Undersea Spotlight: Ashley at Wholly Books!

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on April 9, 2013 | 3 Comments

USSpotlight I started this feature here at ASR in order to know your fellow bloggers a little better! If you are interested in being featured please fill out the form.




Meet Ashley!
Hey y’all! My name is Ashley. I’m 24. Actually, I will most likely be 25 by the time this interview goes live (my birthday is April 5, if you were wondering). I’m from this itsy bitsy town in Alabama. I am an aspiring author with big dreams of having my book on a shelf one day. But until then I’ll settle for blogging about other people’s books. :)

[Jessi] Well, happy belated birthday!!


How long have you been blogging? What made you want to start a book blog?

My first review was published on August 3, 2011. I first learned about book bloggers through twitter. First, I followed the authors that I loved on there and it was through them I found out about book bloggers. After a while I read a book that I really loved and found myself wanting to share it with everyone. I had actually already created a blog but hadn’t really published anything on it. I was still unsure if I wanted to take that final leap and that gave me my extra push. It was The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan.

What do you do when you’re not blogging or reading?

If I’m not blogging or reading, I’m working or spending time with my 4 year old.

What is your favorite part about blogging? Least favorite?

Favorite: I love meeting other book lovers. It’s really exciting to get to talk to authors and to be able to share books I really love with others. Least Favorite: The amount of time it takes. When I first got started blogging I never would have dreamed it would be this time consuming.

Where did you come up with the name for your blog?

Oh, I love this question! I had this brilliant (and I use this term loosely) idea for the name of my blog. The inspiration was so brilliant in fact that no one gets it!

Anyway, here’s the story of how I came up with my blog name. Ever heard the saying Holy Cow? Well, I decided to do this whole play on words things and do Wholly Books! The idea is that the blog is wholly about books and there are so many books, people would go, Holy Cow!

Get it? Yeah, it sounded more brilliant at the time! Next question, please.

Do you have any specific book bloggers that inspire you?

I wouldn’t say that I have any blogs that necessarily inspire me but I do have several that I read regularly.

What do you look for in a blog when following? What are your pet peeves?

There are several things I look for. First, the site has to load quickly. I hate sites that have so much junk on it that it takes a million years to load. Second, the content has to be good. I really like reading discussion posts so if a site has a lot of those that is definitely a bonus. Third, I like neat clean designs.

My biggest pet peeve is drama. It seems like everywhere you look there is drama. I get so annoyed with it.

What’s your favorite book(s)?

That’s like asking me to pick my favorite child (which would actually be rather easy for me since I only have one kid so maybe that’s a bad example, lol). Seriously though, I guess my favorite books right now are Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Poison Princess, The Hunger Games, The Once and Future King, Pride and Prejudice, The Vampire Academy series, and I could go on and on.

Favorite author?

Again couldn’t pick just one…Lauren Oliver, Suzanne Collins, Richelle Mead, Cassandra Clare, & Julie Kagawa.

What is the biggest turn off for you when you’re reading a book?

I hate a lot of typos but really who doesn’t? Also, I was reading this book the other day and the author kept changing what names the characters were called. In one sentence they were called by their first name and in the next by their last. To make matters worse they all had weird names so it was near impossible to keep up with who was who.

What first draws you to a book to make you want to read it?

I’ll admit it, I do in fact judge a book by its cover.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Weird, Funny, Adventurous.

Name a random fact about yourself.

A small part of me believes that all of these paranormal creatures I read about (vampires, faeries, etc.) are real and a much larger part hopes.

Do you have a job? If so, what do you do?

Yes, I am a Case Manager.

What did you want to be when you were little? Has that changed?

I have this book that my grandmother got me when I was little and it had all these different things to fill out like what I wanted to be when I grew up and random things about me. I remember when I was in kindergarten I put I wanted to be an astronaut. Then I filled it in all the way through third grade because I just KNEW that I would never change my mind. Oh but I did….now I would love to be an author or literature teacher.


 Cats or dogs? 

 Favorite animal? 
Polar bears.

 White, dark, or milk chocolate? 
I love chocolate in all forms but my favorite is milk chocolate.

 Coke or Pepsi? 

 Favorite TV show? 
I have two: Grey’s Anatomy & The Vampire Diaries.

Gone with the Wind, Bridget Jones’s Diary, Ice Age.



Thanks for being here today, Ashley! It was great getting to know you! :)


Find Ashley:

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Jessi (Geo)

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3 responses to “Undersea Spotlight: Ashley at Wholly Books!

  1. Eileen Li

    Great interview, Jessi and Ashley! OMG I totally get your title now that’s actually genius! I’m not kidding I’m seriously like, “WHOAAA” right now.

    Also, I agree! The time it takes SUCKS so much sometimes, but I love the reward of getting to hug fellow book lovers and be like, “YOU’RE GET ME SO MUCH OMG WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?”

    Thanks for sharing! Must go onto Wholly Books now and stalk!

  2. Okay that name is down right ingenious. I mean seriously, WHOLLY BOOKS. And Jane, I love the tiny cow…MOOOOOOOO (is that what cows go? Is it more like a groan/grunt/moo?) okay… I’m just going to stop there. Thanks for sharing Jessi! Wholly Books sounds awesome, I love reading interviews! :D

  3. Ashley @ Wholly Books

    I’m so glad you think so! haha! Hope you enjoy your stalking! I certainly appreciate it! :)

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