Books I got this week

From the library:
Thank you Octavia!!!!! <3
For review:
Weekly Recap
Posts on the blog:
- [22 Dec] Forever by Maggie Stiefvater ★★★
- [23 Dec] 2014 End of Year Book Survey
- [25 Dec] Life of a Blogger: Christmas!
- [26 Dec] Books I Didn’t Finish: November & December 2014
- [27 Dec] 2014 Reading Stats & Challenges Overview
- [28 Dec] Heartbeat Weekly (46)
Blog news:
As you can see, Novel Heartbeat is rocking a new design just in time for the New Year! I’ve been DYING to get Tweak Me 2 and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I’m thrilled with my new homepage! Woot! Ashley is a genius ;)
What I’ve been up to this week:
Christmas crazies! I’m glad the holiday is over. I did a loooot of scrambling this week and I am totally broke now :( I seriously need to prepare better next year….
What’s in your mailbox, loverlies? Link me up!

I just switched to Tweak Me 2, too! It’s so great! :D
Are you going to do a homepage? :)
Lucky you! The Cage sounds INCREDIBLE! I can’t wait to hear what you think about it.
OOooh very nice! Love the redesign as well!!
All kinds of excited about the Cage and sadly I was rejected twice now for it. I just don’t think the pubs like me on EW, but then they do on NG…go figure.
Hope you enjoy all your new reads!
Here’s my STS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
Aw, I feel your pain! I was lucky enough to be autoapproved by Harper, but that is the ONLY pub I can every get anything from. Penguin and S&S reject me on EVERYTHING.
And it’s weird! Because I have auto approval on Harlequin on NG, which doesn’t apply to the YA reads anymore, but I still get approved for those, it just takes awhile. But when requesting on EW, it takes forevvvvvvvvvvverrrrrrrrrrr to get a response, 2 months was the longest, and they still reject me.
No big though, I can catch up on my TBR Mountain while I wait! Still sucks to wait for the ones I realllllly want to read, but I can still say that of a LOT of my TBR books!
I was auto approved for Harlequin Teen but they took it away! That’s weird! Yep, that’s how my non auto approvals are. They wait until it’s almost release before they say, “Oh, we’re sorry, we’ve reached our quota.”
True that!
Love the design, I am getting the Tweak me 2 soon but just waiting till I have a full day to play with it and get my redesign ready. I am sure it was easy to set up.
I just got the Cage from Edelweiss, it looks so good and I plan to read it soon, I hope you enjoy it if you get to it before me.
Have a great week Jessi! Happy New Year!!!
I like the new design but the other one was great too. The Cage sounds amazing. I cannot wait to read your review on it.
Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous
I spent most of my week getting Christmas presents too…it’s not much fun to spend the week with holiday stress! I really liked the Alexandra Bracken novella, In Time, but I haven’t read the other one yet and The Cage looks really good!
LOVE the new theme! It’s really soft and pretty but still reminiscent of your old theme :) I’m in the middle of Zodiac right now; I hope we both enjoy it!
Can’t wait to see what you think of The Cage! I got it too. :) Love the new design!
I’m so glad you mentioned the re-design, since I’m on a RSS reader and wouldn’t have seen it! I’m getting tweak me v2 as well, but I’m not sure I want to redesign my blog. My first priority is using it to setup my author page, since the static homepage will be perfect for that and I don’t have to learn a new system this way. I just love your homepage though!! It’s great!
I just got the new Tweak Me theme too and I loves it! I love your home page :)
The Cage looks awesome.
Ahh, love the new look!! Nice color choice :) I can’t wait to get the new Tweak Me!