3rd Annual Beat the Heat Readathon Wrap Up

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on September 7, 2015 | 3 Comments


We’re sad to see the readathon end, but Reanna and I had fun hosting for a third year in a row! Thank you SO much to everyone who participated, and a very special thank you to our wonderful mini challenge hosts: Genesis @ Latte Night Reviews, Lily @ Chapters Pages Words, Andrea @ Bookish Lifestyle, and Steph @ In Wonderland! You guys rock!!

I also want to thank my lovely co-host Reanna for being awesome. Love you lady!!

I’m going to share my final progress below. We encourage you to do the same, we’d love to see how you all did!

2 week progress

Week 1: Aug 24-30

Total # pages read this week: 1,556
Total time spent reading this week: 16 hours and 45 minutes
Books I completed this week: Invaded (finished the last 50 pages), Kiss of Deception (DNF at 360 pages), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Praying for Rain, Uprooted

Week 2: Aug 31-Sep 6

Total # pages read this week: 1,546
Total time spent reading this week: 14 hours and 10 minutes
Books I completed this week: The Last Stormdancer, We’ll Never Be Apart, Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix, The DUFF

2 week final summary

Total # pages read: 3,102
Total time spent reading: 31 hours
All books completed: Invaded (finished the last 50 pages), Kiss of Deception (DNF @ 360 pages), HP & the Goblet of Fire, Praying for Rain, Uprooted, The Last Stormdancer, We’ll Never Be Apart, HP & the Order of the Phoenix, The DUFF

Goal: 6 books

Status: Achieved!!

I’m super proud of myself – I set my goal at 6 but said that 8 books was ideal. I ended up reading 6 books and 2 novellas. I may not have actually read 8 full books, but my page count was super high because both HP books are behemoths!! Order of the Phoenix is almost 900 pages, so that was practically like reading 3 books in one ;)


The only rules are that you must be following BOTH hosts and you must have signed up by the 28th to qualify. Please read the directions carefully!

Up for grabs: A $10 Amazon Gift Card and a TBR jar from Jessi’s Etsy shop, as pictured here:

tbr jar

*Charm may vary

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Jessi (Geo)

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3 responses to “3rd Annual Beat the Heat Readathon Wrap Up

  1. You did so awesome Jessi! I didn’t do as well as I had hoped, but it ended up being a busy couple weeks for me – oh well! I still had fun and that’s what matters. I hope I win your jar giveaway, those things are just so dang cute!

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