motivation or the desire to do anything lately.
I’ve also not been visiting blogs lately. There’s about 40-50 posts in each of my subscription folders. Another thing I haven’t felt like doing.
It’s really upsetting me. I miss you guys, but I’m really struggling with some things this month. The financial situation is difficult right now, and there’s a lot of things piling up on my shoulders that I don’t know how to deal with. I’ve been in a mental/emotional funk for the last couple of weeks, too. My mind has been in a kind of dark and scary place lately and I’m having trouble pulling out of it. I want to get a physical and see if I might have a vitamin deficiency, then if needed seek further help for possible dysthymia, but I don’t have insurance. Which I’m going to have to pay a disgusting fine for when I get my taxes done (there’s another thing – it’s almost April and I still haven’t done it). I feel like shit all the time – lazy, tired, unmotivated…fat – and it’s keeping me from simple functions like cleaning the house and working on things. And reading. I miss reading, but when I sit down to read I don’t have the mental capacity to do so. I feel like I’m stuck in a rut and can’t get out of it. Does anyone have any advice? I don’t know what to do…
What’s in your mailbox, loverlies? Link me up!

I’m so sorry you’re feeling down Jessi! *Great big bear hug* I think everyone goes through these phases, at least I know I do. With the blog – don’t worry about it. This is something you do for fun and to make you happy – and if feeling like pressure and something you feel guilty about not doing as “well” as usual, maybe it’s time for a break? You know we’ll be here when you’re back – it always amazes me how quickly I see everyone when I return from breaks. As for the health stuff, yeah that sucks not having insurance and having to pay a penalty for not having it. My taxes aren’t turned in yet because I have to pay close to 4k (not for health insurance, just in general). I have no real advice, except what I do when I feel this way – but I think it works differently for everyone. I work out. I know, it takes a lot of pushing to get into that first workout when you feel like emotional and physical shit – but, for me at least, after that work out I feel so much more energized and positive. *shrugs* I just hope you find what will make you feel better. Sending you huge hugs :)
I definitely know how you feel on the physical/mental funk. I haven’t been reading much myself. I’ve been playing my new nintendo 3ds and it’s been a great way to unwind and have some fun. I just went to the chiropractor for the first time in like 15 years this past Friday and I really can’t believe the difference it has made! I really need to get in to see a doctor soon too. But I just haven’t found one that is accepting new patients right now. I hope you find some relief soon!
If you ever need to talk, you know where to find me. :) *hugs*
You deserve a break. We’ll still be here when you get back. Try an audiobook. I make myself short easy to-do lists. Then it feels so good to check things off I feel accomplished. Even simple things like check the mail, do the dishes, read and comment on 2 blogs, take a nap….you get the idea. I hope you feel better soon.
Oh I hate slumps! My advice for both reading and blogging is to just take a break! Sometimes you need that For reading, you could try rereading an old favorite after a small break. Reread something you know you will love. And don’t worry about blogging. Take a break from it. Step back for a couple of days. I hope you get over these slumps soon. I know how much they can suck. :)
Aw, I’m so sorry to hear about your slump and struggles! It always seems like everything hits at once, YA know?
Keep your chin up and do what you can – I wish there was more I could say to help but we are ALL here to listen :) *hugs*
I hope you feel better soon. Don’t feel bad about taking a break from blogging if you need to. My advice would be to take multivitamins and maybe iron supplement (I’m not a doctor, but those can’t really hurt you unless you take a whole bottle). My other advice is to do something physically active. It will seem like the thing you least want to do, but after you will hopefully feel better.
I don’t really have any advice, other than to do what you can when you can if you feel like you can, but here’s a virtual hug. *hug*
I’m sorry :// Take it one step at a time. Dealing with any form of depression and anxiety is HARD; such a struggle.
Don’t worry about us Internet folk. We will miss you, but we care more about your mental health than a review post!
Aw, I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles. I don’t really have much advice that hasn’t already been said, except maybe don’t feel bad about needing a break every now and then and trying some different activities. When I feel down, I find it really helps me if I set myself small, achievable goals rather than trying to do everything I have to. That way, I start to feel really good about the fact that I’ve actually managed to achieve what I had set out to do, rather than feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff I still haven’t done, if that makes sense. I really hope you start to feel better soon, and if you ever want to talk, we’ll all be here to listen. *huge hug*
Sorry it’s been rough. I totally understand how financial stuff can really get you down. I deal with that myself a lot. Just come back when you feel like it and don’t let it stress you. We’ll be here when you get back, and we’ll see you at our blogs when you feel like it. :-) If you have time, you can always come check out my Sunday post.