Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this readathon as much as I did! I want to thank everyone who participated, and give a special thanks to those who took the extra time to participate in the mini challenges as well. How did everyone do?! I did good – I didn’t reach my goal of 4 books, but I read 1500 pages, and in the normal books I read (350-400 pgs) that would be about 4 ;)
My final progress
Total # pages read: 1,505
Total time spent reading: 16 hours
Books I completed: 3 total – A Darker Shade of Magic, Sinner, The Orphan Queen
My day by day progress can be found in the kick off post.
I ended up being super busy this week and didn’t have nearly as much time to spend reading as I’d hoped. (16 hours out of a 168 hour week – ouch!) With bookish events, life events, and Valentine’s Day, I just didn’t have the spare time I’d hoped to have. My goal was 4 books, and I fell short with 3, but I’m trying not to be too sad about that because I still managed to read 1,500 pages! If one of my books hadn’t been 540 pages, I probably could have easily read 4. So still a win in my book ;)
Wrap up
I want to give a super special thank you to Jade @ Bedtime Bookworm and Adriana @ She’s Got Books on Her Mind for hosting the two mini challenges! You guys rock!
Romeo, Oh Romeo mini challenge
The winner of the poetry contest is Genesis @ GenGen’s Book Blog! Congrats to Gen for that lovely poem :)
Read Gen’s awesome poem here!
The Match Game mini challenge
Congrats to Katherine @ Neon Yeti Reads and Genesis @ GenGen’s Book Blog for being the only two people to get every ship correct!
Jade’s ships
Tally + David (Uglies by Scott Westerfeld)
Alyssa + Jeb (Splintered by A.G. Howard)
Cassia + Ky (Matched by Ally Condie)
Egwene + Gawyn (The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan)
Bella + Edward (Twilight by Stephenie Meyer)
Jessi’s ships
Juliette + Warner (Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi)
Alyssa + Morpheus (Splintered by A.G. Howard)
Faraday + Axis (The Wayfarer Redemption by Sara Douglass)
Vida + Chubs (The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken)
Brittany + Alex (Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles)
Jade & Jessi’s shared ship
Aya + Kiran (The Glass Arrow by Kristen Simmons)
Final giveaway
This giveaway is for #LfBReadathon participants only. To enter, you must have signed up on the original sign up post and must be following the host (me). If you participated in either of the mini challenges, you get bonus points!

Haha, I actually got all the answers in the mini challenge but I think I forgot to put my name on it or something. Dang it! Oh well <3
Oh noes! That was my fault, I forgot the damn name in the original Google doc like a freaking idiot. That’s what I get for doing things late at night >.<
Sounds like you had a blast! I’ve never participated in one of these readathons ~ I’m terrible at following the rules. But I enjoy watching others do so!
You should try one sometime! The Beat the Heat Readathon is coming up again this summer ;D
I didn’t overly participate in the read-a-thon, but I’m excited about the amount of reading I got done.
Wow you did so awesome!! I’m surprised to see you have a contemporary couple as one of your OTP’s! I might have to check that series out :) I can’t believe how much reading you got done! Super jealous!
Thank you so much for hosting this! The mini challenges were a blast! I didn’t get as much reading done as I would have liked but I still got 3 books finished. It looks like you read some good books that I might have to check out!
I kept coming back to what I thought was the original post and never found info on the mini-challenges! :(
I tried really hard on this, my first Readathon, but despite following all the instructions in the signup post, I don’t qualify for a prize because I didn’t see anything about “following you”? How would I have gone about doing that? I’m sorry. I really did try. It sucks to be a new blogger who doesn’t know the ropes, I guess.
All the info was in the kick-off post, I’m sorry you missed it!
You can follow the blog via either Bloglovin’ or email – both are in the sidebar on the left. There’s an option to subscribe, and then there’s a little blue Bloglovin’ bar that will take you to my blog there where you can also follow from there.
Well I wrote a post about my participation and used your Linky to connect up (see me at #27) then I came back and updated my post with the results several times during the week and a final tally. I really tried to do what was required (“To join, all you have to do is make a sign-up post and add your post URL to the linky below! You can put your goals and progress (will be required for the final giveaway) in your sign-up post, or you can make it separate. Totally up to you! (Even if you don’t have a blog, you’re welcome to join!)
In order to enter for the grand prize, you must have a post to keep track of your progress so we I see that you participated.”)
I did all of those things. But I don’t qualify for a reason that wasn’t in the requirements? Well, I will try and learn and try to do better next time, if I decide that blogging is worth the effort after all. I do it for myself, mostly, but haven’t done it long enough to find rewards.
I apologize, but I’m not quite sure I understand what you’re saying…why don’t you think you qualify? The giveaway is done by Rafflecopter, so you can follow the directions through there.
I must have misunderstood what you said under “Final Giveaway” above. Anyway, thanks again, and you’re great for responding to all my comments.
I loved this read-a-thon. Thanks for hosting it. I finished a book that was collecting dust on my nightstand. And I got 1/2 into a new book. Thanks for the motivation.
You got so much reading done Jessi!! Thanks for putting on this readathon again :)