Review: City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on June 11, 2012 | 4 Comments

Review: City of Lost Souls by Cassandra ClareCity of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
Series: The Mortal Instruments #5
Published by Margaret K. McElderry (5.8.2012)
Genres: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult
Format: Hardcover, 534 pages
Source: I own it
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4 Stars

The New York Times bestselling Mortal Instruments continues—and so do the thrills and danger for Jace, Clary, and Simon.

What price is too high to pay, even for love? When Jace and Clary meet again, Clary is horrified to discover that the demon Lilith’s magic has bound her beloved Jace together with her evil brother Sebastian, and that Jace has become a servant of evil. The Clave is out to destroy Sebastian, but there is no way to harm one boy without destroying the other. As Alec, Magnus, Simon, and Isabelle wheedle and bargain with Seelies, demons, and the merciless Iron Sisters to try to save Jace, Clary plays a dangerous game of her own. The price of losing is not just her own life, but Jace’s soul. She’s willing to do anything for Jace, but can she still trust him? Or is he truly lost?

Love. Blood. Betrayal. Revenge. Darkness threatens to claim the Shadowhunters in the harrowing fifth book of the Mortal Instruments series.

My thoughts

Remember what I said about CoFA? How the plot was more of teen angst and relationship drama than danger and action? Well, the same goes for CoLS, except throw in a little sexual tension. That seemed to be all that the first half of the book was about. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Mortal Instruments. Still do. But it has gone downhill since City of Glass. I still enjoyed this book, but found myself a bit bored at times. Disappointed, even. The last quarter or so did pick up a bit, though.

There was a lot of focus on the couples – a little too much for me. I don’t mind romance, but this is the Shadowhunter world! I don’t care about who’s sleeping with who. I want action, dammit!
Maia and Jordan: I could really care less to tell you the truth. Not a big fan of Maia.
Simon and Isabelle: I love them together, and I’m glad they made progress (finally!).
Magnus and Alec: I hate Alec now. I never really liked him to begin with because he was a bit of a brooding asshat at times, but the meh/dislike has now turned into blatant hatred. If you didn’t know already, Magnus was one of my favorite characters in the other books – and he’s pretty awesome. And that’s why I hate Alec. I don’t really get excited for the guy-on-guy romance, but Alec proved to be unworthy of Magnus.

If you saw my status updates, you’d know that I had a lot of WTF moments in CoLS. Mainly with character behavior. Alec, definitely. Like I said, NOT worthy of Magnus. Jace, especially. Although he couldn’t really help it because of the whole binding thing. And this one was a shocker for me – Clary. I don’t usually feel disgruntled with her, even though she’s a bit selfish at times. Because even when she’s being selfish it’s usually with good intentions, particularly concerning loved ones. But DAMN Clary, really? I wanted to knock some sense in her a couple of times.

The one thing that struck me the most? Sebastian. Halfway through, I kept thinking, ‘Sebastian…is….growing on me?! WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE.’ But it’s true! In certain scenes I felt a swell of emotion – perhaps even affection – for him. Sure, he’s evil and sadistic, but there was something about him that endeared him to me. I felt sorry for him, mostly. I think he’s just lonely. Maybe part of him just wants to be loved. But nobody loves him because of what he is, even though he can’t really help it. Dawwww.

Favorite character: I seriously hate to admit it…but Sebastian. Say WHAT, Geo?! Yup. You heard me. I do believe that he’s my second favorite villain. First being Loki, of course. :)
“As far as I know, inanimate objects can accidentally kill you. So if you were planning on teaching yourself the lambada on a greased platform over a pit full of knives, I wouldn’t.”
“There goes my Saturday.”

“My mother seems to have accepted it. But my father – no, not really. Once he asked me what I thought had turned me gay.”
Turned you gay?”
“I hope you told him you were bitten by a gay spider,” said Simon.

Plot: 3/5
Writing style: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
World-building: 5/5
Pace: 3.5/5
Cover: 5/5
Overall rating: 4/5 starfish
Click cover for my review
Jessi (Geo)

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4 responses to “Review: City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare

  1. Haha, don’t worry – I felt exactly the same about Sebastian! During some parts I even thought: Wait…is he turning good???? I think Cassandra Clare’s amazing writing style is to blame :)

  2. Girl, (referring to your comment on my blog)you couldn’t be more right. I felt that CoFA kinda fell flat for me. I think it could have been left with just the first three because that’s where Clare’s original ideas were. I feel as if the last three are just a desperate attempt to make more money and grow the already gigantore fan base. Don’t get me wrong, Clare I feel is a very talented author, but I was actually highly surprised and confused when she announced she’s be making another three.
    Okay, I did originally have a crush on Sebastian, but that was in City of Glass where he was charming and not as creepy as he is in the next two books. I feel as if there’s still that old Sebastian from CoG in him in CoLS, but it isn’t very redeemable. But, knowing Clary, I think in the next book she might begin to feel possibly guilty for leaving and hurting her brother. You kow, blood runs thicker than water…or something like that.
    And I, too, only am a fan really of Malec because of Magnus. He has to be make fave character out of all of them, besides Simon. Alec really was a bonehead in this book and got what he deserved, but I’m just highly dissapointed that it kind of ended. HOPEFULLY, things will be mended by end of the last book. Which, knowing Clare and her writing, it will be.
    And thanks for following me! I’m following you, but not by GCF–which I’m about to change riighhht noww.
    P.S Sorry for the uber long comment! Not really!

  3. I felt this book was amazing, it was intense and filled with action (mostly). It’s probably my favourite of this series so far. I loved Sebastian in this book, except for, well, the end :P
    I hope he turns out good. I really want him to get rid of his evilness and join Clary and Jace and the rest!
    I agree with you about Alec, I was shocked at his choice. I don’t think he desrves Magnus, but on the other hand I hope they reconcile in COHF! They’re my favourite couple XD

    If you have time, check out and maybe follow my blog, I just created it a few days ago –

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