Full list of Life of a Blogger topics.
Last week’s topic: Languages
This week’s topic: Clothing
Topic suggested by Rebecca @ Vicariously!
I’m not a big fashion person. At all. In fact, I couldn’t give two shits about it. I wear whatever is comfortable. Not that I’m a slob or anything…I don’t go out in public in pajamas, or freaking leggings (no offense if any of you do, but I’m not a fan of it). But I have been known to wear sweatpants out (you know, decent, clean, non-holey ones).
Usually, though, you can find me in jeans and a band t-shirt. That’s my favorite outfit! As you can see, I own a LOT of band tees, and most of them are black (the one on the right is my favorite!):

And as for dresses or skirts, you can forget about that. I don’t like my legs and I don’t like how lady-like I have to sit when I wear them haha!
As far as shoes go, I may have to make another topic for that ;)
Next week’s topic: Most prized possession
Your turn! Make your own post telling everyone about clothing and link up :)

I think I’m the opposite Jessi, I LOVE fashion but I’m also SUPER poor so I have had to get a little creative (hello thrift shopping and mega sales at Marshals). I was unemployed for about three months, and my motivation for getting a new job was because job=money=new clothes.
I especially love Fall fashion. Nothing but sweater dresses, funky tights, and boots!
Amber Elise @Du Livre
Haha YOUR CLOTHING IS TOTALLY YOU. But yeah I’m actually pretty into clothes :P I wouldn’t call myself in love with fashion but I do wear skirts to school occasionally and I like dressing up lol. I haven’t worn a plain tshirt in SO LONG actually.
Oh I’m totally with you. ;) Tee-shirts and jeans/shorts…that’s my thing. I hate wearing skirts (I always feel half naked, lol!) and I really don’t like dressing up. Comfort first!!