Author: Jessi (Geo)

Meet Geo’s four legged friends!

Meet Geo’s four legged friends!
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on October 25, 2011 | 1 Comment

.:Gizmo:. Nickname: GizzyQuirks: Eats plastic (it scares the crap out of me!)             Has a strange obsession with being under fabric and will scratch at it earnestly in an attempt to do so             Also likes to scratch at doors to get in            When I call for him he makes the cutest high-pitched meowing sound and comes runningWhere I got him: Jack’s Aquarium. It was love […]


Getting to know me – 101 Things I hate

Getting to know me – 101 Things I hate
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on October 24, 2011 | 2 Comments

1. The word ‘hate’ 2. Rain (when it’s cold) 3. The smell of rain 4. Winter 5. The color orange 6. The scent of orange 7. Basically…everything about oranges 8. When someone leaves ONE FREAKING OREO left in the package. This goes for much more than cookies 9. Bad grammar 10. Misspelling 11. TyPinG liKe tHiS 12. Books or movies out of alphabetical order 13. Cleaning 14. Slow people, particularly on the road 15. Bad drivers 16. Stupid questions 17. […]


Getting to know me – 101 Things I love

Getting to know me – 101 Things I love
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on October 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

(In no particular order) 1. Little fluffy kittens 2. Reading, as you know 3. Sunshine 4. The beach 5. The sound of steel drums 6. My mommy 7. My daddy 8. Rum cake (thanks grandma haha) 9. My grandma 10. Rain (if it’s warm) 11. The number 11 12. Music 13. Mountain Dew 14. Leopard print 15. My cats 16. Bread 17. Lists 18. Sharpie markers 19. Peanut Butter (preferably JIF) 20. Spotty bananas 21. Buying books 22. Cool Water cologne […]


Books made into movies and my thoughts on them

Books made into movies and my thoughts on them
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on October 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

  1. The Twilight Saga       My thoughts: The movies are nothing compared to the books. And I just want to say… I can’t stand Kristen Stewart. I was very disappointed in their pick for Bella, but oh well. Anyway, now Twilight is some little fan girl craze and the sad part is, most of them probably haven’t even read the books. They’re just obsessed with Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner (okay I admit it, he’s sexy as […]


Review: Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning

Review: Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on October 24, 2011 | 1 Comment

This is hands down my favorite series. The entire saga is just incredibly written with so many twists and turns and dark secrets. I love the world that Karen paints with brilliant and masterful words! I just read this one again so I am writing this review now. When I finish my library books, I’ll start back up with the re-reading the rest of the series and review those too. Reading this for the second time was almost as thrilling […]


Books I’ve started and haven’t finished

Books I’ve started and haven’t finished
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on October 23, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is a good way for me to keep track. I’ll add books as I think of them.I have mild ADD at times and it’s pretty hard to keep my attention so there are quite a few books I’ve not finished. I’ll start with the most recent… White Cat by Holly Black Reason: Okay let’s be honest here, the cover was really the only thing attracted me to this book. It sounds like kind of a mobster type story which […]
