Published by Thomas Dunne Books (9.5.2017)
Genres: Adult, High Fantasy
Format: ARC, 448 pages
Source: From Publisher

Assassin Mia Corvere has found her place among the Blades of Our Lady of Blessed Murder, but many in the Red Church ministry think she’s far from earned it. Plying her bloody trade in a backwater of the Republic, she’s no closer to ending Consul Scaeva and Cardinal Duomo, or avenging her familia. And after a deadly confrontation with an old enemy, Mia begins to suspect the motives of the Red Church itself.
When it’s announced that Scaeva and Duomo will be making a rare public appearance at the conclusion of the grand games in Godsgrave, Mia defies the Church and sells herself to a gladiatorial collegium for a chance to finally end them. Upon the sands of the arena, Mia finds new allies, bitter rivals, and more questions about her strange affinity for the shadows. But as conspiracies unfold within the collegium walls, and the body count rises, Mia will be forced to choose between loyalty and revenge, and uncover a secret that could change the very face of her world.
My thoughts
In every breath, hope abides.
JAY WHAT DO YOU DO TO MEEEE. *rocks back and forth* I daresay that this one was EVEN BETTER than the first! If you have not read Nevernight, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET ON IT RIGHT NOW.
It’s super hard to talk about a some aspects without spoiling things! So I’m going to do a little discussion in spoiler tags for those of you who have read it. DO NOT READ THEM if you haven’t read the book!! MAJOR spoilery, people!! View Spoiler »
I just need to say that there was a certain part in the book that I honestly never thought I would enjoy – involving two ladies *coughs* Umm okay so I am 100% straight and even I needed a cold shower after that scene! Whew! Jay, you sure do know how to write steamy scenes *wink wink* View Spoiler »
MISTER KINDLY. Mister Kindly is still my favorite part of this series, I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH. He’s one of my favorite characters of all time! I love that he’s always there for Mia. I also loved Eclipse and the snarky banter between Eclipse and Mister Kindly. They had me cracking up!
Basically, this book was bloody brilliant. Mia was a complete badass! I loved her role as the Crow and how the Gladiatii slowly became her friends. Sidonius was my fave of them, I think! Furian was kind of a dick though…
Favorite quotes
If Vengeance has a mother, her name is Patience.
Illuminae quote reference FTW!! Her father’s name is Silence ;)
“Our scars are just gifts from our enemies, reminding us they weren’t good enough to kill us.”
“I’m not dead if that counts for anything.”
Mister Kindly nuzzled againts her ear, and Mia’s skin tingled. It felt like being kissed by cigarillo smoke.
“…everything…” he whispered.
Oh don’t mind me, there’s just a piece of dirt in my eye or something…
Overall Assessment
Plot: 5+/5
Premise: 5+/5
Writing Style: 5+/5
Originality: 5+/5
Characters: 5/5
World Building: 5+/5
Pace: 5/5
Feels: 5+/5
Cover: 5/5
Overall Rating: 5+/5

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