Full list of Life of a Blogger topics.
Last week’s topic: 10 things I’ll never do
This week’s topic: Thanksgiving!
First of all, HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! I hope you all have a fabulous holiday and stuff yourselves with yummy food :)
As for my own Thanksgiving traditions, the main focus is: family. Obviously! That is the only thing that really matters to me on any holiday! We have pretty much the same tradition as everyone else in America. Turkey, stuffing, rolls, gravy. It’s usually just immediate family at our Thanksgiving gatherings – my mom & dad, grandma (when she’s in Ohio), and occasionally my aunt & uncle that live nearby.
Now, my parents have started snowbirding (6 months in Florida, 6 months in Ohio), so no more tradition I suppose :( It’s not going to feel like Thanksgiving without them. This year I’m going over to spend it with my fiancé’s family since my mom, dad, and grandma are all in Florida without me…
Next week’s topic: Where you live
Your turn! Make your own post telling everyone about your Thanksgiving traditions and link up :)

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, even if it is a break from tradition!
Sadly, I haven’t celebrated Thanksgiving in like 4 years. When I was in school (3 years) I didn’t celebrate it because I was in the UK and they obviously don’t celebrate it here, so I never had holiday time.
This year I’m not in school but I’m already flying back to the US for Christmas and it was just hard to consider spending another ~$1500 to make a second trip out to the US for Thanksgiving.
But, I am hoping to celebrate it next year, since we’ll be celebrating Christmas in the UK!
Hope you and your family had a lovely Thanksgiving, Jessi! :)