What do I hope to accomplish in the future here at ASR?
Networking. I really want to make it a point to take an hour or so each day (every other day at the least) to visit other blogs. And leave comment love! I’m terrible about visiting a blog, reading the post, and leaving. I don’t always have something to say, so I don’t leave a comment. I need to work on that!
I also want to make more of an effort to talk to authors, even though it’s a bit intimidating (they are, after all, our celebrities!).
Keep up with review copies. This is something else I’ve been awful about this year. I went on a bit of a requesting spree on Netgalley when I first got the account, and I have yet to catch up. Other pretty shiny new books keep distracting me! In the future, I want to be extremely picky about the review copies I accept/request, and when I do get them to knock them out immediately so they don’t pile up. Reading should never be a chore!
Scheduling. If you missed my post a couple weeks ago about my new schedule, here it is again:
Monday: Book review
Tuesday: Undersea Spotlight (sign up
Wednesday: Book review
Thursday: Manga review
Friday: Follow Friday (and TGIF if it ever comes back)
Saturday: open – may post another review if I have one
Sunday: Undersea Spoils (if there is one)
*Additional posts will include blog tours, cover reveals, giveaways, guest posts, and discussions.
I really want to stick to this so that my blog posts are much more frequent than they have been this year. I didn’t make use of the post schedule feature, so I’d have too many posts in a cluster and then none for days at a time. It was very inconsistent!
I would LOVE to hear your honest opinions about my blog! What is your favorite part? Least favorite? Is there anything you think should be changed or improved?
If any of you ever have any questions at all, feel free to ask! You can either comment, email me, or hit me up on formspring :)
Giveaway time!
The Prize:
Today’s prize requires a little bit of work. I’ve put together a collage of my top 10 most anticipated releases for the next year. You just have to figure out what they are based on the photo clip! You have to guess at least 3 pictures correctly to qualify for a winning entry. Winner gets their choice of pre-order from any of these books. If it’s in a series you can pick a previous book.
1. As this is out of my own pocket, you must be a follower to enter.
2. Contest open to wherever the Book Depository ships for free. See the list of countries they ship to here.
3. Please read the Rafflecopter directions carefully. I do check them, and faked entries will be deleted.
4. After the giveaway is over, I will notify the winner by email and they will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.
Blogiversary button code:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Right now, I wouldn’t change a thing on your blog! I think it’s perfect. And I love the round icons better! lol
I like your blog too. Everything is easy to find and pleasing to the eyes. Like the round icons. Like your logo. PRetty.
I honestly think the blog is great the away it is. The design is definitely memorable and I can see it in my mind when I think of it (I generally remember blog designs better than I do with blog names >.<) The tiny 'complaint' is maybe the header is a little too large (it takes forever to load with my puny internet) but that's just my personal opinion. Thanks for the cover challenge! It was fun. #1 took awhile because I’ve been seeing another version of the cover more often.
Your blog is GORG Jessi. You totally don’t have to worry about that! As for you blog just focusing on bringing us more fabulous bookishnes. :D But you know, since you love Rant reviews, one thing I’d love to see you do is the meme “Waiting on Wednesday”. I think you’d love it. It’s lots of fun to rant about upcoming books. :D Just a suggestions. LOVES Jessi! You and your blog sparkle and I love to visit.
XOXO, Inky.
Honestly, your blog is one of the few that I look forward to reading every day. You have similar tastes to me, so I always look forward to reading your thoughts on books (Plus, I just love your reviews)! Your blog is beautiful.
I think I might agree to the other comments. Your blog design is lovely! The more simple, the better. I just wish I learn how to do it. Anyway, I like the round icons better. :)
Keep up the good work. :-)
I like everything about your blog! The design is fun and upbeat, but clean and easy to navigate at the same time. I love all your reviews, memes, etc. Keep it up! Oh – I loved the little game for the giveaway – super fun!!
I love the layout of the blog. You read and review a lot of books that I have read or want to read, so I like that too. It’s also refreshing to read a blog that gives their hones opinion (good or bad) about a book. It doesn’t make since to me why some blogs don’t post a review if they DNF or 1 star a book. My one suggestion would be to respond more to those that comment on reviews more. I know comments like “I liked this book too!” get redundant and there isn’t much to say to that, but if someone has a question about something in the book or an interesting thought, it would be fun to get a discussion going. We all just have to remember that differing opinions about a book makes the discussion more interesting (sorry, I’m a school psych by training and it’s coming out in that statement).
Wow! I read that over and still missed typos and grammar errors (hangs head in shame). I like that you give your HONEST opinion and it would be awesome if you were able to reply to comments more, not necessarily to those that are active on your blog. I just wanted to make sure that came across correctly.
Stephanie – Thank you! You are one of the few who actually says anything in contrary to my own thoughts (where most people just agree and say ‘great review’ or something like that)…I am TERRIBLE about responding on my own blog – although getting better now – but I usually comment back on that person’s own blog because I figure most don’t check back to see if I responded. Thank you for that honest feedback, it is definitely something I’ll work on! :)
(Especially for those that don’t have their own blog.)
This version of the blog is the best one – more modern and fun!
Great giveaway and challenge! Got all of them except for #5 – still racking my brain!
I think that the round-shaped icons are the beast! So I should keep them! :) I love your blog design. I’m not such a fan of pink, but I think everything matches with your header :) and I like that your sidebar isn’t so full!
I love the colors of your blog and the neat and order of it. It’s hard to focus on reading a review when so much is going on, on the sidelines. ASR is perfect not too much and not too little going on at once, it’s one of the blogs I try to visit daily or at least 3 times a week. I eagerly await your next review!! :D
Thx for the giveaway.
I love your blog like it is. And I <3 the star buttons better =]]]
Ana Death Duarte @anaeileendeath
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