Sadly, I didn’t get any books this week!

- Inky @ Book Haven tells us about her deal breakers in books
- Mel @ The Daily Prophecy has a beautiful new blog design for her blogiversary!
- Kelly @ Effortlessly Reading wants to know how you find time to blog
- Ashley @ Nose Graze explains how to deal with plagiarism
- Kelley @ Another Novel Read begs you to let her know when you reply to a comment (I want this too!)
- Judith @ Paper Riot admits she’s bad at commenting
- Miranda @ Tempest Books asks when you read and review ARCs
- Kristen @ My Friends are Fiction wants to know how you rate books

As you can see, I have a new design! I know I just changed it like 4 months ago, but I get bored easily. I was never quite happy with many aspects of the old design (really just the business cards), and it’s been nagging at me for the past month. I’m very happy with the new one (for now), and hope to keep it for a while!
I’m also trying to solidify plans for BEA! If you’re going, let me know :)

Not much. Making plans for my Florida vacation next month!
What’s in your mailbox, loverlies? Link me up!

I wish I was going to BEA! I was considering it, but I think overall it would be too expensive for me to make the trip, stay in a hotel, AND ship the books home. Maybe I can attend one in a couple of years!
And I love this design.
True that, the hotel alone is going to be nearly $1,000!! But I am DETERMINED that I will go :D
Thank you!
I really do love your new blog design! I’m glad that you’re really happy with it, and yay for possibly going to BEA! Unfortunately I’m not going to be going this year but if you’re in NYC we should totally meet up somewhere so I can finally squish you to death! <33 Have an awesome week!
Aw, thanks Leeny! <3
NOOOO I was hoping you’d be able to go :((( But YES!! I am perfectly okay with that! I will be in NYC for all of BEA week, we need to meet up!
Ohhh, all the BEA talk is making me a little jealous :D I really wish we had events like that over here – or that I had a lot of money to join you guys. I really like the blue color. Thanks for including me in the list and for changing my button in your blog roll :D
Aw, that makes me sad! I would love to meet you Mel!
Hehee you’re welcome, it’s a fabulous button and needs to be shown off ;D
I really want to go to BEA! I’m saving up money, but it’s a lot! I’m from Puerto Rico, so it’s a bit difficult because of overseas reasons, lol. But if all goes well, I should be able to go. If not, then I’ll plan it for next year. By the way, your blog design is really pretty :D
Those weeks with no books are sad, but they do happen! Love your new design Jessi! It’s so awesome!
Love the new look! For a second I wondered if I was in the right spot lol
I’m seriously tempted to read your review for Uninvited, but I start the audio book today and don’t want to spoil it. I’m just so glad to see it earned 4 hearts from you :)
And thanks for the links – I see some goodies!
Haha thank you!
Oohh I hope you love it! The idea was very unique and intriguing :)
I love your new blog design!
I want to go to BEA but well, I’m in Singapore and BEA is in USA… So I guess it’s not meant to be :( Do share with us your experiences at BEA; I’m eager to know!
First of all, I CAN’T WAIT TO MEET YOU AT BEA JESSI! -jumps up and down like a crazy person-
And you DNF’d Landry Park? Oh no, I just bought that one… :l
EEEP I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE GOING!!! *happy dance* :D :D
Yeah, it just wasn’t for me. Too historical feeling =/