General Rules
- The giveaway for this challenge will run from today until 11:59 pm Saturday, February 22nd.
- This is a shared giveaway between Confessions of a Bookie Monster and Novel Heartbeat. Please be sure to read the directions very carefully, as the pictures are numbered specifically on each blog.
- Please do NOT leave answers in the comments. That’s what the Rafflecopter is for.
- You must have already been signed up in the Readathon to participate (sign ups are now closed). This requires some sort of sign-up/progress post!
- You must guess at least 5 total covers correctly to win.
- Because we are paying for these giveaways out of our own pockets, it is a requirement that you follow BOTH hosts by email or Bloglovin’.
The Challenge
- My images are numbered 1-5. Those numbers correspond to the Rafflecopter entries. Stop by Confessions of a Bookie Monster for pictures 6-10!
- HINT: Covers are our most anticipated Young Adult 2014 releases!
Omg I always love these cover guessing things! I do them even if I’m not participating in whatever event they’re for because it makes me so happy lol.
#4 is a wee bit difficult. I think I got it right. I hope. Anyway, that was fun :)
Holy smokes, this is incredibly difficult!! I have been working on these since yesterday and I’m STILL stumped :P I love these games!!!