Series: Everneath #3
Published by Balzer + Bray (1.21.2014)
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Format: Hardcover, 336 pages
Source: I own it
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Now that Nikki has rescued Jack, all she wants is to be with him and graduate high school. But Cole tricked Nikki into feeding off him, and she’s begun the process of turning into an Everliving herself... which means she must feed on a Forfeit soon — or die.
Terrified for her survival, Nikki and Jack begin a desperate attempt to reverse the process using any means possible. Even Cole, who they expected to fight them at every turn, has become an unlikely ally — but how long can it last? Nikki needs to feed on Cole to survive, Cole needs Nikki to gain the throne in the Everneath, Jack needs Nikki because she is everything to him — and together, they must travel back to the Underworld to undo Nikki’s fate and make her mortal once more. But Cole isn’t the only one with plans for Nikki: the Queen has not forgotten Nikki’s treachery, and she wants her destroyed for good. Will Nikki be forced to spend eternity in the Underworld, or does she have what it takes to bring down the Everneath once and for all?
My thoughts
So…I really don’t know how to write this review completely spoiler-free. So readers beware!
While this book wasn’t quite as good as the rest of the series, I did enjoy it and it was a good ending to a great series!
“You are my peace and my home. You are the everything.”
You have to really feel for Jack and Nikki…despite everything they’ve done to be together, the world just keeps working against them. It’s very tragic! But the great part is, even though it seems like they’re destined to be pulled apart, they never stop trying. It makes them even stronger!
It was becoming more difficult to remember all the reasons I hated Cole, especially now that I’d gotten a glimpse into his tragic past.
Cole. Oh, Cole. I spent half this book arguing with myself over whether or not Cole was faking his amnesia or not. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, because remember what happened LAST time I started to like him? Yeah. So not happening again. But it did, and that’s what shocked me – Ashton’s ability to get you to empathize with even the most nefarious character. A few times I actually started to feel sorry for Cole, even though I never fully trusted him. I could never get a read on him to tell if he was sincere or not, or if he was just doing more manipulating to further his own agenda.
So…I saw that ending coming A MILE AWAY. I got the feeling throughout the whole book that it would happen that way, and to be honest I hoped it would. Because I like an author that can make sacrifices. Sometimes things come with a price, and I love it when an author has the balls to do that! View Spoiler »
However, I felt very unsatisfied with the final battle with the queen. View Spoiler » I think if a little more time would have been spent on that, the ending would have been much more satisfying.
Favorite Quotes
I couldn’t deny it anymore. I’d been so worried about letting go of my anger and my hate, but my mistake was thinking it was actually my choice. I had about as much choice in the matter as an ice sculpture on a sunny day. Drop by drop, without my permission, my anger and hate had melted away.
“I am familiar with the need for a way out, no matter how implausible. It can give a hopeless situation hope.”
Overall Assessment
Plot: 4/5
Premise: 4/5
Writing style: 4/5
Originality: 5/5
Characters: 4/5
World-building: 4.5/5
Pace: 4.5/5
Feels: 3.5/5
Cover: 4/5
Overall rating: 4/5
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Ooooh, I’m glad to hear you liked this one! I have it on hold at the library (still haven’t read Everbound) and I’m excited for the rest of the series!
So I didn’t read your review b/c I haven’t gotten to this series yet, but I have to say that I am SO glad to finally see a good review/rating for these books! I have the first two, I think, b/c the concept was such a good one and I LOVE Greek mythology, but then it seemed like EVERYONE hated it. Thanks for giving me hope that maybe it’s not so terrible after all :)
Wow it sounds like the battle with the queen was very… pathetic.. lol.
I’ve seen a lot of negative reviews for this book so I’m surprised (but happy) that you loved it! Tbh I’m not sure if I’ll read it.
So happy to hear you enjoyed this one! I hated it, but it was mostly because I felt like Ashton cheated Cole out of a proper resolution.
But yea…the final battle with the Queen? So lame!! And I totally saw the end coming too – I had hoped I was wrong, but alas, it was not the case.
I skimmed for fear of spoilers, but it sounds like it was a tad too predictable, but otherwise good. I’m torn as to whether I should add this to my pile… I guess I’ll catch-up first, and then go from there. LOL Great review!
You know your entire Cole + ending paragraph that you wrote? That was EXACTLY me, with the exception of the fact that I didn’t like him the last time. I’m a naturally suspicious person and at times, I just wanted to shake him and be all like ARE YOU LYING TO US COLE?!
And yep, I saw the ending a mile away. It had the same exact effect to me as it did to you too.
I agree, the final battle was just so anti-climatic and forgettable. ):
Great review Jessi! (:
I agree about the ending. It went far too fast and if it’s was this easy, why did it take them so long? The whole thing with Cole touched me. I found it fitting with the story, but I didn’t see it coming and I was shocked! It was good that the author went there, it was courageous and it destroyed me, haha.