A few years ago I saw Cristina @ Girl in the Pages post about her 5 star reading drought (which was originally inspired by Lauren @ Bookmark Lit’s post here), and I thought it was such a great post, so I did one of my own! It was really interesting to see what me 5 star reads looked like for last year, so I decided I want to start doing it every year!
5 star books of 2020
This number is usually low since I’m a picky rater. I had 15 in total (out of 90 books read), but a whopping 10 of them were re-reads, so that means I only had five new 5 star books this year. That is so depressing! If you don’t count re-reads, my 5 star books only account for 5% of what I read all year (which is 4% lower than last year) *cries*
New 5 star reads

Just like the last couple years, almost all of them (4 out of 5) were tried and true authors for me that were basically guaranteed 5 stars before I ever picked them up. Ten Thousand Doors was the only book with a new-to-me author, and I actually didn’t give it the full 5 stars until I re-read it just a couple months after reading it the first time because I realized how much I loved it!
5 star Re-reads

Again, just like the last couple of years, re-reading really worked out for me! I enjoyed diving back into some old favorites so much, I definitely want to continue doing it! The last three I actually read twice this year – I re-read via audio – because I loved them so much and the audiobooks are AWESOME!
Almost 5 star reads
Here’s the ones that came super close, but fell just a tad short, so I gave them 4.5 stars instead!

5 star predictions from last year
Books I knew would be 5 stars

As if Jay would ever write a book that wasn’t a 5 star read for me. *scoffs*
Books I hoped would be 5 stars

- Seven Deadly Shadows by Courtney Alameda – ★★★½
- Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar – DNF
- Goddess in the Machine by Lora Beth Johnson – ★★
- Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko – ★★★★½
- House of Dragons by Jessica Cluess – ★★★½
- The Epic Crush of Genie Lo by F.C. Yee – started to read, lost interest
- The Forgetting by Sharon Cameron – still haven’t read
- All Systems Red by Martha Wells – ★★½
- The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter – started to read, lost interest
- Empire of Silence by Christopher Ruocchio – still haven’t read
- The Silvered by Tanya Huff – still haven’t read
Wow, I clearly suck at this! At least I was right about loving Raybearer, and even though I gave House of Dragons 3.5, it stuck with me and I’m excited for book 2!
5 star predictions for 2021
It’s SO hard for me to predict which books I’m going to love (as you can see above, heh), because I just never know. Sometimes I expect to love something, and don’t; sometimes I don’t think I’ll like something at all and I end up loving it. I have high hopes for these, though!
Books I know will be 5 stars

Jay never lets me down!
Books I hope will be 5 stars

How many 5 star reads did you have this year?

There are so many good looking books in the line-up. The Silvered looks so good. I will have to see if it’s part of a series. I also clearly need to read Aurora Rising.
Jade City is on my list for 2021 as well! (And also a 5-star hope!)