A Look at the First Half of 2016

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on July 12, 2016 | 2 Comments

A few stats

Books finished: 40

Books DNF’ed: 7

Pages read: 16,397

Longest book read: Winter (821 pgs)

Rereads: 0

Series started: 21

Series finished: 4

Highest rated genre: Urban Fantasy

Books read by rating

# of books rated:

DNF = 7
★ = 1
★½ = 0
★★ = 1
★★½ = 1
★★★ = 1
★★★½ = 4
★★★★ = 18
★★★★½ = 10
★★★★★ = 4
★★★★★+ (King of the Sea Award) = 1

Average rating: 4.0

This is actually pretty high for me! I had a massive number of 4 star reads so far this year, and hardly any below that. I also DNFed quite a few, which kept my average rating a bit higher than if I’d forced myself through something I didn’t like.

Reading challenges

Goodreads challenge: 2 books behind >.>

TBR Pile: 5/20

Reading Bingo: Completed original goal, trying for a coverall now instead

Prequel/sequel: 60/150 points

I’m doing…decent, I suppose. I’m way behind on my TBR Pile Challenge, which I’ve decided to pull ONLY from my TBR jar for this. I haven’t used it much, but now that I’m finally caught up on review copies I’m hoping that will change!

A look at my most anticipated 2016 releases

passenger bracken shadow hour grey soldier julie kagawa nevernight kristoff illuminae cover 9780373211579_BB.indd shadow queen starflight landers a torch against the night titans victoria scott furthermore mafi this savage song schwab A Gathering of Shadows Final the hunt shepherd ruined amy tintera

  1. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken – ★★★★
  2. The Shadow Hour by Melissa Grey – ★★★★
  3. Soldier by Julie Kagawa – ★★★★★
  4. Nevernight by Jay Kristoff – ★★★★★+
  5. Gemina by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman – still dying for this book!
  6. Firstlife by Gena Showalter – ★★½
  7. The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine – ★★★½
  8. Starflight by Melissa Landers – ★★★★
  9. A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir – still anxiously waiting
  10. Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi – still waiting, excitement has waned
  11. This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab – ★★★★
  12. A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab – ★★★½
  13. The Hunt by Megan Shepherd – ★★★★
  14. Ruined by Amy Tintera – ★★
  15. The King Slayer by Virginia Boecker – ★★★½

I freaking LOVED Nevernight and Soldier; I enjoyed Passenger, Shadow Hour, Starflight, Savage Song, and The Hunt, but most of the rest were kinda disappointing sadly. I was EXTREMELY disappointed in Ruined and Firstlife, which I kinda actually hated a little bit. Firstlife had some redeeming qualities, but for being a Gena Showalter book I’m very sad that I didn’t like it.

Favorite books of 2016 so far

nevernight jay kristoff soldier julie kagawa raven boys maggie stiefvater red rising brown riders

Least favorite

strange and beautiful sorrows ruined amy tintera firstlife

Jessi (Geo)

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2 responses to “A Look at the First Half of 2016

  1. I’ve barely read AT ALL this year. I focused on my first year of college and I was overwhelmed with reading for classes and just life things. Also, I just lost my desire to read for awhile. Fortunately, that’s back and I’m SO EXCITED FOR BOOK AGAIN. Winter was also the longest book I read this year (of the very few). Good luck on your reading challenges! :)

    • Oh no! Reading slumps suck :( I hope you can get back into the swing of things and read some awesome stuff! You know, if you’re looking for something really epic you should try Jay Kristoff ;D *shameless bookpushing*

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