Life of a Blogger: Routines

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on February 26, 2015 | 5 Comments


Full list of Life of a Blogger topics.

Last week’s topic: Organization

This week’s topic: Routines

Like organization, I like the idea of routines more than the actual thing. I wish I could go to bed around the same time every night (11 pm) and wake up around the same time every morning (8 am). But it pretty much never happens. I have a lot of trouble going to bed earlier, and most of the time I stay up until midnight or 1 am. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I go to the gym (usually). But, if I don’t wake up at 7 or 7:30, I won’t go. If I get there early enough, there’s no one there and I don’t have to share the machinery or wait for any of it. And when I stay up until 12 or 1, 7 am is really early. If I do make it up, I tend to fall asleep on the damn couch at some point mid morning.

I don’t have much of a routine, honestly. I try to go to the gym on those three days, but other than that I don’t follow any strict schedule. Work is the only routine I have, because I work the same hours every week. What I do in my free time really depends on my mood and what needs to be done! I do clean the house every Sunday, though.

Next week’s topic: Freebie

Your turn! Make your own post telling everyone about your routines and link up :)

Jessi (Geo)

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5 responses to “Life of a Blogger: Routines

  1. Side note – I have no idea how I messed up the schedule so badly, but I did the wrong topic this week :/

    I’m like you – I like the idea of routine but suck at it. Though I guess I do have routines, like going to be around 12:30 – its just that’s not the routine I want to have… I want to get to bed earlier. And I want to wake up earlier. Etc. Oh well, I get my shit done, that’s what matters most right?

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