Hello loverlies!
Introducing a brand new feature here at ASR: Nators Discuss! I will be co-hosting this feature with the fabulous Inky from Book Haven (aka my Nator Twin!) on the 2nd Saturday of every month. We’ll be doing awesome discussion posts on bookish topics such as: Love triangles, cliffhangers, book boyfriends, reading slumps, and more! Are you excited? I am!! :)
If there is anything you guys would like to see us discuss, feel free to make requests and give suggestions!
Look for this feature starting next month!
Want to suggest a topic? Feel free!

Fail Inky for not getting her post up. Gaah. I’ll have to do soon. r just send everybody here. Baha. Bu anyway, so excited for this!!!!! IT’S GONNA BE NATORIFIC!
Okay so I did end up writing a post. Will be up tomorrowsies!
GAHH INKY GET WITH IT!!! Hehee. Yours will probably drive more traffic because I feel like I only have like 12 people that actually read my blog now =/
THIS IS EXCITING! I saw you tweeting something about this, but I couldn’t quite figure out what you were planning! :D
Ooh I just was over at Hinky’s blog and saw this post and I’m so excited!!! This is going to be the highlight of my month guys. That’s how excited I am. You should totally talk about book boy teams and tell everyone why Jeb is so amazing ;D *Im looking at you Hinky*
Awesome idea guys!
NO! That would turn out into a full out bloody war haha :p
I like the way you think Leen Machine.
BAHA. Oh gosh that face reminds me of a frog………And Morpheous. *runs away before battle ensues*
I can’t wait! :D
Looking forward to seeing what y’all come up with! :)
Molli | Once Upon a Prologue
Loooove this! :D I can’t wait to see what you two come up with. :)
Thanks everyone! I love you guys!!! <333