Unearthly and Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
AND an Epic Inky Letter of Awesome! HUGE thanks to the magnificent Inky @ Book Haven! I luff yew lil bloggy sista!! <3
For Review:
Dead and Buried by Kim Harrington (Netgalley)
Arclight by Josin L. McQuein (Edelweiss)
In the After by Demitria Lunetta (Edelweiss)
Rush by Eve Silver (Edelweiss)
As if I wasn’t swamped enough already with review books. (Auto approval is bad for Geo!) I seriously need to go on a book ban…
In other news…
My first design job!
Okay, well it wasn’t actually a ‘job.’ My lovely bloggy friend Annabelle at Sparkles and Lightning mentioned that she wanted hers done, so I re-designed it for her at no charge just because I wanted to see what I could do! It was really fun (and really frustrating too at times…stupid HTML), and I’m thrilled that she’s happy with the end result! I’m not an official designer, but someday I want to be…and what better place to start than with friends? I’m not a professional by far – I taught myself how to do everything I’ve learned – but sometime in the (hopefully) near future I want to take design courses so I can do more! Maybe one day I’ll open my own design website ;)

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And now for a random conversation of awesome for your viewing pleasure….
What’s in your mailbox, loverlies? Link me up!

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