I’ve finally made it to WordPress!

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on March 11, 2013 | 15 Comments


After a solid week of stressing and ripping my hair out, novelheartbeat.com is finally, FINALLY, done. I have been in my WordPress bubble all week, stopping only to sleep and work. And occasionally eat, when I remembered to…

It was a pain in the arse, I’m going to be honest. I had to edit FIVE HUNDRED posts because the formatting went all wonky in the transition. Five. Hundred. Posts. I had a lot of issues and a lot of setbacks. At times I wanted to strangle somebody. At times I wondered why the crap I was even doing this. But I’ve made it, and it was worth it! I just wish I had started on WordPress instead of Blogger, or moved sooner. Then it would have been much easier. 

Why did I make the switch, you ask? WordPress is cleaner, and simpler. You can do more with it. There’s awesome plugins available, particularly the Ultimate Book Blogger plugin, which has shortcuts for EVERYTHING, including automatically updated review archives. Reviewing is so much simpler! 
Also, my blog is MINE and mine only. I don’t have to worry about my blog disappearing, or Blogger deleting all my hard work for no reason.

I want to give a special thank you to all of you reading this post right now, for caring enough about me and my blog to follow me over to WordPress. You guys are awesome!

And I want to give a very special thank you to:

  • My technical support – Ashley @ BookNook. I literally could not have done this without her. She helped me SO much with the switch – troubleshooting where I had errors, giving advice, fixing my UBB problems. Thank you for answering all my (many) questions, Ashley! You seriously rock!
  • My moral support – Inky @ Book Haven. She was my personal drill sergeant, reminding me that I needed to come out of my cave to eat and demanding requesting that I take a break from time to time. Not to mention offering me virtual hugs and comfort food ;D I luff yew Inky!

THANKS LADIES!!! *glomps* <3

I should be able to return to regular scheduling this week. I’ve got an Undersea Spotlight scheduled for tomorrow, but there’s no guarantees I’ll have a Wednesday review because I haven’t read since last Saturday. As in, 9 days ago. I think I’m going through reading withdrawal…

P.S. I need YOUR help! If you guys notice anything off about the blog: wrong formatting, mistakes in reviews/indexes, please let me know! After staring at it for a week straight, I probably missed a lot of things that a fresh eye could pick up. Don’t hesitate to comment or email me to let me know if there’s something that needs fixed!

Jessi (Geo)

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15 responses to “I’ve finally made it to WordPress!

  1. Congratulations on finishing the big move! How exciting! : )
    I am in the midst of the move myself (must be a Jessi(e) sort of thing to do!) but I’ve only just begun the process with the hosts and such. I’m in that limbo period where Google talks to my new host.

    Anyway, congrats and I’m glad you are able to blog normally now. ; )

  2. YAAAY Jessi! You made it to WordPress! I’m so glad you did it!! Whee! This is so big! I can’t wait to see where you take things now that you’re new and improved. *happy dance* I’m so proud of you! My Jessinator is on WP!! Anyway…I will Saergent anytime you need me too. *stands at attention* And you are welcome for the support. IT’s CRAY-CRAY and you never would have survived without those grilled cheese breaks. Haha. So YAY! Anyway…I’m so excited for where you take your awesomeness over here!

    <333 your Inkinator

  3. Angie F

    Yay! Congrats on making the move!

    The editing of 500 posts is the worst! I only made it to my July 2012 posts before I took a break. I really need to get back to that….

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