Series: Everneath #2
Published by Balzer + Bray (1.22.2013)
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Format: Hardcover, 358 pages
Source: I own it
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Nikki Beckett could only watch as her boyfriend, Jack, sacrificed himself to save her, taking her place in the Tunnels of the Everneath for eternity — a debt that should’ve been hers. She’s living a borrowed life, and she doesn’t know what to do with the guilt. And every night Jack appears in her dreams, lost and confused and wasting away.
Desperate for answers, Nikki turns to Cole, the immortal bad boy who wants to make her his queen — and the one person least likely to help. But his heart has been touched by everything about Nikki, and he agrees to assist her in the only way he can: by taking her to the Everneath himself.
Nikki and Cole descend into the Everneath, only to discover that their journey will be more difficult than they’d anticipated — and more deadly. But Nikki vows to stop at nothing to save Jack — even if it means making an incredible sacrifice of her own.
In this enthralling sequel to Everneath, Brodi Ashton tests the bonds of destiny and explores the lengths we’ll go to for the ones we love.
My thoughts
Make no mistake, I was Team Jack 100% in Everneath. No, I didn’t read Neverfall, and I didn’t care to. I really don’t think it could have made me like Cole because I seriously couldn’t stand him in the first book. Everbound is very full of Cole. I can’t say he’s the main focus, because everything that Nikki does, she does for Jack. But still. There was far too much of him for my tastes, and I certainly didn’t want to find any reason to sympathize with him.
Yet, I did. I actually started to like Cole (horrible thing, ’tis). And after one very sexy (very, very sexy…) scene between Cole and Nikki, my resolve as a Team Jack member wavered. Just a teensy, tiny bit. View Spoiler »
With everything we’d been through down here, it was hard to remember that for so long Cole had been my adversary.
Cole was screwed up, that’s for sure. But I kind of felt sorry for him. He did seem to truly care for Nikki, and after seeing her through his eyes I realized it was indeed true. And because Nik started warming up to him, I did too. She started to see him as reliable, trustworthy, a friend even. So I did too. View Spoiler »
Still Team Jack. I looooved the Jack memories! I wanted more Jack so freaking bad, but those were enough to satisfy (for the moment, at least).
The world building was fabulous! The rings of the Everneath and the different Commons were fascinating and terrifying. (The hand tunnels! *cringe*) There was plenty of danger and action awaiting Nikki on her journey to bring Jack back. Her love for him really was the driving point of this book; she goes through so much and risks herself just for a chance to have him again. The power of her love was astounding.
THE ENDING. While reading the end I felt a dawning horror, and after it was over was left to curl into a ball in the corner and cry dwell on it. *sigh*
Favorite Quotes
“You’re going to love this story. It has everything. Intrigue. Tension.”
“Romance,” Max interjected. Cole rolled his eyes.
“We spent a lot of days in that room.”
“Is that a euphemism?”
He raised an eyebrow. “If by ‘euphemism’ you mean we spent hours and hours researching the origins of ancient coins, then yes, it’s a euphemism.”
Overall Assessment
Plot: 5/5
Writing style: 4.5/5
Originality: 5/5
Characters: 4.5/5
World-building: 4.5/5
Pace: 4.5/5
Cover: 5/5
Overall rating: 5/5
Previous Books

Yes, I really, really liked this book. There is something about Cole that adds something to the story. I like how he is a bad guy, but not 100%.
Ahh I am SO happy that you loved this one and that you’re Team Jack! I agree, the memories were so amazing and I actually agree, I did not like Cole at all, and I kind of was warming up to him, and then by the end I wanted to like slap him to the next world. Also, the world-building of the Everneath actually was so fascinating, I definitely thought that was a plus :D
Fantastic review, Jessi! <33 I can't wait for Evertrue like ahh I'm freaking out right now waiting for it
I really need to get on the ball and start picking up these sequels. I loved “Everneath” and have been meaning to read this one for quite awhile now! There’s just not enough hours in a day… *sigh*
Glad you liked it though! I’m definitely gonna have to move this up on my list. :)
Tell me about it! I feel like there’s never enough time to read as well as do all the other things I have to do >.<
I’m glad to see that you loved this one so much! I read Everneath a few months ago and I really liked it. I was actually Team Cole from the beginning. I’m not even sure why-I can’t really remember. I’ll definitely have to pick up the sequel soon! Thanks for the review. :)
Oh boy haha. Well I’ll be interested to see what you think of him by the end of this one!
You LIKED Cole (even if it was for, like, one minute)?! Wow. But then again, I did too, for ONE second. :P
But yeah, I’m so glad you’re Team Jack again. High five girl! :D<3
I know, I know, it’s embarrassing. ;p
*fist bump for Team Jack*