Blogger Spotlight: Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on September 4, 2012 | 3 Comments

I started this feature here at ASR in order to know your fellow bloggers a little better! If you are interested in being featured please fill out the form


Meet Amber! 

Hey all! I’m so glad to be a part of Jessi’s Blogger Spotlight! I’m Amber and I run The Musings of ALMYBNENR. If you have ever wondered, I had that name before this became a book blog and since everyone knows me by it, I’m sticking with it. It’s actually my first and middle names put together with every other letter: Amber Lynn. :) I am 27 years old and I live in Baltimore, Maryland.


How long have you been blogging? What made you want to start a book blog?

I have been blogging for a bit over 2.5 years (it’ll be three years at the end of January, woo!). My blog began as just an outlet for me to post random things. Out of boredom, I somehow discovered Google Reader, and from there I discovered a few historical fiction book blogs that I began to follow. From them, I discovered the wider world of book blogging and began to follow a lot of people and participate in memes. Once I learned about Goodreads and how cool it would be to keep track of the books I read and write about them, I was hooked and my blog morphed!

[Jessi] Wow, that’s a long time! I hope I have the perseverance to stick with it that long!


What do you do when you’re not blogging or reading?

When I am not blogging or reading, I can be found playing with my dogs Rudy (Doberman Pinscher, 12…his birthday is today!) and Tally (Miniature Pinscher, 5), running errands such as grocery shopping which I love to do, trying to clean up and find a place for all my stuff, watching television or listening to music, and applying for jobs, which takes up a big part.

Happy Birthday, Rudy!


What is your favorite part about blogging? Least favorite?

My favorite part of blogging is sharing my love of books and interacting with all the awesome people in this community. My least favorite is all the bullying that has cropped up. So many bloggers who I enjoy and who are good people are ceasing their hobby because of all this nonsense.

Where did you come up with the name for your blog?

Oh, oops! I sort of answered that above already. My blog started as a random outlet of my inner workings, I guess, and so I was musing and for awhile I had been using the handle aLmYbNeNr, which is my first name in lowercase and my middle name in uppercase, so I put it in all caps (I thought as part of the whole name it looked silly starting with a lowercase letter so I changed to all caps) and had myself a blog name!

Do you have any specific book bloggers that inspire you?

Definitely. A lot of them inspire me but the ones I discovered early on were good examples for me about how a book blog should be. They are: Angela at Reading Angel, Candace at Candace’s Book Blog, and Karen at For What It’s Worth.

What do you look for in a blog when following? What are your pet peeves?

I look for what kind of books they review and talk about and what sort of memes they are participating (too many and certain ones can be a turn off). My pet peeves include captcha, especially when I get through that only to see that my comment still has to be approved…what’s the point of that? I don’t think I’ve ever had spam comments. It also bothers me when I get comments saying hey, check out my blog along with a link. Um, no. Leave a meaningful comment or engage me on Facebook or Twitter and I will be much more likely to check out your blog and follow. I’ve followed quite a few people over the past week and a half because we had conversations on Twitter.

What’s your favorite book(s)?

This is always so hard. Before book blogging this would be easy because I only read a few new books a year and I re-read a lot of books. Now, I read a ton of books per year and there are so many good ones. My recent favorites are The Sweetest Dark by Shana Abé, Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard, and My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick.

Favorite author?

Hmm…there’s not just one of these either. Brigid Kemmerer is awesome – not only is she cool but she also lives in the next county over from me, which is always special. Aimée Carter is very sweet (and so much shorter in person than I expected!) and I absolutely love her Goddess books.

What is the biggest turn off for you when you’re reading a book?

The biggest turn off for me, well, I have two: when I cannot connect with the main character, especially if s/he is really annoying and when animals are harmed or killed in books. Hunting for food I understand but I can’t take the suffering. I read 19% through Anna Carey’s Once and I still haven’t picked it back up yet.

Me too! I’ve read at least 4 books in the last year where a cat was killed and I had trouble finishing. I really wanted to read Once but now that you said that…


What first draws you to a book to make you want to read it?

It’s honestly the cover. How can I resist a good cover? It makes me investigate further. After that, if the synopsis is interesting, I’ll read it. If not, then I pass it over.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Determined, personable, diligent.

Name a random fact about yourself.

I am an only child.

Do you have a job? If so, what do you do?

No, I do not. I do have degrees in history and library science and I am actively looking for library work. So if anyone reading this has a librarian position they want to hire me for, let me know!

What did you want to be when you were little? Has that changed?

An anesthesiologist. I was probably the only elementary school kid who could spell that word and knew what it meant. I thought it would be such a neat job. It did change, because I learned that I was better at English and History than Math and Science. :)


Cats or dogs?
Both! I have dogs now, but I grew up with a cat and I’d like to have another one some day.
White, dark, or milk chocolate?
Usually milk, but I like them all.
Coke or Pepsi?
Definitely Coke.

Favorite TV show?

A few: Sons of Anarchy, Once Upon a Time, Grimm.

The Shawshank Redemption.

Pink, red, or orange.


Thanks for being here on the blog today, Amber! It was fantastic getting to know you! :)


Find Amber:

Jessi (Geo)

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3 responses to “Blogger Spotlight: Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  1. Thank you, Jessi!

    And sorry about Once! I still haven’t fully given up on it though. Once I’m caught up, I may try finishing it. But if something else happens when I try again, I’ll be done lol. I heard there was some stuff in Origin too, and I see you’re reading that. How are you with that one?

  2. I think I’ll still try Once. Hopefully I won’t throw the book >.<
    I haven’t gotten to anything too terrible in Origin….yet. As long as it’s not cats or dogs, I’m good!

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