Series: The Raven Cycle

Review: The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater

Review: The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on July 11, 2016 | 1 Comment

Whuh. Where do I even start? Um. I have mixed feelings about the conclusion to the Raven Cycle. I loved it, but it left me wanting. Yet it was wonderful either way. “I like you an awful lot, Blue Sargent.” MORE BLUE AND GANSEY FEELS. Gahhh, I’m so glad they finally are out in the open! Happy ship, happy happy ship. *makes heart eyes* I loved every single Blue/Gansey moment so much I thought my heart would explode. MORE BLUE […]


Review: Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater

Review: Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on June 28, 2016 | 1 Comment

STUFF HAPPENS, MAN. It’s finally happening! And it’s getting intense! I’m beyond excited to see where the search for Glendower goes. I feel the conclusion drawing nearer and I feel excited and anxious all at the same time. I want them to find Glendower. I don’t want it to end. I JUST WANT GANSEY TO LIVE. I love this series so much. Maggie’s writing is so beautiful, there’s so many feels and quotable passages! It’s also got plenty of humor […]


Review: The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

Review: The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on May 27, 2016 | 1 Comment

In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them. Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness. Her raven boys. Okay first of all, I cannot believe I waited so long to read this series! I’m really surprised by how much I’m enjoying it. I didn’t expect that! Can we please just talk about how FREAKING EPIC dream thieving is?! I loved that so much it’s not even funny. It’s quite possibly the coolest idea ever, and […]


Review: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

Review: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on May 20, 2016 | 2 Comments

Oh my gosh, how do I even put it into words? I guess I’ll start with a confession. I tried to read this book almost 4 years ago, either before it came out or right after (I’m pretty sure I had a review copy from NetGalley). I read maybe two chapters and just…quit. And never picked it back up again. Now that I’ve finished it, I’m asking myself: WHY?! I put off reading it for years because I was afraid I […]
