Series: Medusa Girls #2
Published by Katherine Tegen (9.14.2012)
Genres: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Young Adult
Format: Hardcover, 328 pages
Source: Library
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Gretchen may have known she was a descendant of Medusa long before her sisters--after all, she's spent her life fighting the monsters that escape the abyss--but that doesn't mean it will be easy to teach the other girls the ropes. Can she rely on Grace and Greer, or even trust herself to keep them safe?Greer has pressing social commitments on her plate and precious little time to train in her newfound powers. But that wretched second sight won't leave her alone, and her fabled heritage seems to be creeping into her fashionable life.
Grace has worries closer to home--like why her brother, Thane, has disappeared. He's hiding something. Could it possibly be related to the secret heritage the triplets share?
With the warring factions among the gods of Olympus coming for them, the creatures of the abyss pushing into their world, and the boys in their lives keeping secrets at every turn, the three girls must figure out where their fate will take them and how to embrace the shadows of their legacy.
My thoughts
The fact that there are THREE changing points of view in this one really makes me appreciate Tera’s writing style. A few times I forgot momentarily who I was reading, but for the most part it was very well done. The voices were quite similar, but each of the girls had distinct personalities.
Gretchen was probably my favorite. She’s a kick-ass, no-nonsense kind of girl that knows how to fight. And did I mention she has super strength?
I liked Greer immensely more than I did in the first book. In Sweet Venom, she was a bit of an cold, snobby bitch. But we finally got to see a crack in her cool facade.
Grace was a lot better, too. She wasn’t as much of a doormat, finally learning to speak up for herself. She even asked her crush out on a date. Go Grace!
And what a fabulous portrayal of sisterhood! The bond that the girls shared strengthened more and more throughout the story. They protected and supported each other, and when one of them went missing the other two did everything possible to get her back. The relationship development here was marvelous!
I love the mythology aspect of this series. The idea of the Key Generation and the girls being descendants of Medusa were fabulous! Also, I can’t wait to see what secret Thane is hiding, because there was obviously more to him than meets the eye.
The ending…gaaahhhhh. Why Tera, whhyyyyyyy?!?! Sweet Legacy doesn’t even have a publication date… *glare* The series has improved vastly in just one book, and I’m looking forward to the final installment!

Sounds like something I should check out. :-)
It is unusual for a second book to be better than the first. Thanks for your thoughts! Might be adding this series to my to-read list!