I started this feature here at ASR in order to know your fellow bloggers a little better! If you are interested in being featured please fill out the form.

Meet Lexxie!
How long have you been blogging? What made you want to start a book blog?
I started blogging on June 2nd 2012 – I loved reading other people’s blogs, and just asked myself – why not me? I read lots of books, and I used to write reviews on Goodreads, so having my own blog was the next logical step.
What do you do when you’re not blogging or reading?
I take care of my four children, and I have also gone back to study at the university – so I’m usually pretty busy :) I also love traveling.
What is your favorite part about blogging? Least favorite?
Sharing my love for books and reading with other bloggers, getting to know more bookish people, as most of my friends in real life aren’t really big on reading is my favorite. My least favorite is to try to make a schedule and stick to it :( I have so many schedules to keep track of, but I know that if I don’t keep at least a partial schedule for my blog, I’ll end up posting five reviews one week and only one the next…
Where did you come up with the name for your blog?
I thought I should try to be a little original, but to have something about books and reviews in the name, and since I feel that I’m not always very conventional – voilà! (un)Conventional Bookviews was born :)
Do you have any specific book bloggers that inspire you?
What do you look for in a blog when following? What are your pet peeves?
Someone who is original, who has a voice I like reading in. I don’t really have any pet-peeves, I follow blogs that are very different, and they all make me happy.
What’s your favorite book(s)?
Favorite author?
Again, far too many to mention! I read stuff that’s all over the place – romance, science fiction, classics, paranormal, fantasy etc, and it would really be difficult to only choose one or two.
What is the biggest turn off for you when you’re reading a book?
What first draws you to a book to make you want to read it?
These days, I usually pick a book by one of the authors I really love. But sometimes, a blurb that sounds intriguing, with a different premise will be able to reel me in without much difficulty.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Fun, loving, and (a little) crazy.
Name a random fact about yourself.
I love learning languages!
Do you have a job? If so, what do you do?
I used to be an accountant, with my degree, I hope to be a teacher.
What did you want to be when you were little? Has that changed?
Actually, I wanted to be a teacher, and now, finally, I’m on my way to becoming one :)
Cats or dogs?
Favorite animal?
Dolphins and koalas.
White, dark, or milk chocolate?
Coke or Pepsi?
Favorite TV show?
Beautiful Life.
Purple – in all possible shades.
Thanks for being here today, Lexxie! It was great getting to know you! :)
Find Lexxie:
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Hi Jessi :) Thanks so much for having me today! It’s kind of strange to read my own interview, and at the same time it’s pretty awesome :)
Happy reading!
Enjoyed reading the interview! You’re one of the friendliest bloggers I know :)
I didn’t realize you’re 42 with 4 kids! You sound so young whenever we talk :)
Hi Goldie :) Thanks! I am going to take that as a compliment! And I think the kids help me stay young. Also, going to Uni with mostly 20-somethings keeps me in the loop about a lot of things!
HII!!!! Happy almost one-year blogoversary!! That must be so exciting, hitting the one year mark! OMG I love purple too, and I seriously love your blog title I think it’s pretty awesome and totally catchy! I also really hate love triangles, but I like them if they’re done right. Otherwise it’s just a weird plot device randomly thrown in and I’m like “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE GET OUT *shuns*”
Eek it was nice meeting you, Lexxie! *runs off to stalk your blog*
Hi Eileen :) Nice to meet you too! And yes, it is pretty strange to think that I’ve already been blogging for a year – it feels like yesterday that I came up with the name and signed up on blogger :D
YAY Lexxie :D Glad to see you highlighted here. I love this spotlight that Jessi does – the interview questions are wonderful. Love that you put that you are (a little) crazy LOL and was wondering what all languages you know? Also purple is the best :D Jaclyn @ JC’s Book Haven.
Hmm languages Norwegian is my mother tongue, and I speak (and write) both English and French fluently. I can more or less get by in Spanish, and I can order food (and wine) in Italian ;)
I’m so jealous! I learned some Spanish in high school, but haven’t used it much since so I only know some words like various colors and foods. I think its so great that you know them. I have a lot of respect for people that learn a lot of different languages. I do know some sign language also, but mainly the alphabet.
You know, not many people (outside of Norway, at least) speak Norwegian :) So we start learning English in 1st grade, then we can choose between French and German a little later. I studied languages in high school. I have always loved getting to know new people, and even just a tiny bit in someone’s language helps bring some barriers down :)
Awesome interview guys, what’s the difference between Coke and Pepsi? O.o I always thought they were the same thing, hah. Your crazy? Join the club. *fist pump*