Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
I actually did some 5 star predictions on my 5 Star Books of 2019 post! I’ve already read Raybearer, which came close with 4.5 stars; I’ve also read Goddess in the Machine and Seven Deadly Shadows, and they were in fact NOT 5 stars, whomp whomp.
Like I said on that post, predicting 5 star reads for me is super hard because I can never tell whether I’m going to love a book or not. I’m so picky. It’s ridiculous. I’m a mood reader on top of that, so even when I think I’m going to love something (Goddess in the Machine *coughs*) I don’t always, and vice versa – there’s been plenty of times where I didn’t think I’d enjoy something and absolutely loved it (Enchantment of Ravens, A Curse So Dark and Lonely). So, it’s gonna be pretty difficult for me to pick TEN (which is more 5 star reads than I read in an entire year oops), but I’ll give it a go!
Books I know will be 5 stars
Books I hope will be 5 stars
What books on YOUR 2020 TBR do you hope will be 5 stars?
Empire of the Vampire will be coming out next fall. :( Jay himself just announced it. He didn’t want to give us one of three books that are bad so he is going to release just two for this year and release another one next fall. Less pressure.
Yeah I was just going to add that about Jay’s Empire of the Vampire. Bummer news…but it’s not like we all don’t have enough to read until then! The tiniest of bright(ish) sides, lol.
I am so hoping to pick up Aurora Rising this year as I adore Amie & Jay’s worlds! Hope you enjoy all of your picks this year!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
Aurora Rising is fantastic! I hope you love it too!
Oh I know! I had this post scheduled in advance and never came back to change it when he announced it recently. I’m sure it will be worth the wait!