2015 Reading Stats & Challenges Overview

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on January 2, 2016 | 7 Comments


Books read in 2015: 96

Pages read: 37,759

Longest book read: 870 pages

Series started: 33

Series finished: 9

Longest series read: 7 books

Books read by rating

# of books rated:

DNF = 9
★ = 0
★½ = 1
★★ = 3
★★½ = 8
★★★ = 9
★★★½ = 15
★★★★ = 21
★★★★½ = 14
★★★★★ = 13
★★★★★+ (King of the Sea Award) = 7, wow!

Average rating: 3.9

Books read by genre

Genres (Number of Books)Average Rating
Adult (10)4.95 Stars
Chick Lit (2)4.25 Stars
Classic (2)2.5 Stars
Contemporary (3)4 Stars
Dystopian (15)3.83 Stars
Fantasy (50)4.04 Stars
High Fantasy (22)3.95 Stars
Historical Fiction (3)3 Stars
Mystery (3)3.33 Stars
New Adult (2)2.75 Stars
Romance (4)3.75 Stars
Science Fiction (26)3.83 Stars
Thriller (2)3.5 Stars
Urban Fantasy (18)4.17 Stars
Western (2)3.25 Stars
Young Adult (69)3.78 Stars

The only reason the Adult genre is so high is because I re-read a 6 book series and 3 book spin-off trilogy from my favorite author. So, looks like my favorite genre this year was Urban Fantasy!


Prequel & Sequel Challenge

Goal: 150 points
COMPLETED with 163 points!

retribution of mara dyer infinite sea avalon ensnared ag howard in time alexandra bracken never fade vision in silver in the afterlight enchanter

starman sinner sara douglass pilgrim sara douglass crusader sara douglass rogue julie kagawa scarlet marissa meyer cress marissa meyer winners crime salt and stone

through the zombie glass off the page jodi picoult queen of zombie hearts twisted citadel douglass nightmare charade mindee arnett infinity gate sara douglass HP chamber of secrets HP prisoner of azkaban HP goblet of fire

HP order of the phoenix 1 HP deathly hallows invaded landers iron warrior julie kagawa queen of shadows raging star rose society marie lu

Novellas not pictured:
Origins: The Fire by Debra Driza
Sparks Rise by Alexandra Bracken
Praying for Rain by Jay Kristoff
The Last Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge

Goal: 15 books

wayfarer redemption enchanter starman sinner sara douglass pilgrim sara douglass crusader sara douglass serpent bride douglass twisted citadel douglass infinity gate sara douglass

red queen A Darker Shade final for Irene orphan queen ember in the ashes sabaa tahir court of thorns and roses the novice winners crime graceling kristin cashore hunter lackey

fire wish kiss deception uprooted truthwitch susan dennard queen of shadows


Bingo Challenge

Goal: 3 bingos
COMPLETED with 6 bingos and 2 books short of a coverall!

reading bingo progress












Mila 2.0 seriously wicked retribution of mara dyer red queen murder complex

5 to 1 holly bodger through the zombie glass A Darker Shade final for Irene the bell jar anna and the french kiss

walk on earth a stranger ensnared ag howard blank cover since you've been gone rogue julie kagawa

in the afterlight blank cover blank cover the giver lois lowry salt and stone

never fade blood ink fire wayfarer redemption graceling kristin cashore this song will save your life

Jessi (Geo)

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7 responses to “2015 Reading Stats & Challenges Overview

  1. I’m totally jealous of your high average rating. One of my goals for the year is to be better at picking books that I actually think I’ll love instead of just reading ALL OF THE THINGS!!!! :P

  2. So impressed by your stats! My past year has been dismal with book stuff. I think it was a combo of an active toddler, crazy work schedule, and total burnout. But posts like yours keep me with half a foot in the game! I’m definitely happier with reading now that I don’t have a humongo list of books I need to read and do it a lot more for pleasure, but hoping to get to some of the books on your list. Christina @ Ensconced in Lit

    • Aw thank you! I know how you feel, 2014 was like that for me. Too much going on! I can’t even imagine what it would be like to juggle a toddler as well, I’d never find time to read!

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