Books I got this week

In the mail:
- The Body Electric by Beth Revis, SIGNED and numbered
- The Body Electric swag pack: art postcards from the story, bookmarks, a sticker, and a coupon for the ebook
- Swag pack for Talon by Julie Kagawa: 24×36 poster, preview booklet, and signed Talon bookplate
- Intertwined by Gena Showalter, SIGNED
- Unraveled by Gena Showalter, SIGNED
- Twisted by Gena Showalter, SIGNED
A huge THANK YOU to Becca @ Pivot Book Reviews for getting the Showalter books signed for me! YOU ROCK GIRLY!! <333
Weekly Recap
Posts on the blog:
- [6 Oct] Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch ★★★
- [8 Oct] Novel Thoughts: Have You Ever Been Judged Because You’re a Reader?
- [9 Oct] Life of a Blogger: Scents
- [10 Oct] Talon by Julie Kagawa ★★★★★
- [12 Oct] Heartbeat Weekly (35)
Favorite posts this week:
- Octavia @ Read.Sleep.Repeat. gives some suggestions for sending ARC requests!
Blog news:
If you didn’t see last week’s Heartbeat Weekly, my third blogiversary is coming up here in a couple weeks! I have ZERO ideas of what to do that I haven’t already done the last two years. (Um, help?) I’ll probably just end up doing something simple…
I’m also participating in Horror October! Look for a post for that soon, too :)
What I’ve been up to this week:
Starting a new chapter in my life: The new job! It felt AMAZING to walk out of Awful Job for the last time ever.
Unfortunately, leaving means I need to find new health insurance. I could honestly not give two shits about it (I just got my first physical in 10 years), but because it’s mandatory, I don’t have a choice. I spent nearly an hour on the phone with an Anthem rep *trying* to apply. I say trying because they were giving me a hellacious time and there was a bunch of problems with my application and crap. The lady was making me feel like an idiot, like I was incapable of filling out an application properly – there were like 4 questions a page, and they were all factual things that I obviously can’t mess up (what’s your social, where do you live, what’s your DOB, is your income over 48,000 or under, etc.) She insisted that I left a bunch of questions blank but the application wasn’t that extensive, so I would have noticed that. It was pretty damn straightforward and easy, and I’m not fucking stupid. On top of that, my price ended up being almost twice as much as the original quote, and I can’t afford it. Then they started asking about income, and because I’m at a new job and haven’t had a regular paycheck, I don’t know. They gave me hell about that. I was getting so frustrated and stressed out that I actually started crying! It was horrible. I ended up telling the woman to forget it and hung up on her. So now I don’t know what to do about insurance and it’s seriously stressing me out.
What’s in your mailbox, loverlies? Link me up!

I really liked Intertwined! I still haven’t finished the series, but I want to eventually. It’s nice to see the series on this post (I don’t see it around often). :)
Congrats on the new job! Hopefully your health insurance can be straightened out soon so you won’t feel stressed out.
OOoh nice! I got my Talon package this week too! Much <3! And yay Signed Intertwined books! I looooooooooooove that series sooo much! Pretty much cried when Gena said the publisher wasn't interested in a fourth and final book! I about had a heart attack! I can only hope that she finds herself with some free time asap and write one and self publish it because I neeeeeeeeeed answers! Hope you enjoy all your new reads and the signed glory! ;)
Here’s my STS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
I’m super excited for The Body Electric! I hope it’s good. :)
Sorry about the health insurance crap. :( I’m grateful I live in the UK now, where it’s all free!
I’m SO jealous that you guys have free health care. It makes me wonder why the hell America doesn’t do that…just proves how greedy this country is =/
Congrats on the new job! I’m sorry the insurance situation is such a pain :( Since you don’t go to the doctor very often I’d say wait – you get like a three month window (look it up to be sure it hasn’t changed of course) before you have to worry about any penalties whenever you switch employment. Maybe in three months it won’t be so bad…
Enjoy your new reads – there’s quite a few I’d like to grab :)
EEP! So happy they made it to you safely! ALSO ISN’T THE TALON SWAG GLORIOUS!!!!! And that envelope. I swear, I’m keeping that envelope for the rest of my life. I’m sorry to hear about the insurance troubles. Being a grown up is no fun!
Yes, the envelope was epic! I cut it up to use for some future project, when I find inspiration for it ;)