Full list of Life of a Blogger topics.
Last week’s topic: Scents
This week’s topic: Favorite toys
Topic suggested by Bubblez @ Amourbow
Favorite toys growing up
- My stuffed animals, including Lamby (who I talked about in my Life of a Blogger: Most Prized Possession post).
- This is embarrassing, but…Barbies. Yep. I was one of those girls. Now look at me, haha! In my defense, I did get to the stage where I wanted Hot Wheels and Legos more than Barbies. And I used to take all the clothes off of my Barbies.
- Polly Pocket
- Board games and cards
- Playdough
- Lite-Brite
Favorite toys now
- Do books count as toys?
- My iPhone
- Xbox (Skyrim and Black Ops)
- My computer
- My Kindle and tablet
- Polymer clay!
I loved barbies as I could use themt oc reate stories, actually I used most toys to create stories because even at that age I was already into stories. I also had a collection of Polly Pocket toys! Nowadays I hardly hear about those anymore, so I was surprised to hear from someone else who played with those. I also use to play with play dough and we had a lot of Lego, Duplo and jigsaws lying around as well.
Most of my current toys are the same as yours, I wish I had enough money to start a lego collection again because I just love following all the steps and end up with a finished Lego building. I still love puzzles and jigsaw, but I don’t make enough time for those things nowadays. So it’s mostly my books, computer, playstation and ipad.
Oh I didn’t thought of video games!
Uh, Polly Pockets?? YES. They were the BOMB