Full list of Life of a Blogger topics.
Last week’s topic: Favorite quotes
This week’s topic: Nature
I was a Girl Scout growing up and we always did a lot of outdoorsy type things. I’ve always loved the outdoors! In the summer I spend as much time outside as I can. There’s just something about soaking up the sun that warms my soul :)
I love going out to Charleston Falls and taking a walk. They have paths through the woods that you can go on, and there’s paths that go down and around the falls. It makes for awesome photos! Now, with my recent obsession with Instagram and book photography, I’m getting more excited about summer because I can finally get out and take some bookish nature pics! I can’t wait :D
Next week’s topic: Dreams (the sleeping kind)
Your turn! Make your own post telling everyone about nature and link up :)

I can’t wait to see your future outdoor book photos! I was a Girl Scout too! Every summer from age 9-18, I went to a GS camp called Camp Molly Lauman – it’s in Lucasville, have you heard of it, or did you ever attend?
I love that we were both in guiding! My post is all about my previous outdoor adventures too :)
I’m not a big nature person. I’ve got major OCD and anything with dirt and creepy crawlies just makes me so uncomfortable! My husband was a camp counselor for ten years though and has made it perfectly clear that he’s going to force me into the great outoors