Series: Paranormalcy #3
Published by HarperTeen (7.24.2012)
Genres: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult
Format: Hardcover, 385 pages
Source: Library
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Evie's paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director at the International Paranormal Containment Agency wants to drag her back to headquarters. The Dark Faerie Queen is torturing humans in her poisonous realm. And supernatural creatures keep insisting that Evie is the only one who can save them from a mysterious, perilous fate.
The clock is ticking on the entire paranormal world. And its fate rests solely in Evie's hands.
So much for normal.
My thoughts
There was no change in my feelings for the minor characters – I still loved them! I even started to like Reth. Yes, the psycho manipulative faery. Even him! Although I didn’t particularly trust him, he really grew on me. I think Arianna and Vivian were my favorites, though. In fact, I kind of loved Vivian. It wasn’t her fault she was once a crazed killer (blame it on the faeries), and she completely made up for it in the end. Carlee was pretty cool, too. I even liked Jack, the incorrigible little pain in the ass.
The ending wrapped things up nicely (although it still left room for another book) and brought the trilogy together. The ending was bittersweet, and yes, I got a little teary-eyed!
“How did you get a driver’s license?”
“What’s a driver’s license?” Kari answered, before peeling out into the middle of the street.
Oh, bleep.
I pulled my hand back to punch her. “What are you-” she started, when her eyes went wide and she collapsed on the ground, revealing Tasey in the hands of Jack.
“Hey-oh, did you miss me?” he asked.
Since my hand was already pulled back, I went ahead and punched Jack.
Alright, so maybe Evie did still have the occasional kick ass moment. :D
“Fabulous,” Jack said, reaching down and plucking a crimson flower. A small scream sounded from it as he severed the stem. He smiled maliciously, then started stomping with abandon through the beds of blossoms, a chorus of tinny, shrill screams punctuating every step.
Oh, Jack.

OOoh nice! I still have to read this one still! Can’t remember much of the past books, but hopefully it will all come back together once I read this one–whenever that may be!
Great review!
I cant wait to read this one :) I have followed this since it started and I cannot wait to see how things end! :D
Great review :) xoxo
Wow, even Reth? :p I’m wondering what he did then. I’m sorry to hear that kick-ass Evie doesn’t return, but I’m definitely looking forward to read this one :) Lovely review.