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Last week’s topic: Sports you’ve played
Topic suggested by Christy @ Christy’s Book Addiction
I looooove tattoos. LOVE. I have always had a major fascination for ink! I currently have 5 and want many more than that. If it weren’t for them being so costly, I’d probably be about covered by now! Tattoos are very addicting. They’re kind of like potato chips – you can’t have just one. Once you’ve had your first, you’re going to want more! I’ve been dying to get another but haven’t had the money. *sigh*
Anyway, here’s the tats I have:

- The rose (left hip) was my first tattoo back in 2006. It was originally just the rose and one leaf, but when I got it touched up later and added the second leaf and some shading.
- The “Cancer” I got in 2007. I’m not 100% happy with it, but I don’t know how to fix it.
- The paw print (right wrist) I’m pretty sure I got in 2008, I think? I don’t really remember. It’s been touched up once because the lines were messed up, but he still didn’t do that great of a job. I love it, but the blurred line on the left side and the places where there’s some coloring outside the lines really bug me. I haven’t gotten around to getting it touched up again.
- Notice that I said above I have 5. Well, I didn’t picture the other one because I hate it. It was supposed to be like this but the asshole that did it shaded outside instead of making the shape solid, so it looks awful. When he first did it, it didn’t look too bad, but now that it’s faded it looks like a child colored it with a crayon. It’s bad. I really want to cover it up because there’s no fixing it to look like I want it to. Once I get it covered up I think I’ll just get what I actually wanted on the other foot.
- The Chinese symbol is the simplified version of “dragon” and is my newest tattoo. It’s also my favorite. It was actually supposed to be a matching tattoo with an old friend, but she wanted the traditional version and didn’t want it on her neck so it ended up not really being matching at all. I got this one in 2009 and haven’t been able to get another tattoo since :(
I’m only 100% happy with two of my tattoos: The rose and the Chinese symbol. If you plan on getting a tattoo, DO YOUR RESEARCH. I can’t stress that enough! Make sure you research artists, find reviews, and look thoroughly at their artwork. Don’t just settle! That’s what I did, because I wanted a tattoo and I was too impatient to search for a quality artist, so I just went to the first one that was available. I definitely regret it! For future tattoos, I want to find a really great artist and stick with them (because I had 5 different artists tattoo me).
Your turn! Make your own post telling everyone about tattoos and link up :)
Next week’s topic: Your quirks

My husband found an artist and stuck with him. All 7 of his tattoos are by the same guy and it’s REALLY neat to see his progression and how he got better. His first tattoos aren’t bad it’s just that the guy got so much better (he’s the one that did my 2nd ~ and unfortunately last so far ~ tattoo). Thanks for sharing!
I seriously love the tattoo on your neck! I’m sorry you’ve had some bad luck with tattoos – that’s probably the #1 reason I don’t have any yet, I’m so scared I won’t end up with what I want. But someday I’ll find the right artist and get an incredible one, I just know it.
Yep, I had four different tattooists do my tattoos. The one that did two of them is the one I wish I wouldn’t have settled on. He did okay on one tattoo, but then made the other one look weird… But.. all I can say is oh well. They’re not terrible, I just wish I would’ve thought it through a little more. lol. I like your pawprint, though!
While I’ve had different tattooist on almost every one of mine, I only have one shop that I’ll go to. I love that Chinese symbol one!
The Chinese symbol looks really neat :D I’m sorry to hear about your failed tattoo and I hope you soon have the money to get it covered up. I never wanted a tattoo, but this year I’ve been seriously considering it.
I participated this week, even thought I can’t really participate since I have no tattoos … but I am fascinated by them! I really love the one that you had intended to get, but didn’t picture … that’s a really cool image, and I hope it works out one day to get it recreated! One of my best friends is heavily addicted to tattoos (she’s got most of both sleeves done!) so I totally know what you mean about wanting more and more. She started with planning to get one, and only one, after she turned 18 and moved away from home (her parents were really strict) … and then hasn’t stopped since then!