Wow, I didn’t post a Heartbeat Weekly at ALL last year. Oops.
January haul
- Aurora’s End by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman, Goldsboro edition
- The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams
- The Bitter Twins by Jen Williams
- The Poison Song by Jen Williams
January Wrap Up
Books I read in January
- Firestar’s Quest by Erin Hunter – ★★★½
- Year of the Reaper by Makiia Lucier – ★★★★
- Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune (audio) – ★★★★
- Yellowfang’s Secret by Erin Hunter – ★★★★★
- Heroine by Mindy McGinnis – ★★★★
- The Paths Between Us by Amira K. Makansi – DNF
- As Good as Dead by Holly Jackson (audio) – ★★½
- The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow – ★★★
Pages read: 3,175
Average rating: 3.7
Favorite book read in January: Yellowfang’s Secret
Least favorite book read in January: As Good As Dead
Books I reviewed
- Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff
- DNF Reviews: Kingkiller, Where Dreams Descend, Gods of Jade/Shadow
- Aurora’s End by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman
- Mini ARC Reviews: Blood & Honey, Skyhunter, Addie Larue
- Review: Heroine by Mindy McGinnis
Other posts
- Bout of Books 33: Goals & Progress
- 2021 End of Year Book Survey + Reading Stats
- Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2022
- 2022 Goals and Resolutions
- 5 Star Books of 2021 + Predictions for 2022
- 2021 Highlights: Marriage + Fitness!
- Top Ten Tuesday: 2021 Releases I Didn’t Get To
- How I Got Fit…and Have Stayed There
- 2020 & 2021 Audiobook Re-reads
What I’ve been up to this month
Is it just me, or did January feel STUPID long?! I haven’t really done much of anything but work. I did start my two week free trial of TTSL Daily this month, which I really enjoyed, but other than that it was same old, same old. The only exciting thing that happened all month was I started on my Kristoff sleeve tattoo with my first piece of it – Buruu from The Lotus War by Jay Kristoff!
I plan to get the same tattoo that Yukiko has (the kitsune, it’s on the covers) on the outside of the same bicep. By the time this gets posted, I will have had my first session to get the main part of the fox done! Eventually I want the whole arm to be covered in Kristoff book references. I’ve already got Mia’s dagger, “in every breath hope abides,” and Jay’s doodle of Mr. K with “never flinch/never fear/never forget” in his handwriting. (I got these last year and never posted about them, I’ll drop a pic below.)
After the fox is done I’m planning to get “she is catalyst, she is chaos” (Illuminae) on my collarbone, a techy looking honeycomb with mechanical bees (LIFEL1K3), and I’m going to fill in the top gaps on my arm with skulls (one of which being a cat skull – a nod to Kinslayer) and a rose (Empire, Gabe’s tattoos) with some lotus flowers (also a nod to the Lotus War).
Current obsessions
Movies: ENCANTO! I am OBSESSED! After I watched it for the first time, I watched it at least 3 more times the same week, lmao! Surface Pressure and We Don’t Talk About Bruno are perpetually stuck in my head.
Music: My new favorite song is Carry On by Falling in Reverse. I can’t stop listening to it! It’s SO beautiful.
Food: dessert hummus! Such a game changer! Chocolate hummus with strawberries is just as delicious as chocolate covered strawberries, but guilt free. I actually like it a bit better, because I’m not a huge milk chocolate fan. I got sea salt caramel hummus from Aldi over the holiday season and I’m so bummed that I can’t find it anymore. Their sugar cookie hummus is pretty awesome, though! (Also I discovered that 1 Tbsp dessert hummus + 1 tbsp peanut butter is like cookie dough!)
February TBR
- The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams
- Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco (AUDIO)
- Dear, Martin by Nic Stone
- Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
- The Cost of Knowing by Brittney Morris
- Graystripe’s Vow by Erin Hunter
- Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
- Redemptor by Jordan Ifueko
See anything you like? What did YOU get last month? Link me up!

Love the tattoos!! I’m a conniseur myself. Happy February!