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Last week’s topic: Family
To tell you the truth, I was never much of a sporty person. In high school I was a band geek! I did decide to try out for softball one year, but conditioning was so hard and I was so physically out of shape that I never went back. I never played any sports in high school for 3 reasons: 1) like I said, I was out of shape, 2) it was too expensive, and 3) it just wasn’t my personality. I was way more into arts than sports.
I did end up playing softball for one season after I graduated high school, but I sucked at it! Like I said, I’m just not a sporty person. The only sport I actually care about is football. I hate baseball and soccer, and basketball is only tolerable when watching in person (I hate playing it!). So yeah. The only physical activities that I’m good at are bowling (I usually bowl an average of 140ish…not to be sexist, but most girls don’t break 100 lol) and badminton, if those count as sports ;)
Your turn! Make your own post telling everyone about sports you’ve played and link up :)
Next week’s topic: TATTOOS! (Get ready ;D)

I’m not a sports person at all! I’m really out of shape and I’ve always sucked when it comes to condition. The only thing I liked to play in school was volleyball and I’m very good at swimming – I hope to pick that up this summer and keep up with it :) I need to get off my lazy ass, haha.