I typically hate making New Year’s resolutions because it’s my belief that you should do them throughout the whole year, but I do still love them because it’s good motivation and something to look back on to see if I’ve accomplished my goals!
Looking back at last year’s resolutions
Here’s my post from last year!
- Read at least 75 books. NAILED IT!! I finished a whopping 103 books – I haven’t hit triple digits since 2013! I also DNFed 29 books, and some of them I read a couple hundred pages of, so my total for my Goodreads challenge was 117 books. (I count every 350 pages or so of DNF books as one book toward my challenge)
- Continue to listen to audiobooks (20+). NAILED IT! 20+, psh. Amateur. I weighed in at 96 audiobooks (including 20 that were DNFs), making up for 75% of what I read this year!
- Branch out from genre comfort zones again. I did awesome at this, and better than I ever have before! I have a pie chart on my End of Year Survey showing it, but my non SFF books equaled 25% of my total reading. It’s usually only like 10%! HUZZAH!
- CLEAN UP EXISTING REVIEW COPIES!! I didn’t get all of them, but I came pretty close! Next year!!
- Catch up on reviews. I did a little better. I’m still about 16 reviews behind, but that’s much better than the 50+ behind that I started the year with.
- Blog more consistently. I did not do this. >.<
- Continue to eat healthy and exercise. Get fit AF! This one depresses me so much. I said last year “The first half won’t be much of a problem for me, I have a good foundation now and I honestly feel like such trash when I eat poorly that it’s good motivation NOT to. And I’m at the point now where I enjoy working out and need it for my mental health.” And I fell off the wagon anyway. HARD. Depression got the best of me, and I think not working out damaged my mental health even more, and gaining a bunch of weight made it even worse. Being small and fit (and more importantly, feeling strong) for the first time in my life made it so much harder to not be, again. I also said I wanted to bench 80 lbs by the end of the year and that didn’t happen, either.
- Have visible abs. Lmao. Does a keg count? *sobs*
- $5k in savings. I DID IT!!
- Pay off 1-2 credit cards. I am so fucking proud to say, that not only did I pay off 1-2, I PAID THEM ALL OFF!! I was finally debt free (aside from the mortgage) for the first time since I was 20 years old. It feels SO. GOOD!! Then I turned around and put an $8k Sleep Number bed on a card *facepalm* but hey, it’s the only thing I have now and I’ve already got a good chunk paid off!
- Work on decluttering. I did some of this too! Most of it was in the two weeks I was on Zoloft and it was actually working. I was a powerhouse!
2023 Goals & Resolutions
Reading/blogging resolutions
- Hit 100 books again. With how many audiobooks I listen to now, this shouldn’t be a problem!
- Continue to read different genres.
- Hit 100% ratio on both Netgalley and Edelweiss. I am SO close!! I only have 3 books left on each platform! A couple of those books have been sitting there for several years, oops.
- Only request review books if I’m ready to read them immediately. I hate getting backed up because the pressure and obligation makes me not want to read them. Then I get stressed about being backed up and it makes me not want to read them even more >.<
- Keep up with reviews. I was more than FIFTY reviews behind at one point this year. I was so overwhelmed that I just let them sit until I barely remembered the books and it was difficult to catch up, but I did it! I don’t want to let it get that bad again.
- Blog more consistently. I say this every year, lmao. I always have good intentions to follow through, but life gets in the way!
Lifestyle resolutions
- Get back in shape. Get back to where I was in health and fitness and get my foundation back. I desperately want to be at the confidence I was last year with not only in my body, but how sound I was in my health and fitness foundation. It was so effortless then to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise and I want that again. I want to lose the 20 lbs and several inches I gained this year, too, and get back to fitting in my small clothes again.
- Continue to grow my savings account.
- Pay off the Sleep Number bed.
- Remodel our den into a theater room. I am DYING to move our living room to the den, and upgrade to a nice sectional couch and an 85″ TV. I want to repaint (including taking the stupid pre-fab strips off the walls and mudding it all to texture the walls and cover the gaps), get new carpet, and put up a dimmable light bar and surround system.
- Get braces, finally. I’ve wanted braces my whole adult life and could never afford them. I’m finally in a place financially where I should be able to do it, and desperately want to make it happen in 2023!
- Set up an emergency supply/shelter in our interior closet. This is something I should have done already. Our safest place for a tornado would be our most interior closet, and it’s in a spare bedroom with junk in the closet. I really want to clean that out and make sure we have plenty of emergency supplies (water, toilet paper, non-perishable foods and canned goods, pet food, first aid kit, etc) just in case. You know, in case of a zombie apocalypse or something.

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