Sign ups are now closed.
Hi everyone! It’s the beginning of week three of the Beat the Heat Readathon. Jessi and I have had so much fun hosting this event. And, seeing your updates using hashtag #BtHReadathon, makes us feel like you’re all having fun, too! Keep those updates coming. Now it’s time for our fourth and final mini challenge! Welcome to Title Scramble. Below are ten sets of scrambled letters. You just need to unscramble them into the correct titles. and enter those titles into the Rafflecopter! Piece of cake! PLEASE READ THE RULES BEFORE ENTERING.
General Rules
- The giveaway for this challenge will run from today until 11:59 pm Wednesday, August 14th.
- This is a shared giveaway between Phantasmic Reads and Auntie Spinelli Reads. Please be sure to read the directions very carefully, as the pictures are numbered specifically on each blog.
- Please do NOT leave answers in the comments. That’s what the Rafflecopter is for. ;)
- You must be signed up in the Readathon to participate. This requires some sort of sign-up/progress post!
- You must guess at least 4 titles correctly to win! The point of the mini challenge is to participate in the challenge and have fun doing it, not to win the giveaway.
- Because we are paying for these giveaways out of our own pockets, it is a requirement that you follow BOTH hosts.
My Challenge – Young Adult
- My titles are numbered 1-10. Those numbers correspond to the Rafflecopter entries.
- All my titles are Young Adult.
- HINT: All characters are from books that I’ve rated 4 stars or higher (reviewed on ASR).
- Check out Phantasmic Reads for the adult author challenge with pictures 11-20!
dang girl that was actually kinda hard. I SUCK at scrambles. Haha. You nearly stumped me on a few of them. But phew! That was fun! Hope all the reading is going good!
<3333 Inky
WOW that was hard! But fun! Thanks.
[…] Make sure to check out Jessi’s YA Title Scramble HERE! […]
OMG that looks so fun! I’m going to try it soon even though I’m not part of the read a thon :D
Thanks for sharing, you two! <33
Whoa dude I can’t even get one of those titles I feel like such a bad unscrambler lol. It’s always been an issue unfortunately >.<
But fantastic post, Jessi! <33
I seriously SUCK at scrambles. This was so hard, but really fun too!
I am terrible at word scrambles! Good luck to all of you! I am loving all the books I’ve been reading!