I am a HUGE sucker for strong non-romantic relationships in books! My favorite of course is a bond between a human and (sentient) animal, but I really love when a guy/girl friendship is super strong and 100% platonic. It’s almost guaranteed these days that any male introduced to a female protag (or vice/versa) is going to be a love interest. GUYS AND GIRLS CAN BE JUST FRIENDS, PEOPLE. I’ve also included a guy/guy bromance and a girl/girl womance because I just love epic friendships all around!
Best human/animal relationships

1. Yukiko and Buruu from The Lotus War – Hands down, THE best relationship I’ve ever read in my life! Their bond is so incredibly strong – the kind to move mountains and change the world – and I just can’t get enough of it! So many feels for Yukiko and Buruu!
2. Mia and Mister Kindly from Nevernight – Another relationship full of feels! I just love how Mister Kindly is always there for Mia, stealing her fear away and supporting her.
3. Stephanie and Climbs Quickly from A Beautiful Friendship – Beautiful friendship indeed!! This is another super strong mountain-moving bond that I love to pieces.
4. Manon and Abraxos from Throne of Glass – Manon is BAD. ASS. and of course our favorite flower-sniffing wyvern is the perfect match for her! They are the only thing keeping me going in the series >.>
Best guy/girl relationships

5. Blue and Ronan from The Raven Cycle – I can’t even begin to express how fucking much I love the relationship between Blue and Ronan. At one point in the book Blue says something about how Ronan’s approval is worth more than most people’s because he doesn’t hand it out freely. I think that is part of the reason I love their friendship so much! The little moments of affection between them give me life!
6. Harry and Hermione from Harry Potter – This is one of my all time favorite platonic relationships. I just think their friendship is beautiful!
7. Ruby and Chubs from The Darkest Minds – Just like with Blue and Ronan, Chubs doesn’t hand out approval freely. He’s distrustful and doesn’t like many people, so it makes it even more special when he shows affection for Ruby!
8. Juliette & Kenji from Shatter Me – Kenji is one of my favorite sidekicks. He’s hilarious and full of himself and I love the banter he and Juliette share!
Best bromance/womance

9. Darrow and Sevro from Red Rising – BEST. BROMANCE. EVER. Like seriously I ship Darrow and Sevro as bros SO HARD. I love that they are always there for each other through thick and thin. LOVE.
10. Kat and Ali from The White Rabbit Chronicles – Kat is probably my all time favorite female sidekick. She’s snarky and wonderful, and she was the perfect best friend for Ali! I love that she always had Ali’s back no matter what!

Buruu & Yukiko!! Omg I love them. They’re so amazing. Buruu was the best part of the book, no doubt.
Ooh nice ones! We forget these relationships sometimes, but I admit that they are one of the best! Seeing lots of faves and some that are reminding me I have series to finish! Eep!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
I love the bromance between Darrow and Sevro! It’s one of my favorite things.