Hosted by The Perpetual Page Turner
Author you’ve read the most books from:
Karen Marie Moning! I’ve read her Fever series (6 books) and her Highlander series (8 books) as well as her graphic novel, Fever Moon. So 15 books total! Gee, it’s like she’s my favorite author or something ;)
In second place is Julie Kagawa (favorite YA author!) with 8 books – Iron Fey (4), Blood of Eden (2), and Call of the Forgotten (2).
Besides those two, it’s not very often that I read more than 3, maybe 4 books by the same author because I have series commitment issues…
Best sequel ever:
Hands down, Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi. While I liked Shatter Me, I didn’t love it by far and it certainly didn’t blow me away. But UM sure did!
Currently reading:
The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas
Drink of choice while reading:
Mountain Dew! It’s my shameless addiction!
E-reader or physical book?
Physical book! Ebooks are more convenient, but I will always, always choose the real thing over an ebook. The only reason I even got a Kindle was to read DRCs from Netgalley and Edelweiss!
Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school:
Um…geez. The first one that comes to my mind is Ben from Unraveling. He’s the boy-next-door, slightly nerdy type!
Glad you gave this book a chance:
Wildefire by Karsten Knight. After seeing a whole bunch of negative reviews, I didn’t even want to read it. And I ended up loving it!
Hidden gem book:
Virals by Kathy Reichs. Not many people know about the series and it doesn’t have much hype. The second book, Seizure, was amazing!
Important moment of your reading life:
Meeting Julie Kagawa and having her tell me she knew who I was! :D
Just finished:
3:59 by Gretchen McNeil. It was….okay. *shrugs*
Kinds of books you won’t read:
Historical. Non-fiction. Erotica (although I did read 50 Shades to satisfy the curiosity). Biographies. Religious books.
Longest book you’ve read:
Probably Brisingr. 763 pages of boring.
Major book hangover because of:<br”>Unravel Me! I couldn’t think about anything but Warner for weeks! *swoons*
Number of bookcases you own:
3 actual bookcases, but I also have a set of wall-mounted shelves and a window that was converted into shelves when our main bedroom was added :)
One book you have read multiple times:
Just one? Well, I’ve read a few of my favorites more than once (Fever series, Mortal Instruments (trilogy only), Iron Fey, Wayfarer Redemption series) but one book I’ve read over and over again is Blood & Chocolate by Annette Curtis-Klause.
Preferred place to read:
In my pink chair in the office!
Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read:
This may not be my all time favorite quote, but it’s the first one I could think of:
On the darkest days you have to search for a spot of brightness, on the coldest days you have to seek out a spot of warmth; on the bleakest days you have to keep your own eyes onward and upward and on the saddest days you have to leave them open to let them cry. To then let them dry. To give them a chance to wash out the pain in order to see fresh and clear once again.
Tahereh Mafi, Unravel Me
Reading regret:
Uhh…not reading Harry Potter? >.>
Series you started and need to finish (all books are out):
Chemical Garden – Still need to read Sever
Delirium – Still need to read Requiem…
Hush, Hush – I’ve had Finale since it came out and still haven’t read it!
Three of your all-time favorite books:
1. Shadowfever by KMM
2. Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa
3. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Unapologetic fangirl for:
WARNERWARNERWARNERRRR. And Morpheus comes in second ;)
Very excited for this release more than all others:
X marks the spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:
Well, since I’m far too lazy to get up and go count physical books, I’m going to pick #27 off of my Goodreads shelf, which is: Sinner by Sara Douglass
Your latest book purchase:
The Nightmare Affair, Earthbound, and Pretty Girl-13 (at a signing)
ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):
I honestly don’t remember O_O A book has to be really, really, really epic to make me lose sleep, lmao!
I have got to read Unravel Me! Shatter Me did blow me away, so if you say it is even better, wow! And I loved Wildefire. Can’t believe it had bad reviews. Great post!
Check out my A to Z Survey
It’s waaaay better! Yeah, Wildefire was pretty awesome. I love Karsten Knight :)
So much Unravel Me love! Yes yes yes! :D
Here’s Mine
I can’t wait to read your review of The Burning Sky! I’m reading that right now too!
I love your responses! And I feel so out of the loop because I STILL haven’t read Unravel Me and I feel bad because I know you absolutely ADORE Warner. And IRON FEY SERIES FTW.
Now you make me wanna do this thingy!
You should do it! And you need to read Unravel Me, just sayin’ :p
this sounds like so much fun!! I’m totally gonna have to do this. I love your answers darling!! <333 :D and your snark. Ha.
YOU SHOULD. I want to read your answers!!
I can’t talk to you right now. YOU HAVENT READ HP!? NO. NO.
I still need to read Wildefire- it’s sitting on my shelf this second.
Awesome answers! <33
I know, it’s horrible >.< I thought it was awesome, but I'm not sure you'll like it. We seem to have very different tastes in books! You should give it a try though!
Haha I can tell you’re a huge Tahereh Mafi fan from all of the answers relating to her books and Warner ;) I have series commitment issues, too, which is why I haven’t read the second book in SO many series that I should probably get to but am honestly too lazy to even think about omg. You have so many bookcases, too! I just have this one pitiful one sigh.
Fantastic post, Jessi! <33
I hate series but OMG IT’S TOTALLY WORTH IT. You need to read it asap! And jump on the Warner bandwagon ;D (it’s a sexy bandwagon!)
I’m in the same boat with the Hush, Hush books. Read them all, loved them… I’ve had Finale since it released & still haven’t read it.
Haha. We should probably get on that! *procrastination*
OMG I thought I’m the only one who haven’t read Harry Potter!
I think I need to pick Unravel Me soon! I like Shatter Me although it’s not my favorite, but UM sounds so much better!
Thank goodness! Someone else! Everybody always gives me the stink eye when they realize I haven’t read it lol. And I felt the same about Shatter Me, you should read Unravel Me ;D
I’m totally NOT sensing a theme at the moment. ;)
And we are going to fix that NO HISTORICAL statement.
Oh yes precious we will.
<333 Inky
Ahhh, I still haven’t read Unravel Me yet! All the hype about Warner and Chapter 62 just keeps making me scared to read it. LOL at Brisingr being 763 pages of boring! Did you end up reading the other 2 books in the series, or did you stop after that one? Argh for Requiem. Have fun with that one. =/
It’s awesome, I promise! Chapter 62 is tooootally worth the hype. *swoony sigh*
2 books? I read Eragon, Eldest, and then Brisingr, but that last was so dull I have yet to pick up the final book. I’m soooo lazy.
That bad, huh? I heard a lot of complaints about it, I’m scared to even read it!
Oh whoops, for some reason I keep thinking Brisingr is the 2nd book instead of the 3rd. If you plan to read Inheritance, just… prepare yourself. For like… a long… childish… book. With a few cool parts. xD
Oh lord haha. I’ll read it….eventually >.<