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My name is Melissa and I’m 30 years old. I was actually rather excited to turn 30 this year, and leave my 20s behind. Perhaps with age comes wisdom? I was born and raised in Victoria, on the West Coast of British Columbia (that’s in Canada!) and I now live in Vancouver.
How long have you been blogging? What made you want to start a book blog?
I started my blog in August 2011 as part of a course requirement for a class that I was taking. When the course finished, I was enjoying the world of blogging so much that I just kept going!
What do you do when you’re not blogging or reading?
I work full-time in a busy property management company as an administrative assistant. In my free time, I enjoy going to the gym, swimming, yoga, watching movies, listening to music and spending time with those that matter most to me in this world.
What is your favorite part about blogging? Least favorite?
I’ve really enjoyed meeting new people through blogging and friends from all over the world! When I first started blogging, I felt a certain amount of pressure (which was completely self-driven, I realized) to maximize my number of followers and get my blog out there in the world. Now, I’ve come to the understanding that I’m doing this for myself, and myself only. If other people happen to stumble across my reviews and enjoy what they’ve read, then that’s just an added bonus. By coming to this realization, blogging has become a lot more fun, since I’m not so worried about how often I’m posting, or how many comments I have.
Where did you come up with the name for your blog?
In university, I majored in Women’s Studies and, in one course, we were learning about Riot Grrls (which I think was a band, but I’ve forgotten now). I loved the “grrl” — feminine, but a little edgier. I’ve always been a writer (most for myself in journal format, but I do aspire to write a book one of these days), plus I’m an avid reader. Put ’em all together and you have Writer Grrl Reads!
Do you have any specific book bloggers that inspire you?
When I first started blogging, I met up with Evie at
Bookish (shortly before she moved away – sob!) She’s truly an amazing woman and gave me tons of fantastic advice and support. Other bloggers that I admire include Lea at
LC’s Adventures in Libraryland and Jamie at
The Perpetual Page Turner. I’ve been reading these two blogs since before I started my own blog, and I love the way these ladies write. I’ve read, and loved, many books based on their recommendations! And a special shout-out has to go to Jenny at the (now not in existence)
Into the Morning Reads, for being such an invaluable friend.
What do you look for in a blog when following? What are your pet peeves?
The writing style makes a huge impact on me. I’m fine with the occasional typo (I understand that it’s easy to lose track of basic things when you’re angrily or ecstatically pouring your heart out about a book), but I definitely won’t read a blog when the blogger has no sense of grammar or spelling. Or text talk (u r instead of you’re, for example) — shudder.
[Jessi] Same here! I’m a bit of a grammar Nazi. >.>
What’s your favorite book(s)?
I can’t pick just one! That’s just mean! I will, however, provide a link to the 100+ books on my Goodreads’ favourites shelf: Click
Favorite author?
Again, so hard to pick just one! I love so many writers’ work, but I have loved each and every book that Sarah Dessen has ever written.
What is the biggest turn off for you when you’re reading a book?
I’m starting to develop a distaste for love triangles. At first, they were intriguing and added to the plot, but now it just seems like it’s a staple in each and every book I read. Can we come up with something a little more unique? I rejoice whenever I read a book that doesn’t have a love triangle =)
What first draws you to a book to make you want to read it?
A combination of factors. I’ll admit that I’m a sucker for a pretty cover, and have picked up many books based on cover alone. I will also pick up a book based on a positive review by a blogger that I trust. If we share the same reading tastes, then it’s almost a guaranteed great read.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Positive, shy and sensitive.
Name a random fact about yourself.
By the time this post goes live, I will have a baby! I’m so excited for being a mother, not to mention the fact that I’ll be able to relive all of my favourite books again through my child’s eyes.
Do you have a job? If so, what do you do?
Yup, administrative assistant at a property management company, although I’m currently on maternity leave.
What did you want to be when you were little? Has that changed?
When I was in Grade 3, I wanted to be a librarian. Then, I discovered that librarian’s don’t just read all day, so I decided to be a writer. Then, I found out that it’s really hard to get published, so I decided to be a journalist so that I could be paid to write. Then, I wasn’t enjoying the journalism program in university, so I decided to go into teaching. After a disastrous practicum experience, I dropped out and started working at my current job. I missed being in school, so I enrolled in a flexible online program to be a library technician. Funny how life comes full circle, isn’t it? I don’t regret any of the decisions that I made along the way, since they’ve made me who I am today, but it’s just funny to look back and realize that my 8 year old self really had life figured out!
Cats or dogs?
CATS! I used to be a dog person (since I had a dog growing up) but I fell in love with my then-boyfriend, now-husband’s cat when we met and he converted me. After we had to put him down last year, there was such a hole in our lives so we adopted our new fur baby, Romeo, who’s a tuxedo cat and just the coolest cat in the ‘hood.
White, dark, or milk chocolate?
Milk chocolate, but only if it’s GOOD chocolate. I’m a bit of a chocolate snob =) I do enjoy dark chocolate on occasion, but as long as it’s not that 85% cocoa stuff that’s super bitter.
Coke or Pepsi?
Neither, I’m not a pop drinker at all. Can’t stand the fizzy stuff!
Favorite TV show?
At the moment, I’m loving Once Upon a Time, Game of Thrones and Nip/Tuck.
It’s hard to pick just one, but I’ll be a typical girl and go with The Notebook. But that’s only because I love Ryan Gosling, and have since I first saw him on Breaker High.
Either purple or blue.
Thanks for being here today, Melissa! It was fantastic getting to know you :)
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