Yep, you heard right…tomorrow is my 3rd blogiversary! WOO!! *throws confetti*
The past two years I’ve done a full week of posts and had a big extravaganza. After three years, blogiversaries aren’t that exciting anymore, so this is all you get! Mwahahaa. I’ll just have to cram everything in one post ;)
A year in review
A year ago I changed my blog name from Auntie Spinelli Reads to Novel Heartbeat. I haven’t ever looked back! I don’t miss the old name. I’m so in love with Novel Heartbeat and it fits perfectly! If you’re thinking about rebranding your blog, I say GO FOR IT! I don’t regret a thing. I do, however, desperately need a design I can stick with that will brand the blog. (Still working on that one!)
Stats for the past 3 years
- 759 posts
- 301 reviews
- 5,700+ comments
- 86,800+ pageviews (since moving to WordPress in March 2013)
- 645 Bloglovin’ followers
- 900+ RSS subscribers
- 1,980 twitter followers
- 190 Goodreads friends
- 269 Goodreads followers
Blogging friends
I usually list everyone in the blogosphere who has impacted me, but this year I’m taking the cop out – YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Plus I don’t want to miss anyone since the list keeps growing!
So I want to say a big THANK YOU to every single one of you who read this blog, and to every one of you who has ever tweeted, commented, instagrammed, or facebooked in the past 3 years. I wouldn’t be here without you lovely people! <3
Highlights of the year
- I finally, FINALLY got to meet my bloggy BFF Reanna @ Phantasmic Reads!!!
- I got to see Julie Kagawa again!
- I got to meet Anita Grace Howard and Paula Stokes!
Events I attended
- Mighty Mississippi Book Blast: Anita Grace Howard, Paula Stokes, Lindsay Cummings, Bethany Crandell, Whitney Miller, A. Lyndon Rolland, Philip Siegel, Lynne Matson
- YA Beach Bash: Julie Kagawa, Kristen Simmons, Mindy McGinnis, Mindee Arnett, Melissa Landers, Saundra Mitchell
I missed out on BEA yet again this year because I spent my money on a new house instead! I don’t know if I’ll be able to afford to go next year either, and I’m kinda waiting for it to come to Chicago because I don’t particularly want to go to NY…
Going forward
I usually do a goals and changes thing, too, but I’m not doing that this year. Moving forward, I basically just want to keep trying my best to make this space of the web my own unique place! I hope to make it to a fourth blogiversary!
There will be TWO winners. One winner will get a hardcover of The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey. Another will get four ARCs: Far Dawn by Kevin Emerson, Undead With Benefits by Jeff Hart, Sanctum by Madeleine Roux, and Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick.
- As this is out of my own pocket, you must be following this blog via Bloglovin’ or email to enter.
- Unfortunately, contest is open to US PARTICIPANTS ONLY. I just can’t afford INT shipping, I’m really sorry :(
- Please read the Rafflecopter directions carefully. i.e. If it says leave a MEANINGFUL comment, please make sure your comment is more than one line and addresses the content of the post specifically. “Great review” is not meaningful, sorry. Generic comments like that will not count as an entry and will likely get you disqualified. Faked entries will result in disqualification.
- After the giveaway is over, I will notify the winner by email and they will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wow! That’s awesome! congrats on hitting all those milestones with posts and followers and all that jazz. That’s really great! I hope you have another great year blogging. Oh and I noticed you said you wanted a design that works for you… well, you should talk to Stephanie from New Chapter Designs. She’s working on my new design going up in december and she is so easy and fun to work with! You should check her out if your looking for a new layout.
YAAAY! AND CONGRATS ON 3 YEARS!!! *tosses cake and confetti* I celebrated 3 years in May too…which makes me feel like an old blogger for some reason, lol, except I’ve only been actually book blogging for about a year. ANYWAY. I’ve only been following/reading for a little while but I love your blog! It’s awesome that the rebranding went well for you too. I’m attempting to do that….but absolutely nerve wracked. Hehe.
Here’s to many more years of complete awesome, right?!!!
Happy Belated Blogiversary to you then!! Thank you! And it’s nerve wracking, yes…but TOTALLY worth it. I think you should go for it :)
Congrats on THREE YEARS!! Wowza! And don’t worry, I completely accept your thanks :) I AM a pretty awesome sneaky blog reader.
Congrats!! Happy Blogoversary! You’ve come quite far in those 3 years! Love you blog! :D And dude! I totally want to go to BEA in Chicago as well! NY is a little intimidating I think, especially since I’m nearly always traveling on my own! We should be roomies for Chicago! Help to save on hotel costs! BEA still remains a dream for the reader in me! All those ARCs…oh man!!
I want in on the room sharing! XD I can’t afford life! ):
Yay we’re bookish midwest neighbors! :)
Jessica at A Great Read said that rumor is that BEA is supposed to be coming to Chicago 2016, I hope so too because I’ve never been to BEA. If you’re interested though, every March/April, Chicago hosts C2E2 (Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo) and along with comics/anime they have authors and ARC giveaways! :)
Happy 3 year!
Amber Elise @ Du Livre
And then Jessica read my mind and posted at the same time as I did! XD
Congrats on your blogoversary! 3 years, how awesome :)
Happy blogoversary! :D
Happy blogoversary!!! here’s wishing you many, many more :) Thansk for the awesome giveaway!
OMG congrats on 3 years!!! That’s so freaking awesome. :)
It’s almost hard to believe that 1) you used to be on Blogger; and 2) your blog was named something other than Novel Heartbeat. Seems like so long ago…
I KNOW RIGHT?! Blogger is just a distant memory now haha!
Congratulations! :D That’s such an accomplishment and very cool. My 1 year of blogging is coming up and it feels like it has been SUCH a long time. But 3 years? Whoa. That’s awesome. :3
Congratulations!!!! :D
Happy Blogoversary!!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee, happy third blogoversary Jessi! :D<3
Ha ha, I saw your "shrine" to Julie Kagawa and all I want to say is it looks AWESOME.
And aww, if you're not planning on coming to BEA next year, I'm not sure if we will ever meet. ):
You made my day, Jessi. Possibly even my month! *sniffle* I <3 you so much!
Happy blogoversary! Three years is quite a milestone. As for the name change, I agree with you – Novel Heartbeat just FITS perfectly! And I can't wait for 2016 BEA. Having it here in Chicago will be so great.
Here's hoping you have at least three more years with us in the blogosphere <333
Hehe I <3 you too!! :D I KNOW RIGHT. I can’t wait to be able to go with you!
Wieeeeeeeeeee, happy blogoversary girl :D!
Congrats on 3 years!! :D
Happy blogoversary!!!
Wow congrats on three years!! I love the new name too – mainly because I don’t misspell it anymore LOL! Im seriously jealous you’ve met Reanna in person, that’s on my list of things to do when BEA is finally in Chicago (I also have no desire to go to NY). Hopefully I’ll get to meet your there too!
Ahahaha right?! Now it’s spell-able and pronounceable XD And when it does come to Chicago we can all have a party!
Congratulations!!! Time passes by so fast!
Is it weird that the rest of my comment didn’t publish? Maybe secretly your blog only wanted me to say celebrate ;)
Happy blog birthday, Jessi! Holy cow — three whole years! Why does that feel like such a long time? I mean, wow, I guess I’ve been blogging for over 2 years already! Anyway, woohoo! :)
Happy blogovesary! Why’d you decide to change the blog name?
Happy Blogoversary!!!
Happy Blogiversary! We are celebrating our 2nd this month too!