Hello loverlies! I have a confession to make. I am a serious procrastinator. Okay, so it’s not really a confession, just a well known fact about me. Baha. But lately I’ve been falling farther and farther behind on EVERYTHING, and to be frank I’m feeling rather overwhelmed at the moment. I definitely do not want to quit blogging. Fear not, minions! But I’m seven books behind on my Goodreads challenge (read 125 books this year), and lately I’ve been lucky to finish 2 books a week. I’ve been averaging 8 books a month, and in order to make 125 I need to read 10-11. Not good at all! Plus I’ve got so many books on my ‘for review’ pile that I feel like I’ll never get to them all. And I stress very easily guys. It’s sad, really. So actually it’s probably not THAT big of a deal, just me putting too much pressure on myself.
I don’t ever want blogging (or reading for that matter) to feel like a chore. I read because I love to, not because I have to! So, ladies and gentlemen, after careful thought and consideration I have decided to take a short blogging hiatus to participate in….
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 13th and runs through Sunday, May 19th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 7.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.
– From the Bout of Books team
I’ve never done this before, so I’m very excited! My average right now is 1-2 books per week, so I’m setting my goal at 4-5 for the week. 4 is probably more realistic, but 5 is my ideal goal.
There will not be any posts going up this week so that I can focus my full attention to reading (and probably my wonderful boyfriend, too). I apologize darlings, but I need a short break! Expect the scheduling to go back to normal starting next Monday.
I love you guys, every one of you! <3
i’m participating too, don’t put any pressure on you because yes it must stay a pleasure!
True that! Good luck :)
*fist pump* Procrastinator buddies! Hehe ;) Except I’m the one who doesn’t like to do her homework and gets easily distracted when writing reviews. :P
I’ll miss you’re amazeballs reviews and posts then, but if it means for you to read more delish books, GO FOR IT!! Hope you catch up your reading, Jessi! <333
*high fives* YEAH!!! Hahaha. I get easily distracted too…we should make a Procrastinators with ADD club ;D
Thanks darling! <3
Best wishes on your reading goal! Hope you get out of the slump!
Thanks Freda! Me too!
Good luck with your reading! Here’s to blowing that goal out of the water. :)
Thank you! I hope so :)
Completely understand where your coming from. I procrastinate big time and then fall behind on things & stress because I stress really easy. I only review on GR right now for several reasons, but that is one of them. Unfortunately, since I have no blog I can’t participate in Bout of Books or I so would. Good luck to you and your reading! I hope you make your goal and everyone looks forward to your reviews when you get back.
Thank you! You should check their page, I’m pretty sure it said you don’t have to have a blog to participate :)
Thank you for that. I checked out the site and asked. As soon as I get details I will more than likely signing up! Again good luck to you and thank you!
You’re welcome! Good luck to you too if you decide to participate!
Good luck!
Thanks Kassiah!
That’s a great idea Jessi! Have fun :D
Ohh, so this is what Bout of Books is! I’ve seen it trending on twitter and I’m think huh, what is that?
Anyways, good luck Jessi! :D
I’ll love to join you but I have finals next week. -sad face-
Wow! What a high number of books to read this year :) Don’t worry, I procrastinate a lot too, because of my exams and all (ugh.) and I’m at least 8 books behind! :O
Good luck Jessi! I’ll be waiting for you return :)
I’m currently 7 books behind! I read 141 last year when my goal was 100, so I thought I’d have no problem making 125 >.<
Thanks Emily!!